Papers by Andre Thomashausen
Unisa latin american report, 1994
South African yearbook of international law, 1983
South Africa International, 1983
Lusíada. Política Internacional e Segurança, 2010
constitutional power and legitimacy in the political evolution of Southern africa, pp. 43-61 resu... more constitutional power and legitimacy in the political evolution of Southern africa, pp. 43-61 resumo: a elaboração de constituições na áfrica pós-colonial mostra que as constituições resultantes de negociações ou pactos foram o modelo preferido e mais bem sucedido do processo, uma vez que o primeiro período da constituição estadual de partido único terminou, no início dos anos noventa. a competição política para a posse da legalidade constitucional é evidente no processo constitutivo da áfrica do Sul, na alemanha pós-ii guerra mundial, em portugal e angola. em áfrica, os princípios de liderança tradicional africana, continuam a permear o estado de direito, resultando num sistema de partido predominante. o exemplo mais recente da constituição angolana mostra uma crescente afinidade com o modelo de liderança chinesa. o futuro do constitucionalismo em áfrica é cada vez mais favorável às formas de representação democrática piramidais em vez de formas multi-polares. Palavras Chave: processo constituinte em africa, constitucionalismo, liderança tradicional, constituições de partido predominante, cooperação africa-china, estado constitucional em áfrica.
South African Journal of International Affairs, Dec 1, 2002
... Its first freely elected prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated on 17 January 1961... more ... Its first freely elected prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated on 17 January 1961, just three days before John F Kennedy's inauguration, in a plot for which the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was held responsible. ... Rivonia: Ashanti, 1993, p.126. 8 Ibid. ...
Africa insight, 1983
Dr Andre E Thomashausen traces the origins of the current civil war in Mozambique and comments on... more Dr Andre E Thomashausen traces the origins of the current civil war in Mozambique and comments on the desirability of external support for the resistance movement (Resisti?½ncia Nacional Moi?½ambicana-RNM). Before joining the Institute of Foreign and Comparative Law, University of South Africa, the author was a Research Fellow at the Institute of International Law at Kiel University, West Germany.
SA Mercantile Law Journal = SA Tydskrif vir Handelsreg, 2011
Since 2009, export taxation for ferrochrome and ferrochrome ore has been high on the agenda of co... more Since 2009, export taxation for ferrochrome and ferrochrome ore has been high on the agenda of consultations between the vast majority of South African ferrochrome producers and the Department of Minerals and Energy (DMR). The industry seeks the adoption of two comprehensive government measures, in order to protect and enhance the continuing beneficiation of ferrochrome ore and exports of ferrochrome, namely: (i) a quota to be applied on chromite ore exports, restricting integrated producers to 30 per cent of their 'ore-equivalent' Ferrochrome production capacity; and (ii) a tariff or duty of $100 per ton of ore to be payable on chromite ore exported.
Considering contemporary context and State practice, a paramount duty of States exists to exercis... more Considering contemporary context and State practice, a paramount duty of States exists to exercise their Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources (PSNR) in the interests of national development and for the well-being of its people. The early transformation of the principles of the PSNR Declaration into national licensing laws in Africa became the main instruments for the institution of systemic corruption and maladministration. Investment strategies towards Africa during the 1990s focussed on multilateral and economic interdependence, with 43 out of 53 African States adopting the World Bank’s ICSID investment dispute settlement mechanism, triggering significant increases in FDI flows to Africa. After the failure of the South African NEPAD concept, China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) during the decade of 2000–2010 achieved twice the originally envisaged essential investments in infrastructure. Based on a strict interpretation of the principles of non-interference, China implemented FOCAC projects, aid and FDI flows into African countries within the normal framework of project contracting, using mostly English common law precedents and giving preference to ICC arbitration. However, the all-important differentiation in the FOCAC Master Facility Agreements is China’s integrated approach where Chinese State Owned Enterprises and Banks credit the offtake of raw materials at market value to serve as finance for agreed project implementations so that the contracting, project management, payments and cash flows do not pass through the authorities of the African Resource State. The integration of resource exploration and mining, raw materials trading, project finance and project implementation established a new State practice in respect of the PSNR.
