Papers by Nurhadi Nurhadi
![Research paper thumbnail of Literasi Penggunaan Media Sosial Sehat Bagi Forum Anak Surakarta](
DEDIKASI: Community Service Reports, 2020
Gencarnya serangan media sosial dalam kehidupan manusia dewasa ini yang saat ini sungguh tidak bi... more Gencarnya serangan media sosial dalam kehidupan manusia dewasa ini yang saat ini sungguh tidak bisa dielakkan. Berbagai persoalan dan masalah timbul seiring dengan penggunaan media sosial di masyarakat. Banyak pro dan kontra terkait dengan munculnya berbagai dampak digunakannya media sosial. Kasus-kasus pornografi, penculikan, bahkan terorisme, bullying dan body shaming di media sosial turut ditengarai karena tidak bijaknya para pengguna media sosial, khususnya para remaja. Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Riset Group Habitus dengan Forum Anak Surakarta. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memeberikan pemahaman atau literasi kepada remaja dan anak terkait penggunaan media sosial sehat. Remaja sebagai pengguna media sosial yang paling aktif oleh karenanya perlu dibekali dengan berbagai pemahaman yang positif terkait bagaimana penggunaan media sosial yang sehat. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan berupa ceramah dan di...
![Research paper thumbnail of Proteksi Diri Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas Dalam Membentengi Diri Dari Kebiasaan Merokok di Pergaulan Remaja](
Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis, 2020
This study aims to determine how adolescents who live in the association of adolescent smokers, i... more This study aims to determine how adolescents who live in the association of adolescent smokers, in protecting themselves from smoking habits. This research uses qualitative research methods using ethnography. Data collection techniques are done through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses domain analysis. Smoking habits have mushroomed in adolescent relationships. Smoking behavior is a learned behavior. Family, peers, and the environment determine the teen's thought process before deciding to act. The family becomes an important early socialization agent in the process of hunting teenagers in the community, including regarding cigarettes. The results of this study indicate that self-protection by adolescents arises on the basis of knowledge about smoking obtained in the initial socialization process in the family. Understanding of families arising from smoking habits, based on the experience of their parents. From the understanding capital obtained is s...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pembentukan Sikap Disiplin Siswa Pada Sekolah Berbasis Asrama](
QALAMUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Agama, 2021
Boarding school education instills various kinds of values and characters to improve student di... more Boarding school education instills various kinds of values and characters to improve student discipline, both while undergoing education at school and when completing education. This study aims to explain the formation of student discipline in boarding schools. This study uses a qualitative method with an ethnographic approach. Data collection comes from the results of participatory observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews. Data analysis used disciplinary mechanism theory and Foucault's Panopticon. The results of this study indicate that the active role played by the teacher council, vice principal for student affairs, and school administrators in enforcing school rules has a significant relationship in shaping student discipline attitudes. The formation of students' disciplined attitudes is reflected in the various activities found in Islamic boarding schools and schools. Not arriving late at school, performing prayers on time, dressing neatly, participating in...
![Research paper thumbnail of Modal Sosial dan Strategi Kelangsungan Usaha Sektor Informal Pedagang Kaki Lima pada Era Pandemi COVID-19](
This study aims to explain the social capital of street vendors and its contribution to the busin... more This study aims to explain the social capital of street vendors and its contribution to the business continuity strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used qualitative research and case study approach. The data obtained in this study are qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Intake of informants using purposive sampling technique. The source of data came from street vendors who trade food or drinks using motorbikes, carts and tents, totaling eight informans. Informants have been trading in this micro business sector for at least two years as their main occupation. Data were analyzed using interactive analysis techniques, through three stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that street vendors build social capital through social relationships with other traders, suppliers, customers, families, parking attendants, local residents, as well as RT and PKK soc...
![Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of the Development of Urban Sprawl in the Suburbs](
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st Seminar and Workshop on Research Design, for Education, Social Science, Arts, and Humanities, SEWORD FRESSH 2019, April 27 2019, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Cities development is a natural hapenning experienced by all countries, both developing and devel... more Cities development is a natural hapenning experienced by all countries, both developing and developed countries. This study illustrates the development of cities in Indonesia representing urban sprawl growth patterns. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of the development of Surakarta City towards the suburbs that is towards the Colomadu District. The data collection technique uses multi-temporal image data in 2008-2018 as the basis and uses the method of interviewing, observing, and analyzing documents as a supplement. Data analysis used was descriptive qualitative and spatial analysis to identify land transformation and explore the impact of the development of suburban areas. The results of this study were to discover the impact of urban sprawl in the city of Surakarta towards the outskirts of the city so that it became a suggestion to policy makers to anticipate the impact on the environment.
