Papers by yassine tahraoui
الانتشار الواسع لفيروس كورونا (كوفيد -19)، جعل الدول والمنظمات تتخذ العديد من الإجراءات والتدابير... more الانتشار الواسع لفيروس كورونا (كوفيد -19)، جعل الدول والمنظمات تتخذ العديد من الإجراءات والتدابير الاستثنائية، وتسطير بروتوكولات استعجاليه للوقاية من هذا الوباء، ومن بين التوصيات التي خرجت بها منظمة الصحة العالمية (WHO) هي التباعد الاجتماعي وارتداء الكمامة، هذا الأخير الذي عرف جدلا كبيرا لدى العوام والمختصين، وعرف تباين بين القبول والرفض، فهو أمر لم يعتد عليه المواطنين، بما يعني أنه لم يحدث إجماع تام على ارتداء الكمامة في المجتمعات، ففي الوقت الذي أبدى فيه الكثير من الأشخاص مقاومة شديدة في العمل بهذا الإجراء، اختلفت وجهات النظر حول التأثير الفيسيولوجي والاجتماعي له إضافة إلى الجانب النفسي، ومدى تأثيره على التفاعلات الاجتماعية، والتكيف الشخصي الاجتماعي، فهناك من يرتديها بدافع الخوف من العدوى والآخر يرتديها بدافع الخوف من القانون، ناهيك على أنها تعطي لمستخدميها إحساسا زائفا ومبالغا فيه بالأمن، ومن جهة أخرى هي تحول بين الشخص وتفسيره لمشاعر وإيماءات الآخرين.
The widespread spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19), made countries and organizations take many exceptional measures and measures, and underlined emergency protocols to prevent this epidemic, and among the recommendations that came out of the World Health Organization (WHO) are social distancing and wearing a muzzle, the latter who knew a great controversy among the public and specialists, and a discrepancy was known between acceptance and rejection, as it is something that citizens are not accustomed to, which means that there was no complete consensus on wearing a muzzle in societies, at a time when many people showed great resistance to working with this procedure, the views differed About its physiological and social impact in addition to the psychological aspect, and the extent of its impact on social interactions, and personal social adjustment. Between a person and his interpretation of the feelings and gestures of others.
Abstract: The transition from traditional higher education to remote higher education has been a ... more Abstract: The transition from traditional higher education to remote higher education has been a challenge, especially when this challenge coincided with a global health crisis, represented by the Corona pandemic, and its negative impact on higher education, which made many universities in the world take urgent measures to avoid the white year at the university. Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University in Saudi Arabia is a model for that, by underlining an immediate and future vision at the same time, and embodied this through an important step, represented in the idea of establishing a special deanship under the name of the Deanship of e-learning and distance learning, and this by providing an integrated e-learning environment Efficient and stable. Since its establishment, it has worked hard to develop distance education and study the obstacles that stand in front of it, and what are the ways to evaluate and evaluate it. Key words: Distance higher education, Corona pandemic, traditional higher education, Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University, the Saudi experience
The phenomenon of announcing suicide on social networking sites, especially on Facebook, and what... more The phenomenon of announcing suicide on social networking sites, especially on Facebook, and what is called digital suicide or electronic suicide has become known to increase and spread terribly, as people who commit suicide leave posts on their personal account, sometimes carrying messages directly, and other times indirectly. And this is their desire to document the moment of their suicide, while others commit suicide in front of the live broadcast camera on Facebook, and these behaviors often contain psychological and social connotations, which specialists must stand and understand in order to find appropriate solutions Keywords: Suicide, Digital Suicide, Social Media, Facebook, Electronic Suicide.
The phenomenon of sexual harassment of children has known a terrible spread in various countries ... more The phenomenon of sexual harassment of children has known a terrible spread in various countries of the world, and what has increased its expansion is the rapid development of technology, so that sexual abuse of children has become available via the Internet, easily and with less risk as a result of the feature of concealing the real identity, which made specialists in this field sound the alarm. , and are looking for solutions to confront this phenomenon, and thus they used artificial intelligence techniques (IA) to detect and predict this sexual abuse and thus early intervention and limit its spread, especially that children victims of this crime have become suffering on both the physical and psychological levels, given that sexual abuse of children ( CSA) moved from the real world to the virtual world. Key words: Artificial Intelligence, Sexual harassment, Sexual abuse, Technology, Sexual Assault.
