Mujeres en las guerras y en los ejercitos, 2019
La educación se ha servido desde antiguo de imágenes que ilustren las explicaciones; en este sent... more La educación se ha servido desde antiguo de imágenes que ilustren las explicaciones; en este sentido el cine aporta un valor añadido al trasladar a los alumnos una experiencia más próxima a la realidad mediante imágenes en movimiento. El medio despierta interés de pedagogos y gobernantes hacia las posibilidades que ofrece el medio aplicado a la educación, sin embargo su uso como herramienta de enseñanza fue limitado. A la poca oferta de películas adecuadas para utilizar en el aula por parte de maestros y profesores se une la utlización del cine en el ámbito de la enseñanza con finalidad adoctrinadora y de propaganda por parte de ideologías dispares. Este artículo trata de analizar el uso que se le dio al cine con fines educativos, quiénes lo promovieron y qué tipo de películas estuvieron a disposición de los docentes.
Culture & History Digital Journal, 2019
The Spanish Civil War mobilised a wide spectrum of the British population, a mood which materiali... more The Spanish Civil War mobilised a wide spectrum of the British population, a mood which materialised in the despatch of humanitarian aid, mainly to republican Spain. To this end, there were meetings and rallies in which the use of film was customary. Films made it possible to show a different reality from that which appeared on the newsreels, provided an opportunity for fund-raising and showed the deployment and results of the aid received. The distribution of the films, and occasionally their production, was undertaken by progressive film organisations, close to the Communist party, which raised doubts vis-à-vis the real intentions of the humanitarian organisations.
Cahiers de civilisation espagnole contemporaine, 2013
Les educateurs ont toujours utilise des images pour illustrer leurs explications. En ce sens, le ... more Les educateurs ont toujours utilise des images pour illustrer leurs explications. En ce sens, le cinema peut amener la realite aux eleves a travers des images en mouvement. Depuis son apparition le film a suscite l'interet des educateurs et des dirigeants au regard des possibilites qu'il detient pour l'education, mais son utilisation comme outil d'enseignement a ete limite. D'une part, il y avait peu de films educatifs a utiliser en classe par les enseignants. D'autre part, en de nombreuses occasions, le film a ete utilise dans l'education avec une finalite d'endoctrinement et de propagande. Cet article examine l'utilisation donnee par le cinema comme outil pour l'education en Espagne jusqu'au debut des annees soixante.
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V, Historia Contemporánea, 2009
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie V, Historia Contemporánea, 2009
Razón y Palabra, 2019
Ante la crisis de la profesión de fotógrafo de finales del s. XIX, éstos incorporaron el cinemató... more Ante la crisis de la profesión de fotógrafo de finales del s. XIX, éstos incorporaron el cinematógrafo-fotografía animada-a su trabajo. Antonio G. Escobar fue uno de ellos. Palabras
Antes da crise da profissão de fotógrafo do final do s. XIX, incorpora-ram a cinematografia, fotografia animada, ao seu trabalho. Antonio G. Escobar e o retrato da aristocracia
Before the crisis of the profession of photographer of the end of s. XIX, incorporated the photo animated by the cinematographer to his work. Antonio G. Escobar was one of them.
Cahiers de civilisation espagnole contemporaine De 1808 au temps présent, 2013
La educación ha contado con ayudas visuales desde tiempos remotos: mapas, imágenes fijas y linter... more La educación ha contado con ayudas visuales desde tiempos remotos: mapas, imágenes fijas y linternas mágicas han sido de uso común. La aparición del cinematógrafo suponía un paso más dentro de esta dinámica de ejemplificar visualmente los diferentes contenidos facilitando así su estudio y comprensión.
Culture & History Digital Journal, 2019
The Spanish Civil War mobilised a wide spectrum of the British population, a mood which material-... more The Spanish Civil War mobilised a wide spectrum of the British population, a mood which material-ised in the despatch of humanitarian aid, mainly to republican Spain. To this end, there were meetings and rallies in which the use of film was customary. Films made it possible to show a different reality from that which appeared on the newsreels, provided an opportunity for fund-raising and showed the deployment and results of the aid received. The distribution of the films, and occasionally their production, was undertaken by progressive film organisations, close to the Communist party, which raised doubts vis-à-vis the real intentions of the humanitarian organisations. RESUMEN: Help Spain by showing films. Producción cinematográfica británica para la ayuda humanitaria duran-te la Guerra Civil Española.-La Guerra Civil española movilizó a un amplio espectro de la población británica que se tradujo en el envío de ayuda humanitaria, principalmente a la España republicana. Para ello, se realizaron mítines y reuniones en los que el uso del cine fue habitual. El cine permitió mostrar una realidad diferente a la que aparecía en los noticiarios cinematográficos, posibilitó la recaudación de fondos y mostró el funcionamiento y resultado de la ayuda prestada. La distribución de las películas, y ocasionalmente su realización, estuvo en manos de organizaciones cinematográficas progresistas, cercanas al partido al comunista, lo cual sembró dudas sobre las intenciones reales de las organizaciones humanitarias.
