Universitas Negeri Makassar
Mahar yang diserahkan pihak keluarga calon mempelai laki-laki pada hari akad nikah di sebagian komunitas masyarakat Aceh dikuasai sepenuhnya oleh pihak keluarga (orangtua) mempelai perempuan dan digunakan sebagai bekal berbelanja untuk... more
Law No. 11, 2006 concerning Aceh Government determines the existence of decentralization of authority in the land sector to the Aceh Government. However, in reality, the decentralization of authority could not be accomplished. Therefore,... more
As a consequence of the agreement between the Acehnese Freedom Movement (GAM) and Indonesian government, Aceh Province had a very special autonomy which made this province the only one which was allowed to establish a local political... more
This paper introduces, explains, and investigates the application of a transformerless series-connected reactive/ harmonic compensator. The proposed compensator is applied to compensate the high reactive-power/harmonic demand of a... more
This work relates to the solution of reactive power problem in a line-commutated HVDC link. A series injection strategy has been formulated and the effects have been simulated indicating a significant reduction in reactive power... more
The CIGRE benchmark model for HVDC has been tested for post-fault commutation failures. The observation of the phenomena of post-fault commutation failures and large oscillations in currents and voltages at the inverter and rectifier... more
A large number of offshore wind farms and interconnectors are expected to be constructed in the North Sea region over the coming decades, creating substantial opportunities for the deployment of integrated network solutions. Creating... more
Islamic criminal law recognizes a kind of punishment called as diyat (compensation) for victims of murder and torture which has been apologized by the victim or family of victim. Diyat is amount of money or properties that should be paid... more
Kanker payudara merupakan kanker paling umum dan paling banyak terjadi pada wanita di seluruh dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri kasus kanker payudara menempati posisi pertama kanker yang paling banyak menyebabkan kematian pada wanita. Tingginya... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak konseling kelompok cognitive behavior therapy, dengan teknik stress inoculation training terhadap toleransi distres melalui hardiness mahasisiwi Akademi Kebidanan Abdi Husada Semarang. Metode... more
This research is related to the role of teachers in the application of active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning (PAIKEM) to improve the learning achievement of high school students in South Aceh District. This research... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pertanggung jawaban pihak peternakan terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum yang membuat warga mengalami kerugian, faktor penyebab terjadinya perbuatan melawan hukum dalam pendirian usaha peternakan di... more
Healthcare workers are one of the most affected communities at the global level during the pandemic of COVID-19, and Pakistan is no exception. Pakistan allocates merely less than 1% of its GDP for the healthcare sector, that is why, in... more
Abstrak— Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang sistem pendalian dana desa berbasis masyarakat desa. Selama ini Tuha Peut (DPR-nya desa) kurang diberdayakan. Padahal fungsi Tuha Peut dapat melakukan pengendalian dana desa agar dana... more
Cholistan is the second largest desert of Pakistan with semi-nomadic culture. Based on its landscape, Cholistan is divided into two parts, i.e., Greater and Lesser Cholistan. This study review highlights the economic activities of native... more
Cheating behavior grows from a tolerant attitude towards cheating and low self-efficacy. This research was conducted to test the effectiveness of group counseling with congnitive restructuring techniques to reduce students' attitudes... more
The purpose of this research is to determine the effectiveness of group counseling motivational interviewing as a strength based approach to reduce disruptive classroom behaviors of students. The research method is an experiment using the... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan nilai ringgit dan rupiah dari pandangan masyarakat desa aji kuning dan jenis-jenis komoditas apa saja yang diperjual-belikan pada masyarakat serta bagaimana praktek transaksi jual-beli... more
This work analyzes post-fault commutation failures and their effects in a thyristor based line commutated HVDC link. Simulation results of the example case available in PSCAD® reveal these failures. Two schemes have been suggested to... more
Vegetables, fruits and legumes are important foods for humans and their consumption maintain health and may reduce the risk of diseases. Carotenoids and provitamins A are considered important for human health. Four legumes (faba bean,... more