![Research paper thumbnail of Perceraian di Kabupaten Rembang](
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS)
Divorce research in Rembang Regency, Central Java aims to explore the study of bickering factors ... more Divorce research in Rembang Regency, Central Java aims to explore the study of bickering factors that can be a way of ending a marital relationship. The method used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data obtained through surveys with purposive sampling techniques. Researchers selected 30 divorced people as respondents. Qualitative data was obtained through in-depth interviews with 10 potential participants. Qualitative data is analyzed using Spradley's domain model, which provides an overview of and thoroughly of the research object. The data obtained through surveys and interviews is subsequently converted into a script in order to obtain an overview of the objects studied. The study concluded that the factors that cause quarrels in the family are (1) the inability to support the family; (2) infidelity; (3) Domestic Violence; (4) misunderstanding; and (5) mismatch with a partner due to matchmaking practice.
![Research paper thumbnail of Modal Sosial dan Strategi Kelangsungan Usaha Sektor Informal Pedagang Kaki Lima pada Era Pandemi COVID-19](
This study aims to explain the social capital of street vendors and its contribution to the busin... more This study aims to explain the social capital of street vendors and its contribution to the business continuity strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research used qualitative research and case study approach. The data obtained in this study are qualitative data collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. Intake of informants using purposive sampling technique. The source of data came from street vendors who trade food or drinks using motorbikes, carts and tents, totaling eight informans. Informants have been trading in this micro business sector for at least two years as their main occupation. Data were analyzed using interactive analysis techniques, through three stages of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that street vendors build social capital through social relationships with other traders, suppliers, customers, families, parking attendants, local residents, as well as RT and PKK soc...
![Research paper thumbnail of Stereotypes Against Female Online Ojek Drivers in Surakarta](
HUMANISMA : Journal of Gender Studies
This study investigated the stereotypes of female online motorcycle taxi drivers, who pinned the ... more This study investigated the stereotypes of female online motorcycle taxi drivers, who pinned the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers, and why the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers in Surakarta emerged. This study used a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Sources of data used were primary data sources and secondary data sources—the data collected by interviews and observations. The informant retrieval technique used was snowball sampling and purposive sampling. This study indicated that (1) The stereotype of online motorcycle taxi drivers arises from a sub-culture in a society where men are closely related to masculine characteristics while women are feminine. So, working as a driver in a society closely related to masculine people creates stereotypes for women. (2) In the process, the stereotype of female online motorcycle taxi drivers appeared in most of the people who interacted with them, such as customers, fellow online motorcy...
![Research paper thumbnail of Menelisik Pencegahan Pernikahan Usia Anak di kota Surakarta](
Jurnal Sosiologi Pendidikan Humanis
This study aims to understand and explain efforts to prevent child marriage in Surakarta city in ... more This study aims to understand and explain efforts to prevent child marriage in Surakarta city in the study of population sociology. The areas sampled were five “Kampong KB” (Family Planning Villages) spread over five subdistricts in the city of Surakarta. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with 16 informants and structured interviews with 48 informants, consisting of Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assistants (PPKBD), parents, teenagers and government officials. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction or the selection process, simplification, abstraction and transformation of raw data, then data presentation. Conclusions and verification are carried out continuously during the study. The results showed that in the effort to prevent the practice of child marriage in Surakarta city, there were several strategies implemented by various parties, namely Family Planning Instructors (PKB), Regional Family Planning Assist...
![Research paper thumbnail of Lombok Living Strategy After The Lombok Earthquake](
Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
This study aims to determine the form of household livelihood strategies found in Kayangan Distri... more This study aims to determine the form of household livelihood strategies found in Kayangan District after the earthquake. This qualitative research uses the case study method by sampling using purposive sampling. The sample used in this study were 60 households. Data collection techniques in this study used triangulation. Triangulation used in this research is by using source triangulation. In addition, other data collection techniques are in the form of observation, deep interview, and documentation. Analysis of the data used in this study is a qualitative analysis using the Miles and Huberman models. Activities carried out in the analysis are in the form of scoring data, reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing / verification. The results of the study concluded that: Household livelihood strategies used by the community in Kayangan District include intensification and exensification, as well as diversification.
![Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of Level of Preparedness Community of Disaster Earthquake in Gangga Sub-District](
Natural conditions and geographical situations in Indonesia show that natural disasters are very ... more Natural conditions and geographical situations in Indonesia show that natural disasters are very likely to occur. One of the natural disasters that occurred was an earthquake. The main factor in the occurrence of the earthquake which caused many losses was the lack of knowledge regarding the potential and community preparedness for the earthquake disaster. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of community preparedness in dealing with earthquake disasters. The method used is a qualitative method with sampling using a cluster random sampling of 75 respondents. Analysis of community preparedness uses scoring with the help of Geographic Information Systems on four parameters of preparedness, namely knowledge and attitudes, emergency response plans, disaster warning systems, and resource mobilization. The results of this study are Gangga District community preparedness is divided into two categories, namely the category of moderate preparedness and high preparedness. The ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Jaringan Sosial Dalam Pembentukan Perilaku Siswa Merokok](
JESS (Journal of Education on Social Science)
The purpose of this research was to know the social networks of smoking behavior of active smoker... more The purpose of this research was to know the social networks of smoking behavior of active smoker students, especially in high school of Surakarta. This study aimed to describe agents that contribute to form this behavior through social ties based on Marwell theory of Social Networks. The methods that used in this study was descriptive qualitative with ethnography approach. The data was collected through interview using WhatsApp application. The data was analyzed with theory of Social Network from Marwell and compared to related researches. Informants in this study were ten high school students in Surakarta who active in smoking behavior. The results of this study indicated that its habit started from curiosity and imitation of others into an action that receive “support” from people around. It could be concluded that student's decision of smoking was determined by their relationship with the social milieu which was also an active smoker, such as family and peer groups.
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi)
![Research paper thumbnail of How important risk analysis of plastic pollution in coastal area? Case study in Masohi, Central Maluku](
E3S Web of Conferences
Human pressure on the coastal and aquatic surrounding ecosystem in Indonesia, through plastic was... more Human pressure on the coastal and aquatic surrounding ecosystem in Indonesia, through plastic waste, is increasing, considering that 60 % of the approximately 250 million people live in the coastal areas. Plastic waste originating from human activities has become a massive problem in almost all the small island and coastal regions, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia. This condition is caused by poor waste management and a lack of public awareness in disposing of waste in its place, including in an area known as its marine biodiversities and marine tourism spots like Masohi in Central Maluku. Also, the composition of waste is dominated by plastic waste that cannot be decomposed in a short period, continue circulated on the ocean currents, and will be deposited in coastal areas. Furthermore, some plastic waste will break down into micro-plastics that pollute not only the environment but also marine biota, which are often consumed by humans. This situation profoundly affects t...
![Research paper thumbnail of Strategi manajemen sekolah dalam menghadapi pemberlakuan sistem zonasi](
Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi setelah sistem zonasi ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi setelah sistem zonasi di terapkan di SMA Negeri (SMAN) 1 Surakarta dan menganalisa strategi manajemen sekolah di SMAN 1 Surakarta dalam menghadapi pemberlakuan sistem zonasi menggunakan teori struktural fungsional oleh Radcliffe-Brown. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan etnografi dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman melalui beberapa prosedur kegiatan meliputi reduksi data, penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1.) Perubahan input siswa yang menjadi relatif heterogen setelah sistem zonasi diterapkan menyebabkan perubahan budaya sekolah dan pola pembelajaran; 2.) Strategi yang digunakan oleh manajemen sekolah di SMAN 1 Surakarta dalam menghadapi perubahan budaya sekolah adalah dengan penanaman nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam Hasthalaku dan inovasi Gera...
![Research paper thumbnail of Konflik dan Ujaran Kebencian di Twitter (Studi Tentang Hashtag #2019TetapJokowi and #2019GantiPresiden Periode Januari-Februari 2019)](
This research aims at understanding and explaing conflicts that take place in the virtual world. ... more This research aims at understanding and explaing conflicts that take place in the virtual world. Twitter is chosen as a sample because it is one of the most widely used social media many so-called netizens use both for positive and negative purposes. One of the negative effects that twitter brings about is rampant hate speech. Data is collected by shooting screen that contain hashtag #2019gantipresiden and #2019tetapjokowi. Perspective used in this research is Lewis Coser’s conflict theory. Unlike other researches that focus on the impact of internet-mediated interaction, this reseach offers a new perspective that considers virtual world a space where each individual interacting in it gets involved in a negotiation process with other individual or a group of individuals. Conclusions drawn from this reseach are as follows : (1) if it comes to conflict, the nature of virtual - real worlds relation is diadic one; (2) things that occur in the virtual world can be managed to be realized...
