Conference Presentations by Rohan Pawar
In the LIS profession, ICT skills have tremendous importance in this era. The majority of library... more In the LIS profession, ICT skills have tremendous importance in this era. The majority of library services are now online for users. The present study attempted to investigate the ICT skills and competencies of LIS professionals working in the D.Y. Patil institute libraries. A total of 25 LIS professionals were chosen for the present study, and their skills and competencies were assessed through the data collected from the questionnaire. The study examined the skills and competencies of LIS professionals based on information searching skills, the purpose of using the internet, the frequency of using the internet, the use of various ICT devices, library software, ICT applications, challenges in acquiring ICT skills, and the required area of training. The researcher found that LIS professionals working in the D.Y. Patil Institute libraries are skilled in searching and handling ICT applications and devices. Also, 80 percent of LIS professionals are proficient in using library software and its modules, and more than 80 percent of LIS professionals are aware of Web 2.0 tools. Cloud computing and web design are the areas where LIS professionals need to improve their skills through training and continuing education programs. In this study, we will examine how much the library staff knows ICTS, how much they know about digital facilities, and what they are doing to update their knowledge.
In the LIS profession, ICT skills have tremendous importance in this era. The majority of library... more In the LIS profession, ICT skills have tremendous importance in this era. The majority of library services are now online for users. The present study attempted to investigate the ICT skills and competencies of LIS professionals working in the D.Y. Patil institute libraries. A total of 25 LIS professionals were chosen for the present study, and their skills and competencies were assessed through the data collected from the questionnaire. The study examined the skills and competencies of LIS professionals based on information searching skills, the purpose of using the internet, the frequency of using the internet, the use of various ICT devices, library software, ICT applications, challenges in acquiring ICT skills, and the required area of training. The researcher found that LIS professionals working in the D.Y. Patil Institute libraries are skilled in searching and handling ICT applications and devices. Also, 80 percent of LIS professionals are proficient in using library software and its modules, and more than 80 percent of LIS professionals are aware of Web 2.0 tools. Cloud computing and web design are the areas where LIS professionals need to improve their skills through training and continuing education programs. In this study, we will examine how much the library staff knows ICTS, how much they know about digital facilities, and what they are doing to update their knowledge.
In the present days’ internet is the most useful tool for getting information quickly and also la... more In the present days’ internet is the most useful tool for getting information quickly and also large amounts of data in less time. Educational information is available on the internet free of cost. So the internet gives the reader the update and relevant information through the internet. It is, therefore, necessary to find out what internet resources and services are used by the students for seeking information in the engineering institutions in Kolhapur city. The present study is based on the data collected by means of the questionnaire method from engineering students of the institutions. The scope is limited to four engineering institutions in Kolhapur. In Kolhapur, ten fixed engineering institutions exist. It is difficult to conduct a survey of all these categories of people belonging to different institutions. So in this study, only three engineering institutions have been taken for a survey.
A tremendous change in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has impact on all ... more A tremendous change in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has impact on all fields of life, as a part, the libraries becoming automated and providing online services to its users. Service with no time becomes very necessary day by day. This paper will focus on ICT based library services like SMS service, OPAC, e-references, e-mail, Instant messaging (IM), virtual libraries, Library website, archives, journal finder, alerts, m-learning, e-database, current awareness service (CAS), selective dissemination of information (SDI), ask librarian, Inter library loan (ILL) services.
The newspapers are mirror of society and also the agents of social change and the creators of att... more The newspapers are mirror of society and also the agents of social change and the creators of attitude and situations. They conduct companies, carry on propaganda. Influence and educative voters, canalize public opinion and mould government policies. Now a day’s Marathi news papers also have begun to use the modern technology to publish online papers. The press also makes a direct and visible impact on the functioning of the administrative and political systems of the country. It provides comprehensive and objective information on all aspects of the country’s social, economic, political and cultural life. Newspaper brings every person into touch with active world. As mahatma Gandhi said “one of the objectives of a newspaper is to understand the popular feelings and give expression to it, another is to arouse among the people certain desirable sentiments and third is fearlessly to expose popular defects.
Keywords : Marathi Newspapers, Web 2.0, Special Library
The college libraries are in the central in the chain of academic libraries and need to be paid s... more The college libraries are in the central in the chain of academic libraries and need to be paid serious attention. Presently the resource allocation to the college libraries is not commensurate with the increasing requirements of its users. This study focuses on the availability and inadequacies of library facilities and services in relation with the information requirements of the users in semi urban areas. For present study, 4 colleges from Islampur city, which is speedily urbanizing, have been chosen. For this study the survey method is used and the technique used is sampling technique. The sample envelopes 100% of teachers and 5% of students from total population and is significant sample size. The research tool used is questionnaire. It is found that the professor and student user in semi urban areas still follow the traditional way to get information and rely mostly on print media and prefer regional languages. Library staff is cooperative and willing to help the users. Considering this in modern age of information, we should approach towards maximizing the computerization and approach towards e-library concept. It requires that for this, library users and library staff should be educated in this area regarding information categorization, information dissemination and information search. They also need to be provided training frequently.
