Papers by Carla Del Zotto
Atti del XXIX Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Filologia germanica a cura di F. Ferrari... more Atti del XXIX Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Filologia germanica a cura di F. Ferrari-M.Bamp
A critical edition, along with an Italian translation, notes, and a commentary of the mythologica... more A critical edition, along with an Italian translation, notes, and a commentary of the mythological poem "The Lay of Hymir" (Hymiskvidha)
This book provides a new edition – and the first to appear in Italy– of the Middle High German ep... more This book provides a new edition – and the first to appear in Italy– of the Middle High German epic Reinhart Fuchs written by Heinrich the Hypocrite . The introduction focuses on the influence of French and Latin literature on the Germanic beast epic between the X-XIII centuries and shows the originality of the German poet. After contextualizing Reinhart Fuchs among other poems written in Latin (Ligurinus, Archipoeta),Carla Del Zotto suggests a new etymology for the name Pendin as derived from the treatise Pantegni by Constantinus Africanus
La menzione di Iside nella Germania di Tacito è stata accostata al ritrovamento nell'area del... more La menzione di Iside nella Germania di Tacito è stata accostata al ritrovamento nell'area del Mare del Nord di numerose iscrizioni e are votive dedicate a Nehalennia, databili per lo più al II e III secolo. Nehalennia, probabile adattamento latino di un nome celtico o germanico, è raffigurata con attributi comuni anche a Iside e il suo culto richiama principalmente quello delle matronae, dispensatrici di fecondità e protezione. L’articolo prende in esame l'interpretazione della dea come ipostasi di una divinità infera e la possibilità di collegarla alla Nerthus venerata dai Suebi, e di conseguenza agli dèi Vani. Il suo culto sarebbe pertanto di origine autoctona
This article attempts to investigate the relevance of Latin scholarship and Christianization to I... more This article attempts to investigate the relevance of Latin scholarship and Christianization to Icelandic literature. Iceland’s outstanding production of sagas and poems in the Middle Ages may well be considered as the result of a literacy brought to the island by the first missionary bishops and later enhanced by the religious houses. Hagiographical features and a clerical approach are in fact apparent in historical and narrative works of Icelandic vernacular literature
![Research paper thumbnail of Dalla Scandinavia ai luoghi santi nel medioevo](
L’articolo prende in esame testi e iscrizioni di area scandinava sull’esperienza dei pellegrinagg... more L’articolo prende in esame testi e iscrizioni di area scandinava sull’esperienza dei pellegrinaggi nei secoli XI-XIV. Saghe, epigrafi commemorative, cronache, mettono in luce un grande interesse per i viaggi a sud, non solo a Roma, ma anche a est, fino al Califfato arabo, e a ovest nei santuari di Francia e Spagna. La diversa tipologia letteraria riflette altresi motivazioni differenti del viaggiatore nordico: interesse per luoghi esotici, desiderio di conquista di ricchezze e onori, volonta di espiazione e afflato religioso. The article examines texts and inscriptions from the Scandinavian area on the experience of pilgrimages in the 11th-14th centuries. Sagas, commemorative epigraphs, chronicles, highlight a great interest for travel in the south, not only in Rome, but also in the east, up to the Arab Caliphate, and in the west in the sanctuaries of France and Spain. The different literary typology of the sources also reflects different motivations of the Nordic traveler: interest...
Testi cosmografici, geografici e odeporici del medioevo germanico, 2005
![Research paper thumbnail of I nomi degli animali nella Tierdichtung germanica](
Il Nome Nel Testo, Dec 1, 2006
The Latin poem Ysengrimus of c. 1050, traditionally attributed to Magister Nivard of Ghent, repre... more The Latin poem Ysengrimus of c. 1050, traditionally attributed to Magister Nivard of Ghent, represents the first literary appearance of animal characters, depicted in anthropomorphic guise as protagonists of a violent satire on monasticism. In contrast with the earlier Aesopic tradition and works such as Ecbasis cuiusdam captivi per tropologiam and Metrum Leonis, in Ysengrimus the anthropomorphic representation of the animals includes their individualization by means of personal names. This onomastic tradition continues in European vernacular beast-poetry in the Middle Ages. Particularly in Germanic languages, initially with Reinhart Fuchs in Middle High German, then Von den Vos Reynaerde in Middle Dutch, and later Reinke de Vos in Low German, from which Goethe would draw inspiration for his Reineke Fuchs, an extensive development of beast onomastics can be seen in the presentation of the adventures of the original Ysengrimus and Reinardus. In these works, the character names are to a great extent "talking names" and are variously adapted according to the satirical, humorous or moral object of the tale. In this process it is possible to trace in the Germanic Tierdichtung the limits of a changeable influence of the French Roman de Renart, and at the same time to follow the original path of the "translator" in revising a subject which would later be defined by Goethe as "yesterday's and today's profane Bible".
Studi Nordici, 2011
La conversione dell'Islanda medievale e la nascita della storiografia islandese
Studi E Materiali Di Storia Delle Religioni, 2010
![Research paper thumbnail of La predicazione in volgare nell'Inghilterra anglosassone e normanna: Aeltric e Orm](
Antonianum, 1994
In the historical development of the vernacular homiletics in England one of the most outstanding... more In the historical development of the vernacular homiletics in England one of the most outstanding personality is the Benedictine Aelfric not only for the elegance of his rythmical prose but also for the copiusness of his writings. Recalling King Alfred's programme for the revival of learning Aelfric writes several works for the religious teaching of the laity, providing with his 120 homilies an extensive guidance for preaching for the monks, who did not know Latin well. Although orthodoxy was Aelfric's main concern his Sermo De sacrificio in die Pascae was first published in 1567 by the Anglican archbishop Matthew Parker assuming to supply an ancient evidence against the doctrine of transubstantiation. After Aelfric the exegetical tradition and the vernacular homily were continued two hundreds years later by the Augustinian Orm. The extant 10.000 lines are only about an eight of the complete work planned by the author. His intention was to give in Latin syllabic metre an English version of the Gospels in the Mass book for the whole year, followed by an interpretation and application. Although the Ormulum has been long considered a diffuse and tedious work, neverthless the poem contains much of the best mediaeval religious teaching, drawn in part from the same sources of Aelfric, and testifies to author's zeal for the religious needs of the common people in the period immediately after the Conquest.
Rivista Di Cultura Classica E Medioevale, 2005
... VI Indice Carla Del Zotto p. 131 Dalla parola all'immagine nei codici della poesia d... more ... VI Indice Carla Del Zotto p. 131 Dalla parola all'immagine nei codici della poesia didattico-morale in tedesco medio Raffaele Disanto » 155 Divagazioni trasversali su un'illustrazione del Welscher Gast Maria Grazia Saibetie » 167 Motivi iconografici nella Genesi di Millstatt e nei ...
Papers by Carla Del Zotto
Responsabile scientifico E. Zocca