Papers by Darko Stojanović
The aim of this research was to present the effects of an experimental program including physical... more The aim of this research was to present the effects of an experimental program including physical education classes among children aged 10-11. The experimental treatment lasted from March 1, 2010 to March 1, 2011, was realized in 16 elementary schools in the Republic of Srpska/B-H, and included the volunteer work of 20 physical education professors with no previous work experience with fourth and fifth grade students, that is, teachers, who in accordance with the law carry out the prescribed work with the aforementioned age group. The program included 1558 male and female students from city and suburb areas, 1213 of whom made up the experimental, and 345 the control group. All of the participants were tested using the ''EUROFIT'' battery of tests. Seven variables from the area of motor skills were analyzed. The program was approved by the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Srpska, and was realized in accordance with the national curriculum with the help of these two ministries,
In order to determine the effects of the "School on the Move" program on the postural s... more In order to determine the effects of the "School on the Move" program on the postural status of students, a survey was conducted on a sample of 22 younger school age students of both sexes for the duration of one school semester. Students were given lectures on ergonomic risk and ways of reducing ergonomic risk factors, and a number of posters and flyers with proper lifting, bag-wearing and sitting techniques were distributed. The "School on the Move" ergonomic program encouraged students to move freely on their chair or to stand up and stretch when they experienced discomfort/pain, or perform a few brief stretching exercises while sitting on their chair. The postural status of the spine was assessed in the sagittal and frontal plane (thoracic and lumbar scoliosis, kyphosis and lordosis) by the "Spinal mouse" instrument (Quantum Health and Wellness Ltd, Wallasay, England). A repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical data processing. The results s...
Sa ciljem da se utvrde efekti programa „Škola u pokretu“ na posturalni status učenika, sprovedeno... more Sa ciljem da se utvrde efekti programa „Škola u pokretu“ na posturalni status učenika, sprovedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 22 učenika mlađeg školskog uzrasta oba pola u trajanju jednog školskog polugođa. Učenicima su bila održana predavanja o ergonomskom riziku i načinima za smanjenje ergonomskih faktora rizika i distribuiran je određeni broj postera i flajera sa predstavljenim ispravnim tehnikama podizanja i nošenja školske torbe/ranca i ispravnog načina sedenja. Ergonomski program „Škola u pokretu“ podrazumevao je ohrabrivanje učenika da se slobodno pokreću na stolici ili da ustanu i istegnu se tokom časova kada osete nelagodnost/bol i uz nekoliko kratkih vežbi istezanja, za vreme sedenja na stolici. Posturalni status kičmenog stuba je procenjen u sagitalnoj i frontalnoj ravni (torakalna i lumbalna skolioza, kifoza i lordoza) instrumentom „Spinal mouse“ (Quantum Health and Wellness Ltd, Wallasay, England). Za statističku obradu podataka primenjena je analiza varijanse za ponov...
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The purpose of this experimental study was to determine the effects of a skill-based exercise pro... more The purpose of this experimental study was to determine the effects of a skill-based exercise program on the body composition of adolescents. The study was conducted on 90 participants, (age, 13±6 years), divided by gender then randomly assigned into two sub-samples: the experimental [SS1, N=39 (EG1, 19 girls and EG2, 20 boys)] and the control group [SS2, N=51 (CG1, 24 girls and CG2, 27 boys)]. Body composition parameters were assessed by a caliper (skinfold thickness) and bioelectrical impedance analyzer Omron BF511 (percentage of body fat tissue and muscle tissue). After conducting the 16-week program of skill-based exercises and small-sided games (SSG) related to volleyball, certain body composition parameters statistically significantly increased in the experimental groups (except body fat percent in girls, and body fat mass in both genders). In the experimental period, the SS2 increased in body fat tissue (both genders) and in muscle tissue (girls), while a decrease in muscle t...
