Ernesto Weil
Address: Lajas, Puerto Rico
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Papers by Ernesto Weil
land. Problems that affect coral reefs throughout the region, including land-based sources of pollution, overfishing, and coral disease have, to date, not had a measurable effect at the Flower Garden Banks. In addition to their relative isolation, the depth of these reefs, 59-157 ft (18-48 m), has protected the corals from most of the severe bleaching events that have had devastating effects on most western Atlantic reefs over the past two decades. Although coral bleaching
events and disease outbreaks have been identified at the Flower Garden Banks, the incidence and prevalence have been low compared to other sites within the western Atlantic reef-building province. The results of the 2004-2008 monitoring efforts, conducted in September and November 2004 (East Flower Garden Bank and West Flower Garden Bank, respectively), June 2005, June 2006, June 2007, August and September 2007 (East Flower Garden Bank and West Flower Garden Bank, respectively), and November 2008 demonstrated the continued stability of the coral reef community and its associated fish populations. Random transect results revealed high coral cover at both Banks from 2004-2008, with coral cover ranging from 49.55 ± 3.01% to 64.13 ± 2.70% at the East Flower Garden Bank and from 54.41 ± 3.13% to 60.41 ± 2.94% at the West Flower Garden
Bank. These results are consistent with previous monitoring efforts (Dokken et al. 2001, Dokken et al. 1999, CSA 1996, Gittings et al. 1992; Aronson et al. 2005), highlighting the stability of the coral assemblage over time. The Montastraea annularis species complex was the predominant
component of coral cover at both Banks from 2004-2008. Cover at the East Flower Garden Bank ranged from 26.80 ± 4.09% to 33.58 ± 4.52%. At the West Flower Garden Bank cover
ranged from 31.70 ± 2.70% to 40.13 ± 3.29%. Diploria strigosa was the next most abundant species from 2004-2008, ranging at the East Flower Garden Bank from 5.82 ± 1.11% to 12.13 ±
2.82%. The West Flower Garden Bank estimates ranged from6.68 ± 1.29% to 13.41 ± 1.74%.
the highest diversity of all marine ecosystems, aid in the
development and protection of other important, productive
coastal marine communities, and have provided millions of
people with food, building materials, protection from storms,
recreation and social stability over thousands of years, and
more recently, income, active pharmacological compounds
and other benefits. These communities have been deteriorating rapidly in recent times. The continuous emergence of coral reef diseases and increase in bleaching events caused in part by high water temperatures among other factors underscore the need for intensive assessments of their ecological status and causes and their impact on coral reefs.
orwhether different diseases exhibit similar signs in different coral species.
factors,acting alone or in synergy,can be highly variable on spatial and temporal scales,making it difficult to identify and characterize a single or combined cause(s) of reef deterioration. Bleaching events, for example, have increased in frequency and intensity in the last two decades and their impact has been highly variable both spatially and temporarily. In the Caribbean,bleaching has caused variable, but generally low, coral mortality, unlike the mass mortalities
of the scale observed in the Indo-Pacific. In contrast, few coral diseases, with low prevalence and restricted geographic distributions, have been reported for the Indo-Pacific as compared to the Caribbean.
1995), and Trinidad (Laydoo 1983). Laydoo (1983) suggested that the cause may be due to a species-specific pathogen, but microbiological studies were not performed.Although limitedmortalities of gorgonian colonies were previously
observed due to fish grazing (Kinzie 1973),Cyphoma sp.grazing (Harvell and Suchanek 1987), fouling and overgrowth (Wahle 1985) and tumors (Morse
et al. 1977, 1981), the 1980’s outbreak showed signs of an epizootic which had spread from the southwestern to the southeastern Caribbean. In 1995, sea fans showing disease signs similar to those reported in the 1980s were observed near the island of Saba and at several other Caribbean locations (Nagelkerken et al. 1997a). Participating member institutions (24 locations throughout the Caribbean) of the Caribbean CoastalMarine Productivity Network (CARICOMP) made qualitative observations on sea fan tissue mortality,
and collected samples of healthy and affected colonies for microbiological analysis in the same year.With the exception of Bermuda andMexico, affected sea fans were found at all Caribbean locations. Later, diseased sea fans were also found in Bermuda and Mexico, extending the geographical range to include all of the Caribbean.
