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Throughout a journey in Spain during 1930, Le Corbusier was impressed by the local spontaneous architecture, whose volumetric and geometrical lines merged later in his design production. Since that time, the rural architecture has been... more
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Cilento is constituted by a complex and diversity type of landscapes, a wealth of historical and architectural as well as landscape and pristine environment. The difficulty of crossing, represented by the communication routes that... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Landscapes
The paper wants to analyze, through the study of the shape and evolution of Salerno’s historical port, the possibilities of development and growth of the city characterized by the construction of new touristic port of Marina d’ Arechi.... more
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      Urban StudiesCultural Heritage and Preservation
La volontà del regime fascista di recuperare e valorizzare le testimonianze materiali delle epoche d’oro romane rendendo visibile la magnificenza della tradizione architettonica italiana attraverso pratiche di “isolamento” e “liberazione”... more
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      Cultural Heritage ConservationArcheologiaStoria UrbanaConservazione e restauro
Cilento is constituted by a complex and diversity type of landscapes, a wealth of historical and architectural as well as landscape and pristine environment. The difficulty of crossing, represented by the communication routes that unravel... more
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      Landscape HistoryVernacular ArchitectureArchitectural Preservation & RestorationStoria Cilento
Located in the heart of the greek-Roman plant of the historical center of Naples, one the most interesting Unesco site in Italy, the churches of San Biagio dei Librai and San Gennaro all' Olmo represents both for their artistic features... more
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      Heritage ConservationScience for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
zione in Beni architettonici e del Paesaggio e realizzata con il contributo dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
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IX Convegno internazionale-Napoli, 22-24 ottobre 2020 Call for papers LA CITTÀ PALINSESTO Tracce, sguardi e narrazioni sulla complessità dei contesti urbani storici André Corboz utilizzò il termine palinsesto per proporre un'efficace... more
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      HistoryTourism StudiesArt HistoryUrban History
The village and the castle of Terracorpo in Marzano Appio, located on a hill in the Regional Park of Roccamorfina, represent a paradigmatic case of a minor historic center in process of depopulation, which identifies a potential for... more
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Lo studio del complesso di San Tommaso in Formis a Roma, condotto da Bruno Maria Apollonj Ghetti negli anni Cinquanta del Novecento, costituisce un caso, seppur ancora inedito, di fondamentale importanza nell’evoluzione della disciplina... more
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The paper illustrate through the case of the of the INAIL building in Messina, the relationship between the general criteria that lead the restoration of the built heritage and direct experiences, highlighting the path of analysis and... more
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      Conservazione e restauroRestauroRestauro Architettonico
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      Restauro urbanoRestauro architettonico e urbano
editor luigi coiro art director enrica d'aguanno graphic design franco grieco on the cover Luigi Bazzani Via dell'Abbondanza and façade of Insula IX 1 (Casa di Epidio Rufo) 1896, watercolour on paper London, Victoria & Albert Museum on... more
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      Cultural HeritagePompeiiConservazione e restauro
coordinamento editoriale maria sapio redazione paola rivazio art director enrica d'aguanno impaginazione franco grieco rivista semestrale anno V, numeri 8-10 gennaio 2016-giugno 2017 autorizzazione del tribunale di napoli n. 80 del 27... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationRestauro
Le immagini che accompagnano l'inizio di ciascun capitolo sono state gentilmente concesse
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      Restauro urbanoGustavo GiovannoniRestauro architettonico e urbano
‘L’arte del costruire’ in Palazzo Penne. Conoscenza, costruzione e restauro
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      Cultural HeritageConservazione e restauro
Even though virtual archaeology has assumed an educational role, in no way it can be compared with the excitement of the visit to an archaeological site. Our project proposes an innovative exhibition in situ of some archeological goods... more
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      Cultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementVirtual Archeology
Even though virtual archaeology has assumed an educational role, in no way it can be compared with the excitement of the visit to an archaeological site. Our project proposes an innovative exhibition in situ of some archeological goods... more
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      Computer ScienceCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ManagementVirtual Archeology
Il processo di programmazione dei fondi europei 2014-20 è in via di conclusione; esso vede coinvolti tutti i livelli istituzionali – l’Europa, gli Stati membri, le Regioni - in un processo interattivo e iterativo. Dopo la definizione di... more
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