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije
Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija Sažetak. Osnovni cilj istraživa... more Fakultet sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, Univerzitet u Nišu, Srbija Sažetak. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u telesnoj kompoziciji i motoričkim sposobnostima izmeĎu sinhronih plivačica i devojčica koje se ne bave sportom. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je ukupno 37 devojčica, od toga 16 koje se aktivno bave sinhronim plivanjem i 21 koje se ne bave sportom, uzrasta od 12 do 14 godina. Antropometrijske karakteristike ispitanica su procenjivane sledećim merama: Body Height (BH) (cm); Body Mass (BM) (kg); Body Mass Index (BMI) (kg/m2). Telesna kompozicija je procenjivana pomoću mera: Triceps skinfold (TRI) (mm); Biceps skinfold (BIC) (mm); Subscapular skinfold (SUB) (mm); Abdominal Skinfold (ABD) (mm); Calf Skinfold (CALF) (mm); Sum of five skinfolds (SUM5) (mm); Body Fat Percent (BF%) (%); Muscle Mass Percent (MM%) (%). Motoričke sposobnosti su procenjivane primenom tri testa iz baterije Eurofit: za procenu fleksibilnostiduboki pretklon u sedu (FLEX) (cm); za procenu statičke snagestisak šake (HGRIP) (N); za procenu mišićne izdržljivostiizdržaj u zgibu (BAH) (sec.). Primenom analize varijanse u telesnoj kompoziciji utvrĎena je statistički značajna razlika samo kod varijable kožni nabor trbuha (p=0.014) u korist devojčica koje se bave sinhronim plivanjem, dok je u prostoru motoričkih sposobnosti utvrĎena razlika u svim varijablama: stisak šake, izdržaj u zgibu i duboki pretklon (p=0.000), takoĎe u korist sinhronih plivačica. Aktivno bavljenje sportskim aktivnostima kao što je sinhrono plivanje, u ovom uzrastu može doprineti ujednačenoj raspodeli masnog tkiva u organizmu, kao i razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti koje su najviše zastupljene u trenažnom procesu sinhronog plivanja.
Osnovni zadatak predškolskih ustanova je da daju optimalni doprinos telesnom rastu i razvoju dece... more Osnovni zadatak predškolskih ustanova je da daju optimalni doprinos telesnom rastu i razvoju dece, razvoju njihovih motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti, kao i osposobljavanju za življenje i stvaralački rad u zajednici (Bala, Popović i Madić, 2005). Ispitivanjem morfoloških karateristika dobijamo primarnu informaciju o somatskom statusu čoveka, koji je određen antropometrijskim dimenzijama. Pitanje je pod kojim su uticajem te dimenzije dodatno razvijene (npr. fizičkih aktivnosti ili drugih ekosocijalnih činioca). Antropometrijske karakteristike se razlikuju u odnosu na pol, uzrast i genetičko-ekosocijalne uslove (Gajev, 2009). Rast i razvoj dece je pod velikim uticajem genetskih i faktora sredine u kojoj se razvijaju i rastu. Spoljašni faktori su značajni, kako bi se postigao genetski maksimum poligenske šeme rasta. Uticaj spoljašnjih faktora (sredine) je u predškolskom uzrastu veći u odnosu na naredne periode rasta i razvoja. Od spoljašnjih faktora socijalni status roditelja je od velikog uticaja za optimalan rast i razvoj deteta. Spontani i organizavani oblici fizičkih aktivnosti u predškolskom uzrastu su značajni, kako sa motoričkog, tako i sa umnog i funkcionalnog aspekta razvoja. U ovoj fazi je neophodno da fizičke aktivnosti budu odgovarajućeg intenziteta, prilagođene uzrastu i fizičkim sposobnostima, kako kalendarskoj, tako i biološkoj starosti dece (Đurašković, 2009). U ovom uzrastu godišnji priraštaj visine i ostalih antropometrijskih pokazatelja dece nije tako izražen, te se može reći da je dete u relativno stabilnoj fazi rasta i razvoja (Đorđić, Bala,
Human growth and development are under the influence of both genetic and environmental factors. L... more Human growth and development are under the influence of both genetic and environmental factors. Longitudinal and transversal dimensions of skeleton are, to a large extent, genetically determined contrary to circular dimensions, body weight and skin fold. The aim of this research was to determine developmental differences between the girls from Vranje and Užice. This research was conducted in kindergartens of Vranje and Užice. The sample comprised 136 girls, 72 of whom were 5 (+ eight months) years of age from Užice, and 64 of whom were 5 (+ seven months) years of age from Vranje. We used standardized instruments to measure the anthropometric characteristics, according to the methodology recommended by the International Biological Program (Weiner & Lourie, 1981). The average height of the girls from Vranje is 118, 6±5, 37 cm, and of the girls from Užice 119, 4±5, 46 cm. The girls from Užice were taller than those from Vranje, but the difference in height is not statistically significant. The results have shown that there is statistically significant difference in leg length. The average leg length of the girls from Vranje is 63,2±4,55cm, and those from Užice 64,7±3,96 cm. The girls from Vranje have greater pelvic width than the girls from Užice, which is statistically significant. We have not observed statistically significant differences concerning other measured anthropometric variables.
Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport
The purpose of this experimental study was to determine the effects of a skill-based exercise pro... more The purpose of this experimental study was to determine the effects of a skill-based exercise program on the body composition of adolescents. The study was conducted on 90 participants, (age, 13±6 years), divided by gender then randomly assigned into two sub-samples: the experimental [SS1, N=39 (EG1, 19 girls and EG2, 20 boys)] and the control group [SS2, N=51 (CG1, 24 girls and CG2, 27 boys)]. Body composition parameters were assessed by a caliper (skinfold thickness) and bioelectrical impedance analyzer Omron BF511 (percentage of body fat tissue and muscle tissue). After conducting the 16-week program of skill-based exercises and small-sided games (SSG) related to volleyball, certain body composition parameters statistically significantly increased in the experimental groups (except body fat percent in girls, and body fat mass in both genders). In the experimental period, the SS2 increased in body fat tissue (both genders) and in muscle tissue (girls), while a decrease in muscle t...
Introduction: Very few scientists have studied the influence of rehabilitation exercises on reduc... more Introduction: Very few scientists have studied the influence of rehabilitation exercises on reducing the risks of musculo-skeletal disorder incidence (MSD). Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of these exercise programs on the prevention of and decrease in the risk of MSD development among schoolchildren. A special ergonomic program is based on the education of schoolchildren on ergonomic risks and their prevention by means of specific exercises with a Pilates ball for each recognized MSD, with the assumption that its sixteen-week application will significantly influence the risk of MSD incidence. Methods: The overall sample consisted of 55 students whose chronological age was 11, of both sexes, who were divided into two sub-samples: the experimental group (EG) of 28 students and the control group (CG) of 27 students. The Spinal Mouse and the appropriate program support was used for the evaluation of muscular-skeletal disorders of the spine in the sagittal and frontal parts (kyphosis, lordosis, thoracic scoliosis). Results and Discussion: The results, following the experimental program, have shown significantly lowered values of the kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curve in the experimental group (EG), whereas the condition of the control group (CG) deteriorated, however, not with any statistical significance. As for lordosis, there were no significant changes in either group during the experimental treatment. A variance analysis showed that exercises with a Pilates ball program had statistically significant effects on decreasing MSDs with kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curves but with no significant effects on lordosis as
Scoring points in volleyball is possible if the plays are performed precisely, and in accordance ... more Scoring points in volleyball is possible if the plays are performed precisely, and in accordance with the characteristics of the set goals and tasks, which could be performed on all three planes. That is why volleyball precision is characterized as a very delicate feature, for which one needs to possess a good kinesthetic sense, a good evaluation of the parameters of the goal, movement control and coordination. Therein lies the subject matter of this paper, which refers to the evaluation of the infl uence of coordination on the precision of forearm passing in volleyball, as a signifi cant factor of effectiveness in the game of volleyball. It was determined that there is a statistically signifi cant infl uence of coordination skills on the precision of passing the ball with the bump, where the common variance of coordination and precision of forearm passing is moderately high. The hypotheses in this research were confi rmed, and the motor skill of precision can be isolated as a special phenomenon and interpreted as a factor of success in the technicaltactical structures of volleyball.
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2013
Glasnik Antropoloskog drustva Srbije, 2014
Scoring points in volleyball is possible if the plays are performed precisely, and in accordance ... more Scoring points in volleyball is possible if the plays are performed precisely, and in accordance with the characteristics of the set goals and tasks, which could be performed on all three planes. That is why volleyball precision is characterized as a very delicate feature, for which one needs to possess a good kinesthetic sense, a good evaluation of the parameters of the goal, movement control and coordination. Therein lies the subject matter of this paper, which refers to the evaluation of the infl uence of coordination on the precision of forearm passing in volleyball, as a signifi cant factor of effectiveness in the game of volleyball. It was determined that there is a statistically signifi cant infl uence of coordination skills on the precision of passing the ball with the bump, where the common variance of coordination and precision of forearm passing is moderately high. The hypotheses in this research were confi rmed, and the motor skill of precision can be isolated as a special phenomenon and interpreted as a factor of success in the technicaltactical structures of volleyball.
Papers by Darko Stojanović