Talks by Mohamed Miliani
Algerian teaching teachers, like their counterparts in most Muslims countries, face a paedagogica... more Algerian teaching teachers, like their counterparts in most Muslims countries, face a paedagogical dilemma between, on the one hand, Islamic traditional paedagogy, on the other, Western paedagogy. The paper shows to what extent Islamic paedagogy has impacted on teachers' paedagogy in Algerian universities despite efforts to keep up with modern teaching theories. It shows also that Algerian teacher's folk paedagogy, mostly based on traditional practices, infl uences teaching. Given this context, teachers have developed a hybrid paedagogy based on improvisation and their folk paedagogy in the absence of a formal training scheme. In this apparent clash of paedagogy, the paper argues for a cross-cultural paedagogy.
la feuille de route du responsable Assurance Qualité (entre pragmatisme et expertise)
the project... more la feuille de route du responsable Assurance Qualité (entre pragmatisme et expertise)
the project leaders in Quality Assurance in algerian universities will be the main change initiator as fas as the implementation of Quality Assurance is concerned. The paper speaks about their training
Papers by Mohamed Miliani
Iles d imesli, Dec 31, 2010
BRILL eBooks, Oct 13, 2022
Enacting and Conceptualizing Educational Leadership within the Mediterranean Region, 2021

Comment punit-on au Burkina Faso, au Bénin, au Japon, en Russie, en France, en Algérie, en Anglet... more Comment punit-on au Burkina Faso, au Bénin, au Japon, en Russie, en France, en Algérie, en Angleterre, aux États-Unis ou encore au Québec ? Ce numéro 81 de la Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres souligne les questions et les défis que neuf systèmes scolaires très différents ont à relever. Il montre des écoles inquiètes. Mais il met aussi en lumière les solutions et les expériences originales qui sont mises en oeuvre. Aussi paradoxal que cela puisse paraître, la sanction est un analyseur de première importance pour comprendre ce qu’éduquer veut dire, à un moment donné, dans une société donnée. What do school sanctions entail in Burkina Faso, Benin, Japan, Russia, France, Algeria, England, the United States, or Quebec? This issue of the Revue internationale d'éducation de Sèvres highlights the issues and challenges that nine very different school systems face. It shows growing concern in schools. But it also highlights the original solutions and experiences that are bei...
Talks by Mohamed Miliani
the project leaders in Quality Assurance in algerian universities will be the main change initiator as fas as the implementation of Quality Assurance is concerned. The paper speaks about their training
Papers by Mohamed Miliani
the project leaders in Quality Assurance in algerian universities will be the main change initiator as fas as the implementation of Quality Assurance is concerned. The paper speaks about their training