Papers by Hesti Wijaya
![Research paper thumbnail of Developing Resource-based Learning Materials for Mechanical Engineering Students](
This study aims to develop English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials for mechanical engineerin... more This study aims to develop English for Specific Purpose (ESP) materials for mechanical engineering students, based on Resource-based Learning (RBL) theory. RBL theory is chosen for several grounds, namely: (1) The exponential growth of information and technology has dramatically changed the very nature of resource for learning which is no longer the same with that 25 years ago. (2) The concept of RBL offers teachers a way to cope with this astonishing volume of available resources around learners. (3) RBL suits adult learners at best as it increases their motivation, allows them to experience knowledge construction through a personal interpretation of knowledge rather than merely knowledge transmission, and develops their critical thinking. The research design is Research and Development. The subjects are 92 students of the third year at Mechanical Engineering Department, SV UGM (80 males, 12 females). The data are gathered through survey, semi-structured interview and document analysis. The survey and document analysis are analyzed quantitatively, while the interview transcript is examined qualitatively. The researcher adapts the research procedure by Gall, Gall and Borg (2003) and Sukmadinata (2013), which includes needs analysis, syllabus writing, developing preliminary materials, preliminary field testing (expert judgment and tryout), and final draft revision. The findings reveal five components of the effective resource-based learning materials for mechanical engineering students. Firstly, the curriculum fit means that the RBL materials should fit and in line with the predetermined syllabus. Secondly, the content requires each unit to be contextualized, realistic, authentic and consistent and thus they involve: Title, Relevant Introduction Picture, Unit Objectives, Tuning-in, Mechanical Practices, Meaningful Practices, Communicative Practices, Summary, Review, and Progress Checker. Thirdly, the instructional design must integrate four language skills meaningfully, involve different types of activities; develop students’ communicative competences; engage students’ attention; foster learning autonomy and suitable for a range of learning styles and levels; and most importantly they allow students to learn from various learning resources in controllable ways. Fourthly, the technical design calls for attractive and engaging layout; clear, appropriate and effective illustrations/visuals; appropriate fonts and size; logical, well-organized and consistent format; and suitable packaging for classroom or library collection. Lastly, the learning resources aspect should include both static and dynamic materials, culturally and socially appropriate materials, resources that can be easily accessed, and resources which promote group interaction and interactive learning.
Keywords: Resource-based Learning (RBL), materials development, English for Specific Purposes, mechanical engineering
Indonesian Journal of Women S Studies, Jul 19, 2013
I International Symposium on Horticultural Economics in Developing Countries, 1991
This study was typically a classroom action research. It aimed to improve the reading comprehensi... more This study was typically a classroom action research. It aimed to improve the reading comprehension ability on hortatory exposition texts of the selected students in a higher institution context through the use of three-phase strategy, namely KWL strategy ("Know", "Want to know" "Learnt"), which is firstly described by Ogle (1986). In the K (Know) phase, students activate their prior knowledge and integrate it with the new concept; in the W (Want to know) phase, they list some questions that they would like to know from the text; and in the L (Learnt) phase, they reflect on the new knowledge they get and list what they would still like to learn. By design, KWL requires readers to connect their prior knowledge of the world with the new knowledge thereby constructing meaning.
![Research paper thumbnail of FACTORS AFFECTING INDONESIAN STUDENTS’ WILLINGNESS TO COMMUNICATE (A Case Study in Higher Education)](
The push toward language teaching to make learners effective communicators has been relentless. T... more The push toward language teaching to make learners effective communicators has been relentless. To be proficient language users, learners need to at least practice it inside the classroom to communicate functionally and interactively. Through such a way, they will be accustomed to the language not only from linguistic and structural matters, but also from authentic communicative competence. Willingness to Communicate (WTC), hence, is a crucial plus point for learners to succeed their L2 acquisition. This present study which was held in EFL context aimed to: (1) examine the Indonesian students" level of WTC in English, and (2) reveal the potential factors which influence students" WTC in English. A total 136 undergraduate students from three different majors (Medicine, Accounting, Elementary School Teacher Education) participated in this study. The data were gathered through a survey and a semi-structured interview. It was indicated that 72.1% of 136 students had low Willingness to Communicate in English. Besides, it was disclosed that there were four most discouraging factors affecting students" WTC, namely task-type, class size, language anxiety, and teachers" and students" rapport.
