Thesis Chapters by Ciro Lourenço
O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma leitura do Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes de Rousse... more O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma leitura do Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes de Rousseau sob uma perspectiva unificadora em que, dois conceitos privilegiados – a verdade e a virtude – operam em conjunto para demonstrar como o ideal de progresso encontra-se fundado em falsas concepções, isto é, o aumento contínuo dos conhecimentos humanos e das riquezas das nações. Enquanto aquele só intensifica no homem seu orgulho e as paixões em geral, a riqueza associada ao luxo só cria uma máscara enganadora que impede que tenhamos uma justa compreensão da situação desigual e injusta presente em sociedades como a parisiense. Tendo em vista essas críticas, perseguimos os fundamentos da moral em Rousseau que, da perspectiva da verdade, apresenta-se como verdades do homem retiradas da história e dos exemplos que ela oferece; e da perspectiva da virtude, encontramos os princípios da virtude política de origem republicana em que sobressai-se a figura do cidadão que, no seu papel público, deve lutar pela manutenção da liberdade de seus iguais e pela conservação da pátria.
The objective of this study is to propose a reading of the Rousseau’s Discourse on the sciences and the arts under a unifying perspective that two privileged concepts – truth and virtue – operate in conjunction to demonstrate how the progress ideal is founded on false conceptions, that is, the continuous increase of human knowledge and wealth of nations. While the human knowledge only intensifies on man his pride and others passions, the wealth associated with luxury only creates a deceptive mask that turns a fair understanding of the unequal and unfair situation of societies like Paris foreclosed. Given those criticisms, we search for the foundations of morality in Rousseau’s thought that, dealing with the concept of truth, we find truths that regards to men; and on virtue’s perspective, we find the principles of a republican virtue that stands the figure of citizen and his public role that is maintaining the freedom of his equals and to preserve his homeland.
Papers by Ciro Lourenço
Discurso, 2017
Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por R... more Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por Raymond Trousson e Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Paris: Slatkine/ Honoré Champion. 24 volumes. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Œuvres complètes. Édition du tricentenaire dirigida por Jacques Berchtold, François Jacob e Yannick Séité. Paris: Garnier Classiques. 20 volumes.
Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política, 2016
Uma das principais críticas ao Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes foi acerca do uso dos dados ... more Uma das principais críticas ao Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes foi acerca do uso dos dados históricos na fundamentação da sua tese. E mesmo recentemente asseverou-se sobre os “fracos argumentos históricos” de Rousseau nesta obra. Diante disso, pretendemos questionar tal perspectiva de modo a salientar um tratamento filosófico da história pretendido por Rousseau, sendo que, primeiramente, partindo de um esclarecimento acerca da concepção de “induções históricas” no contexto do Discurso, introduzimos o conceito de verossimilhança como produto da relação entre causa e efeito, verificada não a partir dos fatos isolados, mas das relações entre os homens. Desta forma, concentrando-se nas ações descritas pelos historiadores, Rousseau não visa a verdade dos fatos, mas os princípios morais que amparavam essas ações. Assim, concluímos com a concepção de uma “história exemplar”, essencial para o desenvolvimento ulterior do pensamento moral rousseauniano.
Filosofia, Ciência & Vida, ano X, n. 148, 2019
Fato ocorrido com Rousseau no século XVIII e a perseguição a outros filósofos, como Sócrates, rem... more Fato ocorrido com Rousseau no século XVIII e a perseguição a outros filósofos, como Sócrates, remontam a fatos recentes, como os autores proibidos por emissora de TV brasileira - por Grupo de Estudos Rousseau da USP
Siglo Dieciocho - Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios del Siglo XVIII, 2021
Este trabajo busca explorar la crítica rousseauniana a las ciencias teniendo como objeto de análi... more Este trabajo busca explorar la crítica rousseauniana a las ciencias teniendo como objeto de análisis su concepción acerca de la idea de verdad y, como horizonte, su obra Discurso sobre las ciencias y las artes. Partiendo de sus consideraciones sobre el método científico y sobre el origen pasional de las ciencias, pretendemos elucidar los fundamentos de esta crítica desde la influencia del escepticismo (en particular, el de Montaigne) y de la noción de fragilidad de la razón como obstáculos para la ambición del conocimiento humano arraigada en el núcleo del proyecto de la Ilustración. Dejando a un lado la percepción errónea de un Rousseau filósofo retrógrado, defensor de la ignorancia y del oscurantismo, buscamos subrayar su singular contribución para el debate acerca de los límites del saber humano y de la concientización de los peligros inherentes a la exploración humana de la Naturaleza.