The American Journal of Comparative Law, 1984
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, Mar 1, 1995
Presentation de l'editeur : Les migrations sont historiquement un element central de la forma... more Presentation de l'editeur : Les migrations sont historiquement un element central de la formation de la grande majorite des societes. Les mobilites de populations ont conduit l'espece humaine, tout au long de son histoire, a occuper des territoires et a les mettre en valeur. Ces mobilites ne sont devenues migrations internationales qu'avec la constitution des Etats nations, la fin des empires coloniaux et le decoupage geopolitique de la planete. Avec l'internationalisation des flux migratoires et l'extension du rayon d'action des migrants internationaux, la distinction habituelle entre pays d'emigration et pays d'immigration s'estompe face aux combinaisons de plus en plus complexes de fonctions ou de roles dans l'espace migratoire. Les 230 millions de migrants entrainent avec eux des modifications de l'existence de leurs familles, de leurs communautes et de l'ensemble des citoyens. Ils questionnent les conceptions de l'Etat, de l'integration economique et politique et, toujours, du respect des droits humains. Toutes sortes d'enjeux s'entremelent dans ce monde aux multiples facettes migratoires : enjeux locaux et internationaux, culturels, sociaux et demographiques, enjeux symboliques et materiels, apparents ou masques, enjeux intellectuels aussi sur le plan de la connaissance et de la reflexion ethique. Cet ouvrage a pour ambition d'eclairer de maniere pluridisciplinaire ces divers enjeux, a travers un eventail de situations de mobilites invitant a reflechir sur nos rapports contemporains aux conditions de vie, a l'environnement, aux droits, a l'identite. Il reunit une selection d'articles issus d'un colloque international organise en mai 2012 a Pretoria, conjointement par le College of Law de l'Universite d'Afrique du Sud a Pretoria (UNISA) et par le College d'Etudes Interdisciplinaires (CEI) de l'Universite Paris Sud
Unisa latin american report, 1994
O Mar configurou Portugal. Na nossa História manteve presença constante como factor de desenvolvi... more O Mar configurou Portugal. Na nossa História manteve presença constante como factor de desenvolvimento nacional, como via de acesso a novas terras, novas gentes, novos produtos, novos negócios. Há quarenta anos, o 25 de Abril causou uma mu-dança estrutural na posição geopolítica de Portugal e consequentemente no nosso conceito estratégico nacional. Este conceito, desestruturado e indefinido durante cerca de uma geração, tem vindo a reconfigurar-se desde os anos 90 do século passado no sentido de uma reorientação nacional para o Mar, tendo a Expo 98 sido um marco desse movimento. Há dez anos atrás, em 2004, o relatório produzido pela Comissão Estratégica dos Oceanos-O Oceano, um Desígnio Nacional para o Século XXI-, veio finalmente redefinir esse conceito, criando efectivamente uma visão e formu-lação estratégica de desenvolvimento nacional centrado no Mar, integradora das opções europeísta, atlantista e africanista. Temos assim hoje um conceito estratégico nacional bem definido, emb...
The First Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government . Cairo, UAR, from 17... more The First Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government . Cairo, UAR, from 17 to 21 July 1964
Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 1985
The author argues that it would be totalitarian to undertake the forced achievement of total inte... more The author argues that it would be totalitarian to undertake the forced achievement of total integration in South Africa in ethnically and otherwise distinctly divided societies in the country. Apart from many other considerations against it, such a plan would result in severing the individual from his natural ties. The preservation of the cultural dimension of constitutional law is being recognised as a most important, new task in comparative constitutional law. Without this cultural dimension of the "Kulturverfassungsrecht", societies in the world of mass technology will be easily manipulated and, therefore, politically unstable. Total integration may be seen as the advent of Caesarism. The comparison of laws dealing with ethnic and group conflicts shows that these conflicts are legally expressed in the conflicting purposes of the right to free movement and the right to the protection of the integrity of communities. The common object of these two equally important right...
Papers by Andre Thomashausen
Paper presented at the "Activism Against Corruption in Africa" Conference organised by Konrad Adenauer Foundation on 22-25 November 2016, Johannesburg South Africa. A reflection on
1. Judicial Corruption Perception in South Africa
2. National Legal Instruments
3. International Obligations
4. Extra-Judicial Watchdogs or Guardians
5. Anti-Corruption Watchdog Accountability
6. Causes of Judicial Corruption and their Remedies
Nas cerimónias fúnebres de Dhlakama a decorrer ontem, dia 9, no campo desportivo do Ferroviário da Beira, bem como em todo o território nacional, rezam pela sua alma e choram pela sua morte prematura mais de oito milhões de moçambicanos.