Papers by fitria angeliqa
Ultimacomm: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, Jun 22, 2020

Bricolage : Jurnal Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
This research aims to identify the Self formed by Self-Presentation through different social medi... more This research aims to identify the Self formed by Self-Presentation through different social media channels. This presentation of the Self's process is known as Dramaturgy. This study also identifies the Dramaturgy carried out by this study's participants by considering the Doxa, Habitus, Arena, and Capital surrounding the participants. Frameworks of this research are Goffman's Presentation of Self and Dramaturgy; and Bourdieu's Logic of Practice. This research relies on the constructivism paradigm, using a qualitative and in-depth interview to collect data. The founding of this research, Fragmented Self, occurred when participants presented Self on social media. Digital Dramaturgy takes place by considering the participant's Doxa, Habitus, Field, and Capital. The results convey how participants arrange the most likely symbolic Capital by showing their attitude to their impression management. In other fields, participants prefer showing their social Capital throu...
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003

The role of the mass media in the dissemination of information has become very important in this ... more The role of the mass media in the dissemination of information has become very important in this digital era, including news about sports competitions. However, sport still has gender issues which then distinguish the presence of male athletes and female athletes. This problem also occurs regarding to the coverage of athletes in the mass media. Framing by the media can influence readers about their views on certain athletes. Thus, the researcher wants to do a content analysis of male and female athletes' news in online media to find out whether the media encourages gender issues, namely hegemony of masculinity. In addition, researchers also want to find out whether there is a difference in the amount of news between male athletes and female athletes. Using quantitative methods, researchers analyzed a sample of 62 news of Indonesian male and female athletes who won the Indonesia Masters 2020 gold medal on the Indonesian news portal sites. The results showed that even though the gender description categories tended to be the same, 14 of the 26 gender-specific descriptors used indicated that there was still a tendency of the hegemony of masculinity in the media.

Jurnal Komunikasi Ikatan Sarjana Komunikasi Indonesia
Agrotourism and ecotourism immediately became a trend when the Covid-19 pandemic began to increas... more Agrotourism and ecotourism immediately became a trend when the Covid-19 pandemic began to increase and social activity restrictions took effect. This particular market requires the foresight of tourism actors and local governments to provide an open interaction space for residents. This article aims to explain how the postmodern approach with its vision of empowerment is used in agro-tourism destination brands by finding typical behavior in its operations. Using the capital and distinction terminology of Pierre Bourdieu, this study uses a mixed-method approach in the form of network analysis in social media (Youtube, Instagram, and online media coverage) to obtain quantitative data. At the same time, in-depth interviews and observation explored qualitative data. The results show that data on all social media platforms showed positive sentiment. Meanwhile, the results of in-depth interviews show how visitors are willing to take the difficult path to get the essential experiences conv...

Proceedings of the 1st Annual Internatioal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2019), 2019
This research aims to see the extent of Instagrambased political campaign can reduce public uncer... more This research aims to see the extent of Instagrambased political campaign can reduce public uncertainty towards the presidential candidates for the 2019 Presidential Election. This research use Uncertainty Reduction Theory to find the research result, positivist as its paradigm, with quantitative method as its research approach. The data is collected by using questionnaire to 106 respondents in Jabodetabek, West Java. The result of this research indicates the Instagram-based political campaign is less successful in influencing people decisions about their choices for 2019 Presidential Election. Politics is a very interesting subject to discuss, especially in 2019 which is a political year for Indonesian citizens. This year, the president and vice president will be elected by the Indonesian citizens as a form of democracy. Mr. Joko Widodo, as a PDI Perjuangan Party representative and who was elected in 2014 will challenge Mr. Prabowo Subianto of Gerindra Party once again. Both of these figures are often be discussed in public sphere. There are many platforms can be used to operate their political strategies, such as internet-based mass media. In political context, mass media, especially social media occupies a strategic position as one of campaign media because it is considered as one of communication channels that has a wide range.

This study endeavors in identifying the universal principles of onlinegam layers in the multicult... more This study endeavors in identifying the universal principles of onlinegam layers in the multicultural context which eventually yields a cosmopolitan cultural identity. The multicultural context is clearly reflected on the users of online games, particularly those who play Massively Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) whose number of users keeps increasing in Indonesia, indicating there are networks and massive interconnectivity which make Indonesia a part of globalization. New media has opened the gate for the digital revolution, which does not merely lead to the convergence of mainstream media but also the improvement of interactivity enabling every audience of the new media to participate in the digital world. One of the interactive convergence is online games in which everyone can participate regardless of their physical boundaries such as location or country territory. However, the players of MMORPG must always improve their digital characters. The customization of characters is r...

