Papers by Juan Carlos Oliveros
Emotion, 2024
Navigating our social environment requires the ability to distinguish ourselves from others. Prev... more Navigating our social environment requires the ability to distinguish ourselves from others. Previous research suggests that training interventions have the potential to enhance the capacity for self-other distinction, which then may impact various socio-cognitive domains, including imitationinhibition, visual perspective-taking, and empathy. Importantly, empirical research on the role of self-other distinction in emotion regulation remains scarce. In this study, we aim to investigate the impact of training self-other distinction on emotion regulation, and also replicate findings on empathy, and the attribution of mental states to others. Using a pre-post design, participants (N = 104) were assigned to either the imitation-inhibition or general inhibitory control training. Compared to general inhibitory control training, participants trained to inhibit imitation displayed a significant increase in post-test emotion regulation levels compared to pre-test levels, indicating that imitation-inhibition training increased self-reported emotion regulation. Notably, emotional interference remained unaffected by either form of training. Both training interventions resulted in diminished self-reported empathic concern, while only general inhibitory control training led to a reduction in personal distress. Moreover, neither type of training had an impact on self-reported perspective-taking or Theory of Mind performance. This study provides novel empirical evidence of the positive impact of imitation-inhibition training on emotion regulation. Furthermore, our findings make significant contributions to the advancement of research in this area and offer further support for the advantages of behavioural training as a methodological approach to studying sociocognitive abilities.
Introducción: La infancia temprana es una etapa crítica para la salud mental, por lo que es funda... more Introducción: La infancia temprana es una etapa crítica para la salud mental, por lo que es fundamental contar con herramientas eficaces para detectar tempranamente conductas infantiles relacionadas con psicopatología. Objetivo: Investigar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Evaluación Socioemocional Breve de Infantes y Niños (BITSEA) en una muestra de infantes chilenos. Método: 289 padres de niños y niñas de entre 12 y 36 meses de edad completaron la BITSEA y el CBCL 1½-5. Resultados: Se encontró una confiabilidad aceptable para las puntuaciones de la subescala "problema socioemocional" (ω=0.84), y una confiabilidad baja para las puntuaciones de la subescala "competencia socioemocional" (ω=0.59). La estructura factorial fue adecuada y se observó una alta validez concurrente con otras escalas. El modelo confirmatorio mostró índices aceptables (CFI= 0.94; TLI= 0.94; SRMR= 0.07; RMSEA= 0.027). Conclusión: La BITSEA en esta muestra arrojó resultados similares a otros estudios, su aplicabilidad es prometedora para la detección temprana de problema socioemocional en la infancia temprana. Se sugiere continuar su estudio en muestra nacional representativa.
Acta Psychologica, 2023
Past research has yielded conflicting findings concerning socio-cognitive deficits in individuals... more Past research has yielded conflicting findings concerning socio-cognitive deficits in individuals with autistic traits. This raises the fundamental question whether autistic traits and socio-cognitive abilities are related. The present study investigated whether three key socio-cognitive abilities-imitation-inhibition, empathy, and emotion regulation-can serve as predictive factors for autistic traits within a neurotypical population. Participants (N = 166, M age = 24.83 years, SD age = 5.20 years, range age = 18 to 39 years) were asked to perform an online imitation-inhibition task and complete self-report measures assessing empathy, emotion regulation, and autistic traits. Empathy was measured using the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI), emotion regulation was assessed using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS), and autistic traits were measured using the ten-item short form of the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ-10). Multiple regression analyses revealed that both imitation-inhibition and emotion regulation were significantly associated with autistic traits. However, empathy was not found to be a significant predictor. Our study aimed to clarify inconsistent results regarding the relationship between socio-cognitive abilities and autistic traits.
Papers by Juan Carlos Oliveros