Technological advances have been giving a fresh impetus to the field of translation to reach seve... more Technological advances have been giving a fresh impetus to the field of translation to reach several new dimensions in recent decades. These allow translators to work at ease on translation memories, content management, and particularly terminology management. Terminology as a specialized language is a very sensitive matter for it is used to facilitate unambiguous communication in a particular area of knowledge; hence, translators' ability to identify the terms that designate the concepts that are pertinent to a subject field is vastly needed . This paper draws upon a single case study in a Language Centre in Central Java, Indonesia, aimed at investigating 12 English translators' awareness of optimizing the use of technology for terminology management and at observing whether or not there is still a major gap between best practices and real life implementation. The findings of this study seek to contribute to a better practice of translation process and to ensure the quality assurance of translation product.
Communicative activities play a crucial role in communicative language teaching (CLT) as one of m... more Communicative activities play a crucial role in communicative language teaching (CLT) as one of methods for best facilitating students' learning. Since the central theoretical concept in CLT is "communicative competence", the focus has been elaborated that CLT aims to promote the development of functional language ability through learners' participation in communicative events (Savignon, 2002).
Indonesia is fast approaching ASEAN Economic Community 2015 as well as the top ten economies in 2... more Indonesia is fast approaching ASEAN Economic Community 2015 as well as the top ten economies in 2030. With all the competitiveness and the strengths of each ASEAN Member State, the demographic bonus allows Indonesia to reap the benefits of a burgeoning population to increases overall productivity and encourages economic growth with the concentration in 180 millions youngest- and working-age population (those ages 15-64), and only 80 millions dependent people (<15 or >64 years old). Meanwhile, aging population problems turn out to be a looming economic and social burden in Europe, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, and Thailand. When the government is hardly able to provide adequate workplaces, the alternative is preparing the younger generation with education to create qualified and professional employees not only to work in Indonesia but also to compete overseas.
Evidently, most of Indonesian labor migrants overseas are uneducated and unskilled (UNESCO, 2007). Their six biggest problems are: poor English skills (44%); computer illiterate (36%); bad behaviours (30%); weak critical thinking (33%), lack of basic work skills (30%); having higher education degree (7%). English competency is important as it is a global lingua franca and has a big influence on workplace readiness and employment outcomes for Indonesian youth to get better work positions. With the very high number of working-age population and youth, English is highly necessary to prepare them to be able to help Indonesian economic growth between 2015 and 2030 or even beyond for they can go abroad as professionals without a communication burden.
TEFLIN Proceedings 2014, Oct 7, 2014
Vocational high school students must be provided with English language competency to viably take ... more Vocational high school students must be provided with English language competency to viably take parts in the global workplace competition. Inasmuch as ELT materials often miss to promote students’ socio-cultural backgrounds to accommodate them in using language in contexts, these bridge students to have good command of grammar and lexical knowledge but make them have difficulty in comprehending message of the lesson. Teachers ought to bear in mind that teaching a language also means teaching a complex system of cultural customs, values, ways of thinking, feeling, and acting. Thus, language and culture are inseparable. Conversely, the insertion of foreign language cultural values in textbooks is occasionally different from Indonesian local cultures. Despite its challenges, developing ELT materials which integrate local and target cultures is highly desirable to (i) help students understand meaning of language in contexts, (ii) preserve local culture, and (iii) make students feel less inferior and less superior while interacting with people with different cultural values.
Over years, researchers have been indicating that Education for All (EFA) is not merely about equ... more Over years, researchers have been indicating that Education for All (EFA) is not merely about equality for all students to get access to educational resources. It also entails equity, which means teachers treat each individual according to their individual differences and provide them according to their requirement or need. Thus, all groups of students can ultimately master the goals of the curriculum to approximately the same degree. In fact, students in a certain class might have a number of differences in terms of learning style, interest, physical condition, level of comprehension, and types of smartness which affect the way they learn. The common ways of teaching in Indonesia, nevertheless, still treat students like they are entirely the same, without considering their uniqueness. Because teachers educate students to be humans, not robots, they have to adjust their teaching according to students’ different ways of learning and not to force students to follow teachers’ ways of teaching. This paper looks into the probability, feasibility, and practicality of using Multiple Intelligence theory in teaching practices as a real implementation of gaining equity for all students to be educated well. It is expected that the idea can contribute to the change of and the development of school practices.