Advertising is a media product that represents reality in various signs determined by advertising... more Advertising is a media product that represents reality in various signs determined by advertising workers. Gender-based advertisement text products did not accompany with the involvement of women in the advertising industry. It is because of contestation and symbolic violence that are filling every field. This study aims to see the contestation that occurs in the advertising industry, where women become its leaders. This study used the Habitus-Arena-Capital theory of Pierre Bourdieu and supported by the concept of gender. The paradigm applied critical constructionism, and this study was using an exploratory perspective with a hermeneutic phenomenology approach based on Paul Ricoeur's thinking. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews and non-participant observation on female CEOs in the advertising agency. Data analysis techniques applied stages of hermeneutic phenomenology. The results obtained were a description of various capital from childhood to achievement in adulthood. Research also explored how contestation occurs in various arenas that are very recognizable to the subjects. Contesting with the closest people sometimes results in symbolic violence where the female leaders become the victim. Finally, the research discussion also conveyed the emergence of theoretical implications describing subject capital contestation with the same actors in several fields with stronger doxa and more binding risks.

Ultimacomm: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi wacana lokal dalam media sosial @overheard di Indonesia... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi wacana lokal dalam media sosial @overheard di Indonesia yang membahas tentang berbagai isu sosial yang dikonstruksikan oleh masyarakat selama ini. Media baru yang berkembang, seperti Instagram, menyebabkan munculnya komunitas-komunitas akar rumput secara virtual di masyarakat. Salah satu bentuk komunitas yang kini banyak muncul di Instagram berupa akun media sosial yang disertai kata ‘overheard’. Kata ‘overheard’ pada awalan nama akun media sosial ini menunjukkan secara jelas konsep yang diusung oleh komunitas tersebut, yaitu menampilkan potongan percakapan sehari-hari yang tidak sengaja didengar di ruang publik. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep wacana dan ruang publik. Penelitian ini juga dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis. Teknik pengambilan data yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan analisis isi di akun berbagai overheard yang ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. D...

The purpose of this study is to look at the phenomenon of celebrity on social media Instagram and... more The purpose of this study is to look at the phenomenon of celebrity on social media Instagram and relate it to the hyper-reality theory by Jean Baudrillard. The vast expression space provided by online media has led to a wave of folk culture that allows anyone to become a producer and consumer of texts. Clothing recommendations are now much oriented on the celebrity fashion hijab. The problem is whether this celebrity hijab fashion is an accurate representation of Instagram users, so users often imitate the style of the role model. This study uses the theory of hyperreality, the concept of social media, and celebrity on Instagram. This study uses a post-positivist paradigm, qualitative, and quantitative approaches. The unit of analysis in this study is the followers of hijab fashion celebrity’s Instagram. Data collection techniques are an in-depth interview and survey. The results showed the level of representation in Baudrillard’s terminology— which includes (1) representations tha...

Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
The government had used convergence media to disseminate policies to obtain useful feedback. The ... more The government had used convergence media to disseminate policies to obtain useful feedback. The purpose of this study searched the implications of the communication technology in the participation of social media users, Instagram, in its debate with public policies related to the issue of women's equality promoted by the Ministry of PPPA. The results became an evaluation of the institutions in determining the use of celebrities who have a vast network of friends. The issue of government policy did not get an adequate response because of the lack of audience knowledge and their reflection on the topic—and vice versa. This study used the concept of the communication network with a constructivist paradigm. The unit of analysis is text, posting by selected public figures on the 'Setara' issue in the Kemenpppa account. The collecting data technique used a mix-method to obtain completeness—the data analysis technique used quantitative network analysis with UCI-Net and discour...
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication

E3S Web of Conferences
The objective of this study perceives how the advertising agencies assign women to the position o... more The objective of this study perceives how the advertising agencies assign women to the position of the company leader as a patriarchal effort (as "the right hand" of the capitalists) to “muted” women in "comfortable" place. This research applies Pierre Bourdieu's Habitus-Field-Capital theory and its implications in the form of symbolic violence. This descriptive research applies constructivism paradigm. Obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with women leaders of advertising agencies, the data are examined using hermeneutic phenomenology. As a result, it becomes more and more difficult for female CEOs in advertising agencies--as a part of the media text producer--to recognize the acts of that violence. They rather duplicate and mimicking the symbolic violence in the texts they produce. Involving women in the agencies does not necessarily yield to the gender-perspective texts as the automatic reflection of their thoughts, habits, and acts. It occurs becaus...
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication

As other media products that accommodate the culture of patriarchy, the advertisements also still... more As other media products that accommodate the culture of patriarchy, the advertisements also still describing the scope of women in the private sphere or as an object that emphasizes the element of sexuality. Involving women in this industry, is believed will produce advertisements with gender perspective. But sometimes women are not posted in strategic position to change the policy, or involve in the text producing. The purpose of this study is describing how women leaders reflect their habitus, which in turn affects many ideologies, thoughts, habits, beliefs, until his actions in the capitalist arena such as advertising industry which is fulfilled of patriarchy ambience. Using Habitus-Field-Capital theory from Pierre Bourdieu, this study relies on constructivism paradigm, and categorized as qualitative descriptive. Depth interviews with women workers in advertising agency were used as data collection techniques. The results obtained are the portraits of women's logic of practice includes placement of their habitus and capital.

Illusio in Culinary Arena, Determining The Authenticity of Taste
Fitria Angeliqa1; Billy K. Sar... more Illusio in Culinary Arena, Determining The Authenticity of Taste
Fitria Angeliqa1; Billy K. Sarwono2,
PhD Candidate in Communications Science, Universitas Indonesia1;
Lecturer, Communication Science, Universitas Indonesia2;
email: fitria.angeliqa.17@
Consuming food gives experience on to individual. Traditional recipes preserved and handed down to keep the authenticity of the taste. Because it gives a lot of memories and a 'footprint' on the individual who consume it. The problem is, the culinary world is not merely a matter of taste. Competition occurs from the supply of raw material untill providing food ready to be served. The mushrooming of fast food and fast cook as a part of capitalist industry, pointing the owner of small food stall on two choices: playing as industrialist or maintain their idealisms. Those are toward to their Ilusio: a feel for the game. This study focuses on the owners of ‘Warung Betawi' that have shaping generations to maintain the authenticity of the taste, process, traditions and recipes of Betawi's food, as part of their permanent disposition. This study uses the concept of Illusio as part of the theory of Habitus, Arena, and Capital from Pierre Bourdieu. Using constructivism paradigm, this study is categorized in qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data using in-depth interviews to the owners of ‘Warung Betawi’, and supported by a non-participant observation. The result is descriptions of ‘state of body’ and ‘state of mind’ as their ilusio and habitus as player in culinary arena that is fulled of competition and capitalist’s challenges.
Keywords: ilusio, authenticity of taste, habitus, arena, capital.

Habitus Remaja Dalam Literasi Media Online
(Studi pada Konten Pornografi di Media Online)
Fitri... more Habitus Remaja Dalam Literasi Media Online
(Studi pada Konten Pornografi di Media Online)
Fitria Angeliqa
Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia;
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pancasila,
email:, Hp: 08121043550
Literasi media bukan sekedar konsep tentang melek media. Ia juga mengandung aspek kebijaksanaan penggunaan media. Namun dengan kemajuan teknologi yang memungkinkan konten media masuk hingga wilayah-wilayah privat individu, literasi media seharusnya menjadi garda terdepan dalam konsumsi konten media online. Masalahnya, media online mampu ‘mengenali’ dan merekam pola penggunaan media berdasarkan ciri psikografis dan bukan demografis. Inilah yang kemudian menjadikan media online hanya menyuguhkan apa yang sesuai dengan ‘selera’ ketimbang kesesuaian konten dengan usia pengguna. Alhasil konten berbau kekerasan, pornografi, SARA maupun perjudian menjadi hal yang biasa dikonsumsi pengguna media online tanpa mengindahkan umur. Namun demikian, individu sebenarnya adalah mahluk sosial yang memiliki ‘batasan’ dalam pemikiran hingga tindakannya, yang tentunya juga dapat terfleksi pada perilaku literasi. Ini lah yang disebut dengan habitus.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat eksternalisasi habitus individu yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk-bentuk literasi yang dilakukannya. Fokus utamanya adalah pada apa yang ada di balik pemikiran individu ketika ‘membatasi’ dirinya ketika terekspos konten bermuatan pornografi yang tersebar sebagai viral. Berdasarkan pada teori habitus-arena-kapital dari Pierre Bourdieu, penelitian ini menggunakan paradigm konstrukstivis dan dikategorikan dalam kualitatif deskriptif. Wawancara mendalam kepada pengguna media online kategori remaja, digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah didapatkan potret penempatan habitus remaja dalam melakukan literasi konten bermuatan pornografi di media online.
Kata kunci: Media Literasi, Media Online, Remaja, Pornografi, Habitus.