This paper intends to explore Rousseau’s critique on the sciences taking his idea of truth as an object of analysis and, as a horizon, his work Discourse on the sciences and arts. Our proposal is to elucidate the foundations of his critique, based on his perspective on scientific method and on the origin of the sciences from passions, regarding the influence of skepticism (in particular, that of Montaigne) as well his conception of fragility of reason as major obstacles to the ambition of human knowledge, even though rooted at the core of the Enlightenment project. Once renounced the erroneous perception of a Rousseau as a retrograde philosopher, defender of ignorance and obscurantism, we seek to highlight his distinctive contribution to the debate on the limits of human knowledge and awareness of the dangers inherent in human exploration of Nature.
Uma das principais críticas ao Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes foi acerca do uso dos dados ... more Uma das principais críticas ao Discurso sobre as ciências e as artes foi acerca do uso dos dados históricos na fundamentação da sua tese. E mesmo recentemente asseverou-se sobre os “fracos argumentos históricos” de Rousseau nesta obra. Diante disso, pretendemos questionar tal perspectiva de modo a salientar um tratamento filosófico da história pretendido por Rousseau, sendo que, primeiramente, partindo de um esclarecimento acerca da concepção de “induções históricas” no contexto do Discurso, introduzimos o conceito de verossimilhança como produto da relação entre causa e efeito, verificada não a partir dos fatos isolados, mas das relações entre os homens. Desta forma, concentrando-se nas ações descritas pelos historiadores, Rousseau não visa a verdade dos fatos, mas os princípios morais que amparavam essas ações. Assim, concluímos com a concepção de uma “história exemplar”, essencial para o desenvolvimento ulterior do pensamento moral rousseauniano.
One of the main critiques on the Discourse on the sciences and the arts is focused on the use of historical data that supports his thesis. And even recently some scholars have argued on the Rousseau’s "weak historical arguments" in his discourse. Therefore, we intend to put this perspective in question to highlight thephilosophical treatment of history intended by Rousseau. Proceeding, primarily, from a clarification of the concept of "historical inductions" in the context of the Discourse, we introduced the concept of verisimilitude as a product of a cause and effect consideration, not observed from the isolated facts, but emerging men in relation. Thus, focusing on the actions described by historians, Rousseau does not seek truth from facts, but from the moral principles that motivates these actions. Thus, we conclude with the concept of an "exemplary history" that is essential for the further development of Rousseau's moral thought.
Book Reviews by Ciro Lourenço
Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida... more Resenha
Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por Raymond Trousson e Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Paris: Slatkine/Honoré Champion. 24 volumes.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Œuvres complètes. Édition du tricentenaire dirigida por Jacques Berchtold, François Jacob e Yannick Séité. Paris: Garnier Classiques. 20 volumes.
Translations by Ciro Lourenço
Cadernos de Ética e Filosofia Política, 2009
Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal é geralmente conhecido apenas por Abade Raynal: epíteto decorren... more Guillaume-Thomas-François Raynal é geralmente conhecido apenas por Abade Raynal: epíteto decorrente de sua carreira eclesiástica, iniciada já em sua educação junto aos jesuítas de Rodez. Nascido em 1713, em pleno Século das Luzes, Raynal exerceu diversas atividades, de modo que é arriscado eleger uma visando classificá-lo. Antoine Jay inicia seu Précis historique sur la vie et les ouvrages de l'abbé Raynal definindo-o como " um dos escritores filósofos mais célebres " de seu século. Conforme analisa suas obras, todavia, Jay percebe que o Abade não contribuiu propriamente ao pensamento filosófico daquele tempo: " que se recuse admitir este escritor entre os autores clássicos, eu o consinto: ele tem seu lugar reservado entre os homens de gênio e os defensores da humanidade ". De qualquer modo, " homem de gênio " e " defensor da humanidade " são definições que se devem, sobretudo, à sua grande obra História Filosófica e Política das Possessões e do Comércio dos Euro-peus nas duas Índias. Tal obra, embora visasse " um tom mais filosófico " , traz " visões diversificadas e às vezes contraditórias " na qual se tem rela-tos diversos imiscuídos de reflexões filosóficas, morais e políticas(...)
Escritos sobre a Políticas e as Artes, 2020
Tradução e notas de "Do Contrato Social ou Princípios do Direito Político", de J-J Rousseau. In: ... more Tradução e notas de "Do Contrato Social ou Princípios do Direito Político", de J-J Rousseau. In: Escritos sobre a Política e as Artes. Org. Pedro Paulo Pimenta. São Paulo: Editora UBU, 2020.
