
Hey hey 😘

I haven’t used this site for like 5 years… but maybe I should come here more…. What up?

There are those who talk about grief and loss, those who after decades and centuries of colonial dispossessions, carnage, genocides, occupations, and perpetual deaths only ever feel the urge to organise when their social liberties are at risk. And there are those who are furious at those thirdworldist who are sarcastically giggling, thinking solemnly in the back of their head ‘I told you so’. Any of us, in the imperial core, do not have a moral ground to stand on and criticise those who bear the biggest consequences of the imperial condition we live under - whether though wars and genocide funding by us, by our taxes and by those who we put in power, or through the colonial financial institutions, leaving economies in ruin and populations traumatized by increases in unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

However, do not be mistaken that those who giggle right now are the same as you, apathetic, indifferent or individualistic. While they giggle right now, they plot, scheme and conspire to liberate not only the lands they live in but also liberate the land we occupy and invade.

Remember that those who you want to portray as insensitive and cruel for not feeling any loss of grief after yesterday, are the same people who for more than a year begged you to act to stop this carnage. They did not see Demokkkrats or Republikkkans as their partners to upend death which they witnessed daily, they saw us as their comrades and invited us to partake in a war against this colonial condition.

And remember that they are not your saviour, they won’t liberate us, they will liberate the land we live in. It is up to you to decide whether you join this new world, or burn alongside the ashes of the colonial empire.

Make tumblr great again.

Anonymous said:

If you leave the blog up people can still enjoy your work in the future. However, I completely understand if you want to deactivate and all. I really enjoyed your blog.

Thank you for all the curated posts you’ve given us over the years. Best of luck in the future :)

Take care.


If you want to be in touch, my Instagram is @bayryam.bayryamali

I really think that some of the content on this page does not represent me anymore, and I have move on. I cringe so much when I look at what I have written before and I have been using since 2012. I think it is time to move on. It was fun and I have learnt a lot from everyone here!

“Registan square. Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Ian Berry.


Registan square. Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Ian Berry.

“Mexico City, 1954, Werner Bischof.


Mexico City, 1954, Werner Bischof.


Kuwait 1991, Bruno Barbey.


Rio de Janeiro, at the bay of Guanabara . “Macumba”, during the festival of the sea 1966, Bruno Barbey. 

“Night view of the eruption of Kirkjufell volcano and Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland by Robert S. Patton.


Night view of the eruption of Kirkjufell volcano and Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland by Robert S. Patton.  

“Fadiouth, Senegal, 1988. Baobab trees over the Catholic cemetery, A. Abbas.


Fadiouth, Senegal, 1988. Baobab trees over the Catholic cemetery,  A. Abbas.

“Istanbul, Turkey 2007, Bruno Barbey.


Istanbul, Turkey 2007, Bruno Barbey.

“ Poster by the Iranian Students Association (US) celebrating 8 March—International Women’s Day - 1970′s


Poster by the Iranian Students Association (US) celebrating 8 March—International Women’s Day - 1970′s

“ picture of Iranian women protesting in Tehran against the compulsory hijab: International Women’s Day 1979


picture of Iranian women protesting in Tehran against the compulsory hijab: International Women’s Day 1979


Are Chechens white? Find out on our next episode of Dateline NBC! We will be doing intensive studies on their skulls, as well as quantitative measures on their culture and religious traditions. We will finally solve the mystery of Dzokhar the Boston Bomber — was he a marginalized PoC vilified by society or a off-kilter white boy given too much sympathy by the media?

We will be doing similar studies on Georgians, Armenians, Greeks, Levantine Arabs, Albanians, Turks, Tatars, and Kurds in upcoming episodes.

Learn more about the Muslims jammed in between Eastern Europe and Middle East in both the Balkans and Caucasus! The lost continents between two worlds: East and West!

Learn more about the hidden ancient white tribes of Central and South Asia!

Buy our book on how you (yes you!) can learn five easy ways of determining how all these groups and more have white privilege. Is it full on white privilege or is it light skin and passing privilege? How does genocide, imperialism, and poverty factor in? You’ll learn all about it here in our book so you can make an accurate, empirical assessment for just $99.99. Call now toll free at 1-800-LICKMYTAINT

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