As the future of a nation, the kids are the group most vulnerable to the exposure of media conten... more As the future of a nation, the kids are the group most vulnerable to the exposure of media contents, such as advertisements. Kid snack advertisements mostly showcase low-nutrition density foods and drinks which shift kid's consumption patterns and can potentially lead to health problems in the future. The snacks consisting of the harmful substance (dye, flavoring, preservative) could endanger kid's health if consumed continuously. The behavior of consuming snacks is most-likely triggered by the kid's impulsivity, because a child is still unable to make decisions for themselves regarding the advertisements targeted at them. This research is aimed at identifying the parents' disposition as a part of literacy activities in the family. The role of parents is so important, mainly in internalizing different perspectives which can be utilized to digest the messages behind the kid snack ads. Applying the theories of habitus, capital, and the concept of media literacy, the paradigm of this research is post-positivist. The data are obtained by conducting a survey and in-depth interview. The results are the descriptions of dispositions given by the parents, especially mothers, to their kids regarding the snack ads so that they are able to criticize and discuss which snack that can or cannot be consumed by kids.
Papers by fitria angeliqa
Fitria Angeliqa1; Billy K. Sarwono2,
PhD Candidate in Communications Science, Universitas Indonesia1;
Lecturer, Communication Science, Universitas Indonesia2;
email: fitria.angeliqa.17@
Consuming food gives experience on to individual. Traditional recipes preserved and handed down to keep the authenticity of the taste. Because it gives a lot of memories and a 'footprint' on the individual who consume it. The problem is, the culinary world is not merely a matter of taste. Competition occurs from the supply of raw material untill providing food ready to be served. The mushrooming of fast food and fast cook as a part of capitalist industry, pointing the owner of small food stall on two choices: playing as industrialist or maintain their idealisms. Those are toward to their Ilusio: a feel for the game. This study focuses on the owners of ‘Warung Betawi' that have shaping generations to maintain the authenticity of the taste, process, traditions and recipes of Betawi's food, as part of their permanent disposition. This study uses the concept of Illusio as part of the theory of Habitus, Arena, and Capital from Pierre Bourdieu. Using constructivism paradigm, this study is categorized in qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data using in-depth interviews to the owners of ‘Warung Betawi’, and supported by a non-participant observation. The result is descriptions of ‘state of body’ and ‘state of mind’ as their ilusio and habitus as player in culinary arena that is fulled of competition and capitalist’s challenges.
Keywords: ilusio, authenticity of taste, habitus, arena, capital.
(Studi pada Konten Pornografi di Media Online)
Fitria Angeliqa
Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia;
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pancasila,
email:, Hp: 08121043550
Literasi media bukan sekedar konsep tentang melek media. Ia juga mengandung aspek kebijaksanaan penggunaan media. Namun dengan kemajuan teknologi yang memungkinkan konten media masuk hingga wilayah-wilayah privat individu, literasi media seharusnya menjadi garda terdepan dalam konsumsi konten media online. Masalahnya, media online mampu ‘mengenali’ dan merekam pola penggunaan media berdasarkan ciri psikografis dan bukan demografis. Inilah yang kemudian menjadikan media online hanya menyuguhkan apa yang sesuai dengan ‘selera’ ketimbang kesesuaian konten dengan usia pengguna. Alhasil konten berbau kekerasan, pornografi, SARA maupun perjudian menjadi hal yang biasa dikonsumsi pengguna media online tanpa mengindahkan umur. Namun demikian, individu sebenarnya adalah mahluk sosial yang memiliki ‘batasan’ dalam pemikiran hingga tindakannya, yang tentunya juga dapat terfleksi pada perilaku literasi. Ini lah yang disebut dengan habitus.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat eksternalisasi habitus individu yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk-bentuk literasi yang dilakukannya. Fokus utamanya adalah pada apa yang ada di balik pemikiran individu ketika ‘membatasi’ dirinya ketika terekspos konten bermuatan pornografi yang tersebar sebagai viral. Berdasarkan pada teori habitus-arena-kapital dari Pierre Bourdieu, penelitian ini menggunakan paradigm konstrukstivis dan dikategorikan dalam kualitatif deskriptif. Wawancara mendalam kepada pengguna media online kategori remaja, digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah didapatkan potret penempatan habitus remaja dalam melakukan literasi konten bermuatan pornografi di media online.
