Contemporary Chinese Literature
Recent papers in Contemporary Chinese Literature
The German translation of The Poetics of the Invisibility: The Hidden Dimensions in Chinese Science Fiction Film
Китайская поэтическая традиция в исторической перспективе представляет собой настолько замкнутую, изолированную от внешней среды систему, что существование поэта «в пограничной зоне» двух культурных полей, в качестве одного из которых... more
Notes prepared for a talk "Translating Chinese Children's Books" given at City University, London, 1 October 2014.
本文旨在探討新加坡 2013 年新版《中學華文文學》「現當代小說」的選文情形。研究目的:一、分析新加坡 2013 年新版《中學華文文學》「現當代小說」的選文內容,二、探討新加坡 2013 年新版《中學華文文學》「現當代小說」的選文特色,三、調查新加坡華文教師對《中學華文文學》「現當代小說」的選文意見。本研究透過分析「新加坡中學華文文學課程標準」的基礎上,試圖在更細緻的層面上,瞭解教科書中文學作品的選篇情形。研究方法:以文獻分析法探討《課標... more
都市作家強調小說「空間」書寫的重要性,更有學者認為「都市文學」本身就是以「空間」為定義的文類。本書旨在通過閱讀黃凡、林燿德、朱天文、朱天心的作品,分析臺灣都市文學的特點,並論述小說的空間理論。本書擬回應晚近小說創作及文學思潮的轉變,配合敘事學、形式主義文論、哲學和心理學方面的身體論述,以及都市研究等相關理論,對小說空間作全面探討。作者嘗試在理論和文本分析之間取得平衡,在臺灣都市小說的分析以外,空間論述能推展到其他文本的實踐。 導言 第一章 空間與文本形式... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This is a Hungarian translation of Lü Jiamin's (呂嘉民, aka. Jiang Rong 姜戎) study he attached to his famous but much criticized bestseller the 'Wolf Totem' (狼图腾). The study reveals the motifs of the author and presents his semi-scientific... more
A biography, bibliography, and summary of the scholarly reception of the Obscure poet Haizi (Zha Haisheng, 1964-1989).
《新青年》雜誌所揭櫫的「文學革命」,可說是中國現代文學的起點。本文將藉由社會學家Pierre... more
Literary representations of the Other, regardless of place or time of origin, adopt similar strategies emphasizing the difference between the Other and Self, and are recognized as symbolic expressions of supposed superiority of Self over... more
The book traces the literary journey that Proust’s work made to China and back by means of translation, intertextual engagement, and the creation of a transcultural dialogue through migrant literature. It begins with a translation history... more
The paper deals with color-naming words received from more than 200 pages by Feng Jicai prose, as using of multiple color-naming is the specific feature of the writer. The data show how important for Feng Jicai the black color is. It is... more
В работе рассматривается, как современные китайские поэты структурируют свои произведения в соответствии с их представлениями о роли нормативного и разговорного в поэзии. Язык китайского стиха конца XX – начала XXI вв. инкорпорирует... more
• Moratto, Riccardo. (2020). L’universo letterario e umano di Su Tong. Intervista a Su Tong (Interview with Su Tong). Il Manifesto. 2020/05/20
In contemporary China, rural-urban migrants constitute a new urban subject with entirely new identity-related issues. This study aims at demonstrating how literature can be a valid field in investigating such evolving subjectivities,... more
This paper performs a critical reading of the counter-intuitive inclusion of Zhang Zhaohe, a minor writer best known as the wife of the great novelist Shen Congwen, in “Modern Chinese Stories”, an English anthology compiled by Indian... more
With only a few exceptions, the literary theme of madness has long been a domain of Western cultural studies. Much of Western writing represents madness as an inquiry into the deepest recesses of the mind, while the comparatively scarce... more
Book review of Li Kunwu's graphic novel, A Chinese Life (2012)
This paper examines the new wave of Chinese science fiction as both a subversion and variation of the genre's utopianism of the earlier age. Wang Jinkang's Ant Life (2007), Liu Cixin's China 2185 (1989), the Three-Body Trilogy... more
Five chapters of the novel translated with the author's permission
张辛欣:《小人书画家历险记》 (上海文学 2011 年)First published in Chinese, in Shanghai Wenxue (Shanghai Literature) 2011, translated by Helen Wang, October 2016.
АВТОРЕФЕРАТ диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук. Санкт-Петербург, 2009.
Il presente elaborato svolge un’analisi critica delle opere dell’autrice cinese contemporanea Chen Ran (1962). Diversi racconti brevi ed estratti dal romanzo «Una vita privata», in prima traduzione italiana, sono stati riportati e... more
This essay theorizes the potential uses and limitations of describing a text as “viral.” Literary texts are often described as viral when they serve as tools of self-expression for those who reproduce them: viral texts must therefore... more
This article aims to discuss how Gao Xingjian recontextualizes European dystopianism into China under Mao Zedong’s ideological manipulation of “utopia,” which the latter adopts from Karl Marx. The theme of absurd eternal waiting for a bus... more
Essay on José Rizal's translation of Friedrich Schiller's «Wilhelm Tell» from German into Tagalog. Observations based on my literary work on the Tagalog text.
本文以万玛才旦小说中的我族意识、我族再现、呈现方式为主要研究课题。相异于以往民族志式的书写,万玛才旦笔下的西藏回归去魅后的平常世界。这片土地上的平凡个体有自己的爱恨挣扎,宗教也不过是生活的组成元素之一。万玛才旦的小说创作在展现西藏受到现代进程和多元价值冲击之余,更将身份认同与困顿的驳杂现实,和对民族历史的宏大思考,放置于日常生活和男女两性之中。透过万玛才旦的笔,读者获取的是藏人自我观望下的我族论述。 Self-representation and Tibetan... more
Also published by Wild Peony TanizakiJun'ichiro, A Cats/, o20 and Two Women. Translated b S. Matsui. University of Sydney East Asian Series. 150 pp. IsBN0 9590735 5 8 Sh^in. .Autobiogr@play @1thePoetK",, ekoMits"h@r" 1895-f975 Translated... more
This paper aims to examine Su Tong's three coming-of-age stories in his Mahogany Road Series: "Tattoo" (1993), North of the city (1994), and A Tale of Siskin (2013). It analyzes how Su Tong depicts childhood's memories against the... more