Federico Marazzi
I have been trained both as an historian and as an archaeologist. My first interests were focused on Roman Church, Rome and its hinterland in the transition period between Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Then, due to my commitment with the excavations at the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno, I turned towards the themes of archaeology of medieval monasteries and history and settlement patterns of Southern Italy (mainly Campania and Molise) in the Early Middle Ages, but I still keep a great interest for urban history and archaeology in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. I also have written some essays on mediterranean trade in the Early Middle Ages and a few general overviews on Italy in the Early Middle Ages
Supervisors: Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani, Archeologia Medievale: cultura materiale, insediamenti, territorio, Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, and Postclassical Archaeology
Address: Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa", via Santa Caterina 37, Napoli
Laboratorio di Archeologia Tardoantica e Medievale (LATEM) - Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa" - Pantano snc, 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) - Italia
Supervisors: Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani, Archeologia Medievale: cultura materiale, insediamenti, territorio, Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage, and Postclassical Archaeology
Address: Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici - Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa", via Santa Caterina 37, Napoli
Laboratorio di Archeologia Tardoantica e Medievale (LATEM) - Università di Napoli "Suor Orsola Benincasa" - Pantano snc, 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) - Italia
InterestsView All (38)
Books by Federico Marazzi
The volume will be available as of the month of September but can already be ordered from the publisher by writing at info@volturniaedizioni.com or by ringing at +39 0865 95 35 93
essays by (in order of appearance):
- P.Porena; G.P.Brogiolo; T. Vida; C. Giostra; P.M. De Marchi; M. Marinato; C. Azzara; M. Valenti; P. Majocchi; G. Volpe; P. Squatriti; M. Rottoli; A. Chavarrìa Arnau; T. Lewit; E.A. Arslan; E. Cirelli; P. Arthur; V. La Salvia; F. Marazzi; A. Frisetti; V. Gheroldi; S. Lomartire; U. Schulte-Umberg; C. Bertelli; N. Everett; F. De Rubeis; D. Ferraiuolo; R. Santangeli Valenzani; C. Goodson; V. Loré; S. Cosentino; M. Di Branco; R. Invernizzi; D. Tolomelli; S. Zatti.
The book gives a full report on the excavations carried in the stretch of the Volturno riverbed located just before some of the most important 9th century buildings of the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno (Molise, Italy), such as the South Church, the Distinguished Guests' Refectory and the Monastic Refectory. The volume offers some very relevant data on Early Medieval food consumption, timber building techniques, leather and wood objects, table and cooking ware, window and curved glass and more. Full index will be loaded in a few days.
The volume will be available as of the month of September but can already be ordered from the publisher by writing at info@volturniaedizioni.com or by ringing at +39 0865 95 35 93
essays by (in order of appearance):
- P.Porena; G.P.Brogiolo; T. Vida; C. Giostra; P.M. De Marchi; M. Marinato; C. Azzara; M. Valenti; P. Majocchi; G. Volpe; P. Squatriti; M. Rottoli; A. Chavarrìa Arnau; T. Lewit; E.A. Arslan; E. Cirelli; P. Arthur; V. La Salvia; F. Marazzi; A. Frisetti; V. Gheroldi; S. Lomartire; U. Schulte-Umberg; C. Bertelli; N. Everett; F. De Rubeis; D. Ferraiuolo; R. Santangeli Valenzani; C. Goodson; V. Loré; S. Cosentino; M. Di Branco; R. Invernizzi; D. Tolomelli; S. Zatti.
The book gives a full report on the excavations carried in the stretch of the Volturno riverbed located just before some of the most important 9th century buildings of the abbey of San Vincenzo al Volturno (Molise, Italy), such as the South Church, the Distinguished Guests' Refectory and the Monastic Refectory. The volume offers some very relevant data on Early Medieval food consumption, timber building techniques, leather and wood objects, table and cooking ware, window and curved glass and more. Full index will be loaded in a few days.
Dal 3 maggio al 7 giungo.
Per iscriversi inviare una mail a latem.unisob@libero.it
IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED, PLEASE WRITE TO difesamilitare.bizantina@gmail.com
Lectures are open to anyone wishing to participate.
All the specialists who took part in the making of the exhibition will expose their views and thoughts on history, art and archeology of the Longobard period.
review of the booklet published in 2023 by Richard Hodges on San Vincenzo al Volturno with a discursive but precise highlighting of the numerous and relevant inaccuracies it contains
"Mille e non più Mille. Voci dall'Alto Medioevo al tempo del Coronavirus"
andata in onda il 29 aprile 2020
Studiare archeologia e riuscere a spendere nel lavoro il capitale della propria formazione: questo è lo scopo del master "APRI" che vuole far incontrare i laureati in archeologia con coloro che gestiscono, proteggono, valorizzano e raccontano il patrimonio culturale italiano sia da rappresentanti delle pubbliche istituzioni, sia da esponenti del mondo delle imprese e delle libere professioni
Iscrizioni aperte sino al 13 marzo 2021.
Per info master.apri@unisob.na.it