Peter Štrauch
Supervisors: Associate Professor Jozef Hanč, Ph.D.
Address: Košice, Slovak Republic
Address: Košice, Slovak Republic
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Comenius University
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Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra
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Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika
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Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika
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Papers by Peter Štrauch
The main objective of the research was to determine the efficiency of physics course and quantify the mental models of the students who participated in that course. With the emphasis on reproducible research in physics education research, we used dynamic document Jupyter in combination with statistical open-source software R. Using the content
survey FCI and concentration analysis, we identified mental models of students in the field of mechanics (force and motion) conceptual understanding. Based on the normalized gain, we compared student success and evaluated efficiency of the physics course.
Here in our contribution, we would like to explain our pedagogical and practical experience dealing with a portfolio of formative and summative assessment tools and strategies, namely structured Cornell notes, two-minute paper, peer-instruction cycle, big moderation, content and attitude surveys, flipped grading, applied in our instruction. As it is typical in the flipped learning, these assessment tools are based or strongly supported by digital technology, which we introduce together with actual examples of mentioned tools. Finally, by our more than four-year-long experience and teaching results, we will discuss the benefits, pitfalls and suggestions corresponding to the mentioned assessments tools and corresponding digital technology, all in the framework of the flipped math and physics learning.
of content surveys (or concept inventories) that belong to modern research techniques of education research. Their usage helps us to identify correct, respectively incorrect mental models in physics – student’s conceptions or misconceptions. Next parts of the paper are devoted to a description of the concentration analysis, one of the new and less standard methods for data processing from content surveys. An application of this analysis provides more detailed information about a state of student’s concepual understanding. Besides, it allows a quantitative comparison of different samples of students or a change in one sample; therefore, the concentration analysis represents a tool for measuring the quality of teaching.
Toto je dokument, ktorý je prílohou k článku
Eva Paňková, Jozef Hanč, Peter Štrauch
Oddelenie didaktiky fyziky, ÚFV, PF, UPJŠ v Košiciach
časopis Edukácia, ISSN 1339-8725
Predstavuje kompletnú deskriptívnu štatistiku dát použitej Marzanovej rubriky.
z výučby, resp. didaktického výskumu sa v praxi javí tabuľkový procesor MS
Excel. Využívajú ho nielen výskumníci, či doktorandi v didaktike, ale aj učitelia
v diagnostickej fáze vyučovania.
V príspevku predstavíme voľne dostupné moderné nástroje a prostredia, ktoré sú
založené na jednom z najkvalitnejších štatistických jazykov súčasnosti
označovanom ako R. Tieto nástroje, resp. prostredia, ktoré dovoľujú rozšíriť
možnosti MS Excelu (napr. RExcel, Rcommander), resp. MS Excel úplne nahradiť
(RStudio), poskytujú rýchlejšie, efektívnejšie, pokročilejšie, spoľahlivejšie
i profesionálnejšie spracovanie dát. Taktiež pojednáme o výhodách, resp.
odporúčaniach ich aplikácie vzhľadom na úroveň požiadavok a digitálnych
zručností používateľa
The main objective of the research was to determine the efficiency of physics course and quantify the mental models of the students who participated in that course. With the emphasis on reproducible research in physics education research, we used dynamic document Jupyter in combination with statistical open-source software R. Using the content
survey FCI and concentration analysis, we identified mental models of students in the field of mechanics (force and motion) conceptual understanding. Based on the normalized gain, we compared student success and evaluated efficiency of the physics course.
Here in our contribution, we would like to explain our pedagogical and practical experience dealing with a portfolio of formative and summative assessment tools and strategies, namely structured Cornell notes, two-minute paper, peer-instruction cycle, big moderation, content and attitude surveys, flipped grading, applied in our instruction. As it is typical in the flipped learning, these assessment tools are based or strongly supported by digital technology, which we introduce together with actual examples of mentioned tools. Finally, by our more than four-year-long experience and teaching results, we will discuss the benefits, pitfalls and suggestions corresponding to the mentioned assessments tools and corresponding digital technology, all in the framework of the flipped math and physics learning.
of content surveys (or concept inventories) that belong to modern research techniques of education research. Their usage helps us to identify correct, respectively incorrect mental models in physics – student’s conceptions or misconceptions. Next parts of the paper are devoted to a description of the concentration analysis, one of the new and less standard methods for data processing from content surveys. An application of this analysis provides more detailed information about a state of student’s concepual understanding. Besides, it allows a quantitative comparison of different samples of students or a change in one sample; therefore, the concentration analysis represents a tool for measuring the quality of teaching.
Toto je dokument, ktorý je prílohou k článku
Eva Paňková, Jozef Hanč, Peter Štrauch
Oddelenie didaktiky fyziky, ÚFV, PF, UPJŠ v Košiciach
časopis Edukácia, ISSN 1339-8725
Predstavuje kompletnú deskriptívnu štatistiku dát použitej Marzanovej rubriky.
z výučby, resp. didaktického výskumu sa v praxi javí tabuľkový procesor MS
Excel. Využívajú ho nielen výskumníci, či doktorandi v didaktike, ale aj učitelia
v diagnostickej fáze vyučovania.
V príspevku predstavíme voľne dostupné moderné nástroje a prostredia, ktoré sú
založené na jednom z najkvalitnejších štatistických jazykov súčasnosti
označovanom ako R. Tieto nástroje, resp. prostredia, ktoré dovoľujú rozšíriť
možnosti MS Excelu (napr. RExcel, Rcommander), resp. MS Excel úplne nahradiť
(RStudio), poskytujú rýchlejšie, efektívnejšie, pokročilejšie, spoľahlivejšie
i profesionálnejšie spracovanie dát. Taktiež pojednáme o výhodách, resp.
odporúčaniach ich aplikácie vzhľadom na úroveň požiadavok a digitálnych
zručností používateľa