New technologies have always been of interest for libraries both for the potential of increasing ... more New technologies have always been of interest for libraries both for the potential of increasing the quality of service and for improving efficiency of operations. At present libraries of all kinds whether public, research academic or special libraries are overwhelmingly looking forward to adopt new technologies mostly use of e-resources due to its potential for cost savings in operations and the management of collections and Patrons. E-Resources are digital objects containing electronic representation of books, journals and other form of reading materials and they are converted into a digitized form in order to be read by a computer. Many Library resources are now available electronically and can be access via the web. You can get the information you want, when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Safety and security of the library resources is an important still overlooked aspect of library m... more Safety and security of the library resources is an important still overlooked aspect of library management. In present article we have discussed the need and importance of safety and security of library, various threats to library resources and preventive measures thereof. Today, more than ever, security in your library is every staff member's responsibility. Even in libraries with a security force, officers can only be in one place at a time it is everyone' s responsibility to ensure a safe environment for the public, the staff and the collections.
The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have shifted the applications i... more The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have shifted the applications in library from the traditional to hybrid library, then automated library, digital archives stages, library 2.0 and mobile phone services. Nowadays Mobile phones have become the essential part of human life for communication and it also helps to student in e-learning. In this paper we have discussed about mobile technology and focused on its application and challenges in library services. With help of mobile devices, libraries can produce new services and provide faster access to its collection. The implication of mobile library services has created opportunities as well as challenges for academic libraries.
Papers by Rohan Pawar
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Oct 10, 2022
Traditional libraries struggle to keep up with the rapid growth of information and meet the needs... more Traditional libraries struggle to keep up with the rapid growth of information and meet the needs of new patrons in today's information-driven world. Users of libraries have a pressing need to have all of the necessary information about the library in a short amount of time. Handling traditional printed broaches containing library information is timeconsuming and difficult. Nowadays, the majority of library users use smartphones that can do a variety of things. As a result, the library can make use of this technology to create mobile applications that contain information about the library and upload them to their website for free download by mobile users. Users may gain from this by being able to quickly and easily access the necessary information at any time and from any location.
The Library Quarterly, 1986
AGRIS record. Record number, US874912888. Titles, Library automation; issues and applications. Pe... more AGRIS record. Record number, US874912888. Titles, Library automation; issues and applications. Personal Authors, Reynolds, Dennis. Publisher, Bowker. Publisher Place, New York (USA). Publication Date, 1985. AGRIS Subj. Cat. Documentation and information. ...
Since the college library is focused on offering astounding assistance to its clients, it needs t... more Since the college library is focused on offering astounding assistance to its clients, it needs to foster an ongoing exchange with the clients. One of the primary devices that can be utilized to evaluate library administrations is client studies. The idea of 'Library Patrons', is going to the shape of library clients or customers. To figure out those clients' requirements and assumptions, the library necessitates an estimation of the fulfillment level. To make sure that estimation library needs to lead a client overview with their assumption for prerequisite and in view of administration given by the library. This study attempted to survey library client fulfillment with current data administrations and assets while recognizing client needs. A poll-based overview was utilized for information assortment. The surveys were circulated among 200 users who visited the library of DYPCET.
In today's age of information technology, it is difficult for traditional libraries to cope u... more In today's age of information technology, it is difficult for traditional libraries to cope up with pace of information explosion and to satisfy the requirements of all new users. It is pressing demand of library users to have all the required information about library in minimum time. Traditional printed broachers containing library information are difficult to handle and consume more time. Nowadays most of the library users use smart mobiles which can be used for many applications. Therefore, taking advantage of this technology, library application or QR codes containing the information about the library can be designed and uploaded by the library on their website for free download by users using mobile. This can benefit the users to access the required information anytime and anywhere conveniently in minimum time. Keywords: Library application, QR Code, Broacher, Information dissemination, Marketing Tool. Cite this Article Rohan Raju Pawar, Harake Suresh Birappa, Pawar Shradd...
The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have shifted the applications i... more The development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have shifted the applications in library from the traditional to hybrid library, then automated library, digital archives stages, library 2.0 and mobile phone services. Nowadays Mobile phones have become the essential part of human life for communication and it also helps to student in e-learning. In this paper we have discussed about mobile technology and focused on its application and challenges in library services. With help of mobile devices, libraries can produce new services and provide faster access to its collection. The implication of mobile library services has created opportunities as well as challenges for academic libraries.
Library is the heart of any Institute. Therefore, updating of the Library is imperative so that i... more Library is the heart of any Institute. Therefore, updating of the Library is imperative so that it can provide instant and best of the services to their users. It demands that Libraries shall always be ready to adopt new and modern concepts. One of such novel concept is 'Cloud Computing'. Cloud Computing is a method of running application software to store the related data in central computing system and providing its access to consumers or other users through internet. Nowadays a lot of is talked about cloud computing and it is being employed in many new work areas. It is also being utilized in some Libraries but the emphasis of the current paper is not on cloud computing but on cloud printing which is rarely exploited area of the cloud computing concept. In the present paper we have discussed about use of cloud storage for cloud printing, its use in library and the advantage and limitations of cloud printing.
Conference Presentations by Rohan Pawar
Keywords : Marathi Newspapers, Web 2.0, Special Library
Papers by Rohan Pawar
Keywords : Marathi Newspapers, Web 2.0, Special Library