Four novels in German: «Lady Berta» (rotpunktverlag Zürich); «In Zelenys Zimmer» (2010) and «Wilhelm Tell in Manila» (2016), «Tiefenlager» (2021). The latter have been translated to French and Korean. I also contribute essays and short pieces to different magazines, most frequently to the Wochenzeitung WOZ in Zurich.
Born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1970, I studied History at the University of Zurich, then changed to the University of the Philippines, Diliman, in Quezon City in 1992, where I received my MA in Women and Developments Studies in 1995.
After returning to Switzerland, I worked as a fundraiser, lecturer at the department of Community Development at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Central Switzerland. From 2009 to 2014 I was Zentralsekretärin (Central Secretary) of the Swiss Union of Public Employees (VPOD). Since January 2015, I'm making a living as a free lance writer.
Born in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1970, I studied History at the University of Zurich, then changed to the University of the Philippines, Diliman, in Quezon City in 1992, where I received my MA in Women and Developments Studies in 1995.
After returning to Switzerland, I worked as a fundraiser, lecturer at the department of Community Development at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Central Switzerland. From 2009 to 2014 I was Zentralsekretärin (Central Secretary) of the Swiss Union of Public Employees (VPOD). Since January 2015, I'm making a living as a free lance writer.
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The essay was written in German and translated into French by Camille Luscher.
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Der Essay argumentiert, dass die grundlegenden Veränderungen im Verständnis des Staates und seiner Rolle seit 1989 zu bedenken sind. Eine radikale Distanzierung feministischer Politik «vom Staat» greift zu kurz.
The essay was written in German and translated into French by Camille Luscher.