في العصر الذي طغت فيه التكنولوجيا على أكثر من صعيد، صار إلزاما على الإنسان أن يتفاعل مع هذا التطو... more في العصر الذي طغت فيه التكنولوجيا على أكثر من صعيد، صار إلزاما على الإنسان أن يتفاعل مع هذا التطور بشكل ايجابي، لأن التكنولوجيا العصرية أصبحت تؤثر في الحياة اليومية للفرد، وأصبح عليه اليوم التكيف مع هذه التكنولوجيا، وبالتالي فهو في صراع دائم مع القلق والتوتر الناجم عنها، ناهيك عن ظهور الآثار السلبية لها على غرار التنمر الالكتروني، فهذا كله يؤثر لا محالة على المناعة النفسية التي بدورها تؤثر سلبا على المناعة الجسمية، وهو الأمر الذي جعل المختصين ينادون بضرورة الاهتمام بالجانب النفسي جنبا إلى جنب مع الجانب البدني، وهنا بالذات يظهر الدور الفعال لعلم النفس السيبراني، إذ يلعب علم النفس السيبراني(Cyber Psychology) دور مهم في الصحة النفسية لدى الأفراد خصوصا في ظل جائحة كورونا (كوفيد 19)، لأنه خلال هذا الوباء تزايد استخدام الأفراد للتكنولوجيا والانترنت، كما له علاقة بالأمن النفسي (Psychological Security) من جهة أخرى، وفي نفس السياق يعتمد الكثير من الأخصائيين النفسانيين على أدوات التكنولوجيا والانترنت بما في ذلك وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، لتقديم الخدمات النفسية والاستشارات وكذا العلاج النفسي للأشخاص.
Anthropology Journal, or what is known as the Arab Journal of Contemporary Anthropological Studie... more Anthropology Journal, or what is known as the Arab Journal of Contemporary Anthropological Studies, issued by the Actors (Fa3iloon) Center for Research in Anthropology, Social and Human Sciences, and it is among the specialized magazines in the field of anthropology, which has had great resonance, whether in Algeria or the Arab world, mainly aiming at introducing anthropology and publishing its literature As well as correcting the wrong view of it, and although it is a young magazine, it was able in a short period to obtain the classification (C), after the passage of about six (06) years since the date of its establishment (2015), as a result of the efforts of its persevering staff, and its underlining of goals aimed at serving anthropology class First. Keywords: Anthropology Journal; Actors Center; Anthropological studies; International magazine; Category (C).
تختلف نظرة المواطن الجزائري إلى الأخصائي النفساني باختلاف التوجهات والمعتقدات، ويلعب في ذلك الاعل... more تختلف نظرة المواطن الجزائري إلى الأخصائي النفساني باختلاف التوجهات والمعتقدات، ويلعب في ذلك الاعلام بمختلف وسائله دور مهم جدا، وعلى الصعيدين الايجابي والسلبي، وهذا باعتباره سلاح ذو حدين، حيث ساهم بشكل كبير في إقبال الأفراد على الأخصائي النفساني، ومن جهة أخرى شارك بطريقة أو بأخرى في نفورهم منه، وهو الأمر الذي جعل الأخصائي النفسي في الجزائر يواجه تحدي حقيقي لتسويق الصورة الصحيحة لماهيته ورسالته النبيلة ، وهو تحدي يفرض على الاعلام مسايرة جهوده، ويعرض على المواطن خدماته
Academic Advising is considered one of the most important pillars of higher education and scienti... more Academic Advising is considered one of the most important pillars of higher education and scientific research, and it undoubtedly has an important role in the quality of university life for the university student. This is what made those in charge of the academic advisory process and supervisors of the pedagogical accompaniment of the university student studying the idea of moving from traditional academic guidance to electronic and interactive academic guidance, and this by exploiting the various advanced technology means, while emphasizing the imperative that such a transition be without exclusion, that is, without Abolition of traditional academic guidance, but it is better to activate both because each of them complements the other, for effective modern academic integrated and effective.
شهد العالم الكثير من الأزمات، وخلال كل أزمة وبعدها يعود الحديث عن الصحة النفسية ) Psychological H... more شهد العالم الكثير من الأزمات، وخلال كل أزمة وبعدها يعود الحديث عن الصحة النفسية ) Psychological Health ،) ومع ظهور فيروس كورونا المستجد والمعروف باسم كوفيد – 19 ، COVID-19 ، يصبح الأفراد سريعي الغضب والانفعال، ويعانون من القلق والتوتر، وتنتابهم حالات الشك حول صحتهم وصحة عائلتهم، ويزيد الأمر عند فرض الحجر الصحي عليهم إضافة إلى العزل. وهو ما جعل الكثيرين يناد ون إلى إعادة النظر في الإغاثة الصحية النفسية، وضرورة الاعتناء بالجانب النفسي والتثقيف النفسي ) Psychoéducation ( بالتوازي مع الجانب الجسدي البدني، و دعم جهاز المناعة النفسية في مثل هذه الجائحة.
