Papers by Claude Lamontagne
. Teaching Options, 6(2), 1-15., 2002
2001 Award for Excellence in Teaching (University of Ottawa)
Public Address
Primitive computational concepts, expressed in terms of neural nets, are created as a basis for a... more Primitive computational concepts, expressed in terms of neural nets, are created as a basis for a model of visual motion perception. These primitives are explicitly derived within the context of a complete visual system.
Ecai, 1976
In the context of a computational theory of visual motion detection some apparently conflictual p... more In the context of a computational theory of visual motion detection some apparently conflictual psychological data about human visual motion perception are shown to be perfectly compatible. The hypothesis is put forward that the human visual motion detection system is limited to considering only one visual object at a time, this visual object being however allowed to embrace any part of the observed scene, whether the chosen part consists of many physical objects, or only one, or only a small part of one.
phenomena. A single algorithmic model is proposed which explains these four visual illusions. In ... more phenomena. A single algorithmic model is proposed which explains these four visual illusions. In fact, this model predicts phenomena produced by motion of any gray shaded patterns relative to the eyes (termed "Motion Blur Illusions"). Results of a computer simulation of the model are presented. A novel instance of the proposed class of illusions, which can be readily experienced by the reader is introduced to illustrate the generality of the model.
Canadian Journal of Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie, 1980
A Didactic Introduction, 2014
Evolutionary Epistemology, 1987

Experimental Brain Research, 2002
Effective sigma tracking, i.e., apparent movement perception when slow eye movements are made acr... more Effective sigma tracking, i.e., apparent movement perception when slow eye movements are made across a stationary repetitive pattern under stroboscopic illumination, has been shown to be a function of the distance between sequential stimuli (P s ) and the flash frequency (f s ). The relationship between these factors and eye velocity (V e ) has been formally specified as V e =k P s f s [deg s -1 ], where it has been argued that the value of k, which defines the rate limit for eye velocity, is normally 1, or exceptionally 2 or 3. However, theoretically the limitations on the maximum value for k are the maximum optimal pursuit speed for eye tracking (V max ) and the minimum values which P s and f s can assume while preserving target discrimination, and since the values for V max are known to lie well beyond 20 deg/s and those for P s and f s well below 0.3 deg and 10 Hz respectively, it should be possible to demonstrate empirically that k can assume integer values considerably larger than the indicated maximum of 3. To test this prediction, three subjects performed seven series of five EOG-monitored trials producing sigma-pursuit, with values of k ranging from 1 to 7. All subjects evidenced smooth pursuit eye tracking for every condition and reported experiencing sigma-type apparent motion in 95% of the trials. The results confirm theoretical expectations and unequivocally demonstrate that sigma tracking can be readily effected under conditions where k significantly exceeds the maximal values previously reported, in conformity with theory.

Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Jan 1, 2010
Pucini's Madama Butterfly L. Illica & G. Giacosa Je tente ici de faire valoir le point de vue sel... more Pucini's Madama Butterfly L. Illica & G. Giacosa Je tente ici de faire valoir le point de vue selon lequel il demeure pertinent, contrairement à ce que la rectitude politique me semble vouloir prêcher, de s'interroger sur les possibles différences entre les hommes et les femmes en ce qui a trait aux aspects de la dynamique psychique que la problématique pédagogique interpelle. Je fais d'abord remarquer que je n'ai pu trouver aucune « théorie scientifique » s'y rapportant dans les sciences humaines prétendant s'y intéresser. Je propose ensuite une amorce de traitement théorique de la problématique, que je pousse jusqu'à l'opérationnalisation, puis à un premier test empirique, qui m'apparaît concluant quant à l'intérêt de poursuivre la lancée. En conclusion, je lance quelques pistes de réflexions sur les implications de ma théorie relatives à la pratique pédagogique.
We briefly describe a simple method based on deconvolution to create images which contain a hidde... more We briefly describe a simple method based on deconvolution to create images which contain a hidden recognizable image revealed by a specific motion blur. An example that can be readily experienced by the reader is provided. The term amblygram is proposed to refer to this class of images.

International Journal of …, Jan 1, 2011
The present study focuses on newly conceptualized and observed significant differences between me... more The present study focuses on newly conceptualized and observed significant differences between men and women regarding their subjective experience of their intimate relationships. The experimental paradigm was based on a new theory of masculinity and femininity developed by Lamontagne (2010), proposing one respective factor per dimension. This study (1) re-evaluates Lamontagne's initial findings using a modified qualitative tool and a new quantitative measure: The Questionnaire of Objectality and Subjectality (QOS; Gabbay, 2010); (2) verifies the QOS' psychometric properties; (3) evaluates inter-sex differences on proposed factors; and (4) examines complementarity of femininity and masculinity between romantic partners. The modified qualitative tool, the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI; , and the QOS were administered to 134 individuals. Findings supported a theoretically coherent factor structure. Subscales demonstrated good reliability and the expected correlations with the BSRI. Gender differences were qualitatively and quantitatively significant. Within couples, partners' relative femininity and masculinity were complementary.
Journal of Statistics Education, Jan 1, 2011
The arithmetic mean is a fundamental statistical concept. Unfortunately, social science students ... more The arithmetic mean is a fundamental statistical concept. Unfortunately, social science students rarely develop an intuitive understanding of the mean and rely on the formula to describe or define it. According to constructivist pedagogy, educators that have access to a variety of conceptualizations of a particular concept are better equipped to teach that concept in a meaningful way. With this in mind, this article outlines five conceptualizations of the arithmetic mean and discusses how each conceptualization can be presented in the classroom. Educators can use these conceptualizations in order to foster insight into the mean.
Teaching Pedagogiques, Jan 1, 2002
Papers by Claude Lamontagne