habitats have endured 400 years of deleterious human interference. Although early conservation laws were passed to
protect speci fi c species (sea turtles and fry), it is important to
recognize the extent of human impacts at both system-wide
and habitat scales. In this chapter we will review some of the
historic impacts on Bermuda’s reef and indicate the level of
success in reducing or mitigating the effects of these problems and the extent to which they remain as current or future threats to the health of Bermuda’s reefs. We divide the threats into three categories: (1) direct or indirect anthropogenic impacts; (2) effects of invasive species and chronic biological problems (such as diseases); and (3) global climate related problems.
Recent analyses have characterized Bermuda’s challenges
as “very signi fi cant” at a coarse level (Pandol fi et al. 2003 ;
Burke et al. 2011 ) primarily because of the high reef to island
ratio and not because of direct threats that have caused measureable declines in reef health. Assessments of the health and character of Bermuda’s reefs and associated habitats began in the 1970s (Garrett et al. 1971 ; Dodge and Vaisnys 1977; Dryer and Logan 1978 ; Dodge et al. 1982 ; Flood et al. 2005 ; MEP 2007 ) , and some inferences of change can be discerned from accounts of early naturalists (Verrill 1907 ;
Agassiz 1894 ) , but we lack knowledge on how signi fi cantly
the baseline has shifted since human occupation of Bermuda
in the early 1600s. Recent studies indicate stability in coral
cover since the 1990s in some reef zones (CARICOMP 2000 ;
Linton and Fisher 2004 ; MEP 2007 ) . Bermuda’s reefs have certainly experienced the spectrum of contemporary challenges to the health of the reefs (e.g. sedimentation, diseases, bleaching, over- fi shing; Cook et al. 1994 ) . They appear to have persisted with relatively limited
change, over the past three decades, and have bene fi ted from pro-active management to reduce deleterious anthropogenic impacts, especially fi shing pressure. The near-shore and lagoonal reefs appear to be affected by maritime activities and chemical contaminants and remain vulnerable to future threats. Here we outline brie fl y the scope of the challenges that remain.
1990s in the Islas del Rosario archipelago, Colombia, as a type of bleaching disease that affected ca. 16% of Montastraea annularis colonies; it was called “Medallones Mostaza” (“mustard rings”) (Solano et al. 1993). In 1994, similar signs were observed at San Andrés and Providencia archipelago (Colombian Caribbean) mainly affecting M. annularis, Siderastrea siderea and Stephanocoenia intersepta, and it was called “enfermedad de los lunares oscuros” (Diaz et al. 1995) or dark‐spots disease (DSD). Other names characterizing different manifestations of the disease
include “dark spots type I and type II” and “dark bands”
(Weil 2004; Weil et al. 2006). Since the original discoveries in
Colombia, DSD has been found throughout the Caribbean
basin (Cervino et al. 2001; Weil et al. 2002). More recently, a
disease with lesions resembling DSD has been documented in
Brazil affecting Siderastrea (Francini‐Filho et al. 2008) and in
the Indo‐Pacific (Tutuila, America Samoa and Kahoolawe,
Hawaii), where Montipora and Pavona are the main coral genera affected (Work et al. 2008). The first detailed study of DSD in the Caribbean was carried out in the Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona in Colombia. Results showed that Montastraea annularis and Siderastrea spp. had the highest prevalence of DSD (10 and 5%, respectively) whereas the disease was much less common in M. faveolata, M. franksi, S. intersepta and M. cavernosa (Gil‐ Agudelo 1998). Original descriptions of the dark‐spot lesions were characterized as “small, round, dark spots that apparently grow in size over time, some of which can be associated with a depression of the coral surface and others expand into a dark ring surrounding dead coral” (Garzon‐Ferreira and Gil 1998).