![Research paper thumbnail of Pemilihan Sekolah Swasta Berbasis Agama dalam Perspektif Angst Society](
JSW: Jurnal Sosiologi Walisongo
There has been a sharp increase of the number of parents sending their children to religious-base... more There has been a sharp increase of the number of parents sending their children to religious-based private schools, ranging from early childhood education to that of high school, since the past three decades. In addition to the urban and peri-urban population, this trend has also been extending that of rural, in which individual decision making is presumed to be also strongly influenced by, or at least takes account seriously consideration made by, extended family. This research focuses on how parents come up with the decision to send their children to religious-based private school. Applying social network analysis, this research aims at understanding and explaining the process of socialization, dissemination, and the fortification of ideas on the importance of sending children to the religious-based private school. The results of this research are: First, there is the certain dominant perception among parents that the community and society at-large in which parents and their famil...
![Research paper thumbnail of Strategi Adaptasi Ojek Konvensional dalam Merespon Adanya Ojek Online di Kota Surakarta](
Equilibrium: Jurnal Pendidikan
Kehadiran jasa transportasi berbasis aplikasi, termasuk ojek sepeda motor online di Kota Surakart... more Kehadiran jasa transportasi berbasis aplikasi, termasuk ojek sepeda motor online di Kota Surakarta telah menggeser transportasi konvensional khususnya ojek sepeda motor konvensional. Hal ini membuat ojek konvensional merubah strategi layanan agar tetap mempertahankan eksistensinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)menjelaskan pelayanan jasa transportasi ojek sepeda motor konvensional dan (2)mengidentifikasi strategi adaptasi yang berhasil dilakukan pengemudi ojek sepeda motor konvensional sebagai pekerjaan di Kota Surakarta. Dengan pendekatan fenomenologis/kualitatif peneliti melibatkan 9 informan terdiri koordinator pangkalan ojek konvensional Surakarta, anggota ojek konvensional, dan Satbinmas Polresta Surakarta. Data tentang pelayanan ojek konvensional dari informan dikumpulkan dengan wawancara mendalam. Setelah transkrip peneliti menggunakan teori Etika Subsistensi karya James C. Scott yang menyajikan 3 pilihan strategi: (1) perluasan jaringan sosial, (2) wirausaha alternatif...
![Research paper thumbnail of Proteksi Diri Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam Membentengi Diri dari Kebiasaan Merokok di Pergaulan Remaja Student's Protection in Self-Fortifying from Smoking Habit Among Teens Peer Groups](
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana remaja yang hidup dalam pergaulan remaja pero... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana remaja yang hidup dalam pergaulan remaja perokok, dalam memproteksi diri dari kebiasaan merokok. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisa domain. Kebiasaan merokok telah menjamur dalam pergaulan remaja. Perilaku merokok merupakan perilaku yang dipelajari. Keluarga, teman sebaya, dan lingkungan berpengaruh dalam proses remaja memahami perilaku merokok sebelum memutuskan untuk bertindak. Keluarga menjadi agen sosialisasi awal yang penting dalam proses remaja memahami perilaku yang ada di masyarakat, termasuk perihal rokok. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proteksi diri yang dilakukan remaja timbul atas dasar pengetahuan tentang rokok yang didapatkan dalam proses sosialisasi awal dalam keluarga. Pemahaman dalam keluarga mengenai akibat yang ditimbulkan dari perilaku merokok, berdasar pengalaman orang tua mereka. Dari modal pemahaman yang didapatkan tersebut menjadi proteksi diri dalam pergaulan remaja, khususnya dalam pergaulan perokok. Selain itu, proteksi diri lainnya adalah timbul dari perencanaan remaja mengenai masa depannya dalam menekuni hobi dalam bidang olahraga. Dari pengetahuan dan pengalam tersebut yang timbul melalui interaksi sosial tersebut menjadikannya melakukan proteksi diri dari perilaku merokok dalam pergaulan remaja. Kata kunci : kebiasaan merokok, kenakalan remaja, siswa perokok, proteksi diri Abstract This study aims to determine how adolescents who live in the association of adolescent smokers, in protecting themselves from smoking habits. This research uses qualitative research methods using ethnography. Data collection techniques are done through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses domain analysis. Smoking habits have mushroomed in adolescent relationships. Smoking behavior is a learned behavior. Family, peers, and the environment determine the teen's thought process before deciding to act. The family becomes an important early socialization agent in the process of hunting teenagers in the community, including regarding cigarettes. The results of this study indicate that self-protection by adolescents arises on the basis of knowledge about smoking obtained in the initial socialization process in the family. Understanding of families arising from smoking habits, based on the experience of their parents. From the understanding capital obtained is self-protection in adolescents, specifically in the smoker association. In addition, other selfprotection is arising from adolescent planning about the future in pursuing a hobby in the field of sports. From this knowledge and experience that arises through social interaction makes it a protection against smoking in adolescent relationships.
Papers by Nurhadi Nurhadi