This research aims to improve the students’ writing skills through the teaching and learning proc... more This research aims to improve the students’ writing skills through the teaching and learning processes which implement Multiple Intelligence-based techniques. The main consideration is that the classroom consists of students with different intelligence profiles and these can be used to make them learn writing at ease in their own style. A total of 29 students of Grade VII D at SMPN 2 Bantul participated in this research. The data were collected both qualitatively through observations and interviews and quantitatively through survey and writing assignments and tests. The field notes and interview transcripts were processed qualitatively to build interpretations of the data, while the survey result and the writing scores were analyzed quantitatively to find the mode of the intelligences and the tendency of the students’ writing scores. The results show that the six dominant intelligences in Grade VII D are bodily-kinesthetic, naturalist, visual-spatial, musical, logical-mathematical and interpersonal intelligences. Additionally, the writing teaching techniques based on these six intelligences can improve the students’ skills in writing procedure and descriptive texts. It is proved by the mean score of their procedure text writings in the post-test (87.31), which is higher than that in the pre-test (69.66). The mean score of their descriptive text writings has also improved from 72.59 in the pre-test to 87.34 in the post-test. These achievements prove that the implementation of MI-based techniques can improve the students’ writing skills significantly.
Conference Presentations by Hesti Wijaya
![Research paper thumbnail of Resource-based Learning: A Paradigm Shift in Materials Design](
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Educational Research and Innovation (ICERI 2018), 2019
This study addresses multiple outcomes, namely process, implications, and possible future directi... more This study addresses multiple outcomes, namely process, implications, and possible future directions for developing English for specific purposes (ESP) materials and English learning materials in general, which ponder the dilemmatic issues in education. These are related to the abundance types of learning resources (both static and dynamic) that are sometimes not systematically evaluated and optimally utilized to support learning, the rapid growth of ICTs which at the same time diminishes civilization in human interactions, the emerging digital natives who acquire and process information in a different way, and the lack of coursebooks which integrate various learning resources. To these ends, we developed a model of resource-based learning ESP materials for mechanical engineering, evaluated the developed materials holistically, and considered the feasibility of the developed materials as well as the potential of RBL materials development for other fields. A sample of 92 mechanical engineering college students was involved as the primary data source. Three experts at ESP and materials development, RBL, and mechanical engineering participated in the preliminary field testing. Results suggested that the developed RBL ESP materials were appropriate in terms of curriculum, contents and tasks, instructional and technical design, and the quality of the learning resources.
Papers by Hesti Wijaya
Keywords: Resource-based Learning (RBL), materials development, English for Specific Purposes, mechanical engineering
Evidently, most of Indonesian labor migrants overseas are uneducated and unskilled (UNESCO, 2007). Their six biggest problems are: poor English skills (44%); computer illiterate (36%); bad behaviours (30%); weak critical thinking (33%), lack of basic work skills (30%); having higher education degree (7%). English competency is important as it is a global lingua franca and has a big influence on workplace readiness and employment outcomes for Indonesian youth to get better work positions. With the very high number of working-age population and youth, English is highly necessary to prepare them to be able to help Indonesian economic growth between 2015 and 2030 or even beyond for they can go abroad as professionals without a communication burden.
Conference Presentations by Hesti Wijaya
Keywords: Resource-based Learning (RBL), materials development, English for Specific Purposes, mechanical engineering
Evidently, most of Indonesian labor migrants overseas are uneducated and unskilled (UNESCO, 2007). Their six biggest problems are: poor English skills (44%); computer illiterate (36%); bad behaviours (30%); weak critical thinking (33%), lack of basic work skills (30%); having higher education degree (7%). English competency is important as it is a global lingua franca and has a big influence on workplace readiness and employment outcomes for Indonesian youth to get better work positions. With the very high number of working-age population and youth, English is highly necessary to prepare them to be able to help Indonesian economic growth between 2015 and 2030 or even beyond for they can go abroad as professionals without a communication burden.