Kata kunci: Media Literasi, Media Online, Remaja, Pornografi, Habitus.
Fitria Angeliqa1; Billy K. Sarwono2,
PhD Candidate in Communications Science, Universitas Indonesia1;
Lecturer, Communication Science, Universitas Indonesia2;
email: fitria.angeliqa.17@
Consuming food gives experience on to individual. Traditional recipes preserved and handed down to keep the authenticity of the taste. Because it gives a lot of memories and a 'footprint' on the individual who consume it. The problem is, the culinary world is not merely a matter of taste. Competition occurs from the supply of raw material untill providing food ready to be served. The mushrooming of fast food and fast cook as a part of capitalist industry, pointing the owner of small food stall on two choices: playing as industrialist or maintain their idealisms. Those are toward to their Ilusio: a feel for the game. This study focuses on the owners of ‘Warung Betawi' that have shaping generations to maintain the authenticity of the taste, process, traditions and recipes of Betawi's food, as part of their permanent disposition. This study uses the concept of Illusio as part of the theory of Habitus, Arena, and Capital from Pierre Bourdieu. Using constructivism paradigm, this study is categorized in qualitative descriptive. The technique of collecting data using in-depth interviews to the owners of ‘Warung Betawi’, and supported by a non-participant observation. The result is descriptions of ‘state of body’ and ‘state of mind’ as their ilusio and habitus as player in culinary arena that is fulled of competition and capitalist’s challenges.
Keywords: ilusio, authenticity of taste, habitus, arena, capital.
(Studi pada Konten Pornografi di Media Online)
Fitria Angeliqa
Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia;
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Pancasila,
email:, Hp: 08121043550
Literasi media bukan sekedar konsep tentang melek media. Ia juga mengandung aspek kebijaksanaan penggunaan media. Namun dengan kemajuan teknologi yang memungkinkan konten media masuk hingga wilayah-wilayah privat individu, literasi media seharusnya menjadi garda terdepan dalam konsumsi konten media online. Masalahnya, media online mampu ‘mengenali’ dan merekam pola penggunaan media berdasarkan ciri psikografis dan bukan demografis. Inilah yang kemudian menjadikan media online hanya menyuguhkan apa yang sesuai dengan ‘selera’ ketimbang kesesuaian konten dengan usia pengguna. Alhasil konten berbau kekerasan, pornografi, SARA maupun perjudian menjadi hal yang biasa dikonsumsi pengguna media online tanpa mengindahkan umur. Namun demikian, individu sebenarnya adalah mahluk sosial yang memiliki ‘batasan’ dalam pemikiran hingga tindakannya, yang tentunya juga dapat terfleksi pada perilaku literasi. Ini lah yang disebut dengan habitus.
Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat eksternalisasi habitus individu yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk-bentuk literasi yang dilakukannya. Fokus utamanya adalah pada apa yang ada di balik pemikiran individu ketika ‘membatasi’ dirinya ketika terekspos konten bermuatan pornografi yang tersebar sebagai viral. Berdasarkan pada teori habitus-arena-kapital dari Pierre Bourdieu, penelitian ini menggunakan paradigm konstrukstivis dan dikategorikan dalam kualitatif deskriptif. Wawancara mendalam kepada pengguna media online kategori remaja, digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan datanya. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah didapatkan potret penempatan habitus remaja dalam melakukan literasi konten bermuatan pornografi di media online.
Kata kunci: Media Literasi, Media Online, Remaja, Pornografi, Habitus.