This Study aims at identifying the nature of the relation ship between Dysgraphia and visual memo... more This Study aims at identifying the nature of the relation ship between Dysgraphia and visual memory, as well as to verify whether there are differences between Dysgraphia among people withc lerical errors, and ordinary people. This study was conducted on a sample of primary school pupils between the ages of 8 and 12 years. This sample was estimated at 35 male and female pupils, who were deliberately selected. The descriptive approach was used in two types of correlational and comparative types. The results were treated with statistical methods represented in the Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis Anova variance using Spss 25. This study provided the following results: There is a correlation between dyslexia and visual memory, where the higher the degree of dyslexia, the lower level of visual memory is detected. There are statistically significant differences between Dysgraphia people and people with clerical errors as well as with ordinary people in terms of the level of visual memory in favour of the ordinary. Key words: Dysgraphia; Clerical errors; visualmemory; learning difficulties; writing difficulty.
المجلة الدولية للدراسات التربوية والنفسية, Mar 8, 2020
The Difficulty of Learning has been the subject of intense studies in order to know everything re... more The Difficulty of Learning has been the subject of intense studies in order to know everything related to this disorder in all respects. Individuals with learning disabilities despite their normal intelligence, but suffer from low academic achievement, and among the characteristics that distinguish them from others we find it difficult to express Feelings compared to their peers, and low emotional expression skills, or what is referred to as Alexithimia, which hinder their personal and social adaptation, because of their close relationship with social skills, where all these data indicate the need for early diagnosis and therefore design and build treatment and counseling programs, for early intervention to reduce Alexithimia when individuals with learning difficulties.
This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of social skills and educational... more This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of social skills and educational attainment of students with learning difficulties coming to the exam of primary education certificate, who are studying in the fifth year of primary in the third semester, where the sample of the study consisted of (30) students, aged (9.9 - 11.5) years, applied the social skills scale, and the results indicated a strong correlation correlation statistically significant at the level (α≤0.05) between the level of social skills and academic achievement. In addition, there was a statistically significant correlation between the three dimensions of social skills and academic achievement among the study sample. Keywords: Social Skills, Learning Disorders, Academic Achievement.
The study aimed at identifying the statistical significance differences in the level of social
in... more The study aimed at identifying the statistical significance differences in the level of social
interactions among children in the primary and intermediate stages. The sample reached 50
students from both levels، 25 students from the primary stage and 25 students from the
intermediate stage، The results showed that there were statistically significant differences
between the average performance of the students in the sample and for the students in the
intermediate stage in the three dimensions of the scale.
مجلة التمكين الاجتماعي, Dec 15, 2021
تعد الرسوم المتحركة التعليمية أحد أنواع الرسوم المتحركة بصفة عامة، يتم إنتاجها بشكل انتقائي ... more تعد الرسوم المتحركة التعليمية أحد أنواع الرسوم المتحركة بصفة عامة، يتم إنتاجها بشكل انتقائي وخاص لتحقيق أهداف معينة تخدم العملية التعليمية التربوية، حيث أثبتت الدراسات وجود علاقة بين التعليم والرسوم المتحركة، وهو ما جعل الباحثين يدرسون أهمية استخدامها مع ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، إذ أنه وباعتبار أن الأفراد ذوي صعوبات التعلم يندرجون ضمن هذه الفئة، ونظرا لخصائصهم التي تميزهم عن الآخرين، فإن توظيف الرسوم المتحركة التعليمية في تدريس هؤلاء، لا شك أنه يحسن مهارات القراءة لديهم، ويساعد في جذب انتباههم، وتنمية خيالهم، حيث أن تعليم ذوي صعوبات التعلم أصبح يعتمد بشكل أساسي على استخدام استراتيجيات حديثة، وهو ما يندرج كذلك ضمن التعليم الالكتروني الخاص بهذه الفئة، فبالإضافة إلى مساهمتها في التوعية بهذه الفئة من المجتمع، إلا انه من ضرورة الإشارة إلى أن ذوي صعوبات التعلم قد يعانون من صعوبة في فهم الفكاهة الكرتونية.