Thesis Chapters by Ciro Lourenço
The objective of this study is to propose a reading of the Rousseau’s Discourse on the sciences and the arts under a unifying perspective that two privileged concepts – truth and virtue – operate in conjunction to demonstrate how the progress ideal is founded on false conceptions, that is, the continuous increase of human knowledge and wealth of nations. While the human knowledge only intensifies on man his pride and others passions, the wealth associated with luxury only creates a deceptive mask that turns a fair understanding of the unequal and unfair situation of societies like Paris foreclosed. Given those criticisms, we search for the foundations of morality in Rousseau’s thought that, dealing with the concept of truth, we find truths that regards to men; and on virtue’s perspective, we find the principles of a republican virtue that stands the figure of citizen and his public role that is maintaining the freedom of his equals and to preserve his homeland.
Papers by Ciro Lourenço
This paper intends to explore Rousseau’s critique on the sciences taking his idea of truth as an object of analysis and, as a horizon, his work Discourse on the sciences and arts. Our proposal is to elucidate the foundations of his critique, based on his perspective on scientific method and on the origin of the sciences from passions, regarding the influence of skepticism (in particular, that of Montaigne) as well his conception of fragility of reason as major obstacles to the ambition of human knowledge, even though rooted at the core of the Enlightenment project. Once renounced the erroneous perception of a Rousseau as a retrograde philosopher, defender of ignorance and obscurantism, we seek to highlight his distinctive contribution to the debate on the limits of human knowledge and awareness of the dangers inherent in human exploration of Nature.
One of the main critiques on the Discourse on the sciences and the arts is focused on the use of historical data that supports his thesis. And even recently some scholars have argued on the Rousseau’s "weak historical arguments" in his discourse. Therefore, we intend to put this perspective in question to highlight thephilosophical treatment of history intended by Rousseau. Proceeding, primarily, from a clarification of the concept of "historical inductions" in the context of the Discourse, we introduced the concept of verisimilitude as a product of a cause and effect consideration, not observed from the isolated facts, but emerging men in relation. Thus, focusing on the actions described by historians, Rousseau does not seek truth from facts, but from the moral principles that motivates these actions. Thus, we conclude with the concept of an "exemplary history" that is essential for the further development of Rousseau's moral thought.
Book Reviews by Ciro Lourenço
Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por Raymond Trousson e Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Paris: Slatkine/Honoré Champion. 24 volumes.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Œuvres complètes. Édition du tricentenaire dirigida por Jacques Berchtold, François Jacob e Yannick Séité. Paris: Garnier Classiques. 20 volumes.
Translations by Ciro Lourenço
The objective of this study is to propose a reading of the Rousseau’s Discourse on the sciences and the arts under a unifying perspective that two privileged concepts – truth and virtue – operate in conjunction to demonstrate how the progress ideal is founded on false conceptions, that is, the continuous increase of human knowledge and wealth of nations. While the human knowledge only intensifies on man his pride and others passions, the wealth associated with luxury only creates a deceptive mask that turns a fair understanding of the unequal and unfair situation of societies like Paris foreclosed. Given those criticisms, we search for the foundations of morality in Rousseau’s thought that, dealing with the concept of truth, we find truths that regards to men; and on virtue’s perspective, we find the principles of a republican virtue that stands the figure of citizen and his public role that is maintaining the freedom of his equals and to preserve his homeland.
This paper intends to explore Rousseau’s critique on the sciences taking his idea of truth as an object of analysis and, as a horizon, his work Discourse on the sciences and arts. Our proposal is to elucidate the foundations of his critique, based on his perspective on scientific method and on the origin of the sciences from passions, regarding the influence of skepticism (in particular, that of Montaigne) as well his conception of fragility of reason as major obstacles to the ambition of human knowledge, even though rooted at the core of the Enlightenment project. Once renounced the erroneous perception of a Rousseau as a retrograde philosopher, defender of ignorance and obscurantism, we seek to highlight his distinctive contribution to the debate on the limits of human knowledge and awareness of the dangers inherent in human exploration of Nature.
One of the main critiques on the Discourse on the sciences and the arts is focused on the use of historical data that supports his thesis. And even recently some scholars have argued on the Rousseau’s "weak historical arguments" in his discourse. Therefore, we intend to put this perspective in question to highlight thephilosophical treatment of history intended by Rousseau. Proceeding, primarily, from a clarification of the concept of "historical inductions" in the context of the Discourse, we introduced the concept of verisimilitude as a product of a cause and effect consideration, not observed from the isolated facts, but emerging men in relation. Thus, focusing on the actions described by historians, Rousseau does not seek truth from facts, but from the moral principles that motivates these actions. Thus, we conclude with the concept of an "exemplary history" that is essential for the further development of Rousseau's moral thought.
Œuvres complètes de Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Édition thématique du Tricentenaire. Dirigida por Raymond Trousson e Frédéric S. Eigeldinger. Paris: Slatkine/Honoré Champion. 24 volumes.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Œuvres complètes. Édition du tricentenaire dirigida por Jacques Berchtold, François Jacob e Yannick Séité. Paris: Garnier Classiques. 20 volumes.