مجلة جيل العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية, 2019
People with learning disabilities (LD) suffer in addition to problems in reading, writing and num... more People with learning disabilities (LD) suffer in addition to problems in reading, writing and numeracy. They also suffer from deficiencies in their social skills level, which led some specialists to take social skills as a test or an indicator of identifying and diagnosing people with learning disabilities, especially as the low level of social skills This category of special education has repercussions on several aspects, and is reflected negatively on their academic and academic achievement and their social interactions, which has led researchers to undertake serious field studies aimed at developing, improving and improving the level of social skills of people with disabilities. Learning, through the use of appropriate strategies, techniques and methods to build remedial educational, training and guidance programs to achieve this.
أفكار وآفاق, May 29, 2021
The study examined the issue of social skills among ordinary students and Students with learnin... more The study examined the issue of social skills among ordinary students and Students with learning disabilities, who studied in the fifth year of primary education in the state of Tlemcen. The aim of this study was to identify the significance of differences in their level of social skills. Where the study sampling was done from primary school, (18) normally students and (18) students with learning disabilities. The social skills assessment scale was used. The results showed that there was statistical significant difference (0.01) between normally students and learning disabilities students in term of social skills in favor of normally students.
مجلة التكامل, 2020
نجد من بين المستفيدين من الذكاء الاصطناعي ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ، وبشكل أكثر تحديدا نتحدث عن الفئ... more نجد من بين المستفيدين من الذكاء الاصطناعي ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة ، وبشكل أكثر تحديدا نتحدث عن الفئة الثالثة التي تندرج تحتها فئة ذوي صعوبات التعلم (LD)
توصيات الملتقى الوطني الأول حول اضطرابات التعلم
الذي تم تنظيمه بالجزائر ، بولاية تلمسان
بجامعة ... more توصيات الملتقى الوطني الأول حول اضطرابات التعلم
الذي تم تنظيمه بالجزائر ، بولاية تلمسان
بجامعة أبي بكر بلقايد تلمسان
يوم الاثنين 27 فيفري 2017
بقاعة المحاضرات بالمكتبة المركزية جامعة تلمسان
تحت شعار : شركاء في الحد من صعوباتهم
الملتقى الوطني الأول حول اضطرابات التعلم
تحت شعار شركاء في الحد من صعوباتهم
يوم 27 فيفري 2017
مجلة دار الفكر العربي - جمهورية مصر العربية
Papers by yassine tahraoui
The widespread spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19), made countries and organizations take many exceptional measures and measures, and underlined emergency protocols to prevent this epidemic, and among the recommendations that came out of the World Health Organization (WHO) are social distancing and wearing a muzzle, the latter who knew a great controversy among the public and specialists, and a discrepancy was known between acceptance and rejection, as it is something that citizens are not accustomed to, which means that there was no complete consensus on wearing a muzzle in societies, at a time when many people showed great resistance to working with this procedure, the views differed About its physiological and social impact in addition to the psychological aspect, and the extent of its impact on social interactions, and personal social adjustment. Between a person and his interpretation of the feelings and gestures of others.
interactions among children in the primary and intermediate stages. The sample reached 50
students from both levels، 25 students from the primary stage and 25 students from the
intermediate stage، The results showed that there were statistically significant differences
between the average performance of the students in the sample and for the students in the
intermediate stage in the three dimensions of the scale.
الذي تم تنظيمه بالجزائر ، بولاية تلمسان
بجامعة أبي بكر بلقايد تلمسان
يوم الاثنين 27 فيفري 2017
بقاعة المحاضرات بالمكتبة المركزية جامعة تلمسان
تحت شعار : شركاء في الحد من صعوباتهم
The widespread spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19), made countries and organizations take many exceptional measures and measures, and underlined emergency protocols to prevent this epidemic, and among the recommendations that came out of the World Health Organization (WHO) are social distancing and wearing a muzzle, the latter who knew a great controversy among the public and specialists, and a discrepancy was known between acceptance and rejection, as it is something that citizens are not accustomed to, which means that there was no complete consensus on wearing a muzzle in societies, at a time when many people showed great resistance to working with this procedure, the views differed About its physiological and social impact in addition to the psychological aspect, and the extent of its impact on social interactions, and personal social adjustment. Between a person and his interpretation of the feelings and gestures of others.
interactions among children in the primary and intermediate stages. The sample reached 50
students from both levels، 25 students from the primary stage and 25 students from the
intermediate stage، The results showed that there were statistically significant differences
between the average performance of the students in the sample and for the students in the
intermediate stage in the three dimensions of the scale.
الذي تم تنظيمه بالجزائر ، بولاية تلمسان
بجامعة أبي بكر بلقايد تلمسان
يوم الاثنين 27 فيفري 2017
بقاعة المحاضرات بالمكتبة المركزية جامعة تلمسان
تحت شعار : شركاء في الحد من صعوباتهم