Finalizada la guerra civil el gobierno establecido trata de construir un nuevo imaginario colecti... more Finalizada la guerra civil el gobierno establecido trata de construir un nuevo imaginario colectivo que permita la unificación ideológica del país, legitime su poder y permita que se perpetúe. Esta labor se llevó a cabo mediante la educación y los medios de comunicación social apoyándose en herramientas como la utilización del cine en las aulas y en la formación de adultos
This project aims to draw attention to the importance, interest and timeliness of a special topic... more This project aims to draw attention to the importance, interest and timeliness of a special topic such as the migration flows and exiles, and the activity developed by volunteers and humanitarian organizations throughout a conflictive and convulse period of the European history.
It will focus on various aspects of humanitarian aid, starting with the consequences of the First World Wars in 1918-1919 and ending in 1949, when the Four Geneva Conventions have been signed. The last of these conventions related to the protection of civilians in war times, highlighting children, refugees, internees, displaced persons, and humanitarian assistance. In that period, Europe have been engaged in two world wars and other conflicts such as the Spanish Civil War, with huge human, economic and political consequences, including enormous displacements of population.
The main goal of MIGRAID is to analyse the trajectory of the post-war States, the migration flows and exiles, and the labour of humanitarian organizations that worked in Europe in that period. It also aims to contribute to the dissemination of the past concerning solidarity movements and humanitarian aid, to achieve a fairer present and future.
Transnational workshops. The main goal of these coordination workshops is sharing knowledge about the issues of the project – migration and humanitarian aid. At the same time, these meetings will set the development of an overview of the politics of memory about this history: memorials, civil society initiatives, educational policies, etc.
Traveling and online exhibition: “Las infancias en las guerras europeas (1918-1949)” (Childhood in the European wars). The exhibition will deal with the situation of the displaced children in the countries of the partners of the project.
Online education kit (maleta pedagógica) and didactic workshop in the framework of Aula Ciencia (UNED). The workshop will be addressed to primary school students and will count with different didactics units (sections?) with proposals to be conducted by the teaches in the classroom.
European Researcher’s night workshop: The project will be included in the activities presented by the UNED during the European Researchers’ Night, an initiative of the actions Marie Curie.
Public conference
Círculo de Bellas Artes , 2021
Mujeres y niños en una Europa en guerra (1914-1949) se divide en dos partes: la primera recoge lo... more Mujeres y niños en una Europa en guerra (1914-1949) se divide en dos partes: la primera recoge los textos y la excelente documentación gráfica de la exposición homónima. La segunda, una serie de trabajos de especialistas internacionales que profundizan en aspectos concretos del compromiso de las mujeres en los conflictos bélicos que asolaron Europa en la primera mitad del siglo xx, de la manera en la que los niños vivieron esas guerras y de cómo, tras la muerte, destrucción y barbarie que asoló al continente en esos años, se ha podido ir recuperando la memoria de las tragedias sufridas por personas y colectivos víctimas de ese horror.
Como escribió la filósofa María Zambrano, la paz no es solo «la ausencia de la guerra», es mucho más, «un modo de vivir, de habitar en el planeta».
Nos gustaría con este libro aportar un pequeño grano de arena a ese noble deseo de PAZ para las jóvenes generaciones de hoy y las que están por venir.
Women and Children in a Europe at War (1914-1949) is divided into two parts. The first part contains the texts and the excellent graphic documentation of the exhibition. The second is a series of texts by international specialists who examine specific aspects related to the commitment of women in the conflicts of war that ravaged Europe in the first half of the 20th century; the way in which children experienced the wars; and how, after the death, destruction and barbarity that devastated the continent in those years, the memory of the tragedies suffered by individuals and groups, victims of that horror, has been gradually recovered.
As the philosopher María Zambrano wrote, peace is not only “the absence of war”, it is much more, “a way of living, of inhabiting the planet”.
With this book we would like to make our little contribution to this noble desire for PEACE for the young generations of today and those to come.
Antes da crise da profissão de fotógrafo do final do s. XIX, incorpora-ram a cinematografia, fotografia animada, ao seu trabalho. Antonio G. Escobar e o retrato da aristocracia
Before the crisis of the profession of photographer of the end of s. XIX, incorporated the photo animated by the cinematographer to his work. Antonio G. Escobar was one of them.
It will focus on various aspects of humanitarian aid, starting with the consequences of the First World Wars in 1918-1919 and ending in 1949, when the Four Geneva Conventions have been signed. The last of these conventions related to the protection of civilians in war times, highlighting children, refugees, internees, displaced persons, and humanitarian assistance. In that period, Europe have been engaged in two world wars and other conflicts such as the Spanish Civil War, with huge human, economic and political consequences, including enormous displacements of population.
The main goal of MIGRAID is to analyse the trajectory of the post-war States, the migration flows and exiles, and the labour of humanitarian organizations that worked in Europe in that period. It also aims to contribute to the dissemination of the past concerning solidarity movements and humanitarian aid, to achieve a fairer present and future.
Transnational workshops. The main goal of these coordination workshops is sharing knowledge about the issues of the project – migration and humanitarian aid. At the same time, these meetings will set the development of an overview of the politics of memory about this history: memorials, civil society initiatives, educational policies, etc.
Traveling and online exhibition: “Las infancias en las guerras europeas (1918-1949)” (Childhood in the European wars). The exhibition will deal with the situation of the displaced children in the countries of the partners of the project.
Online education kit (maleta pedagógica) and didactic workshop in the framework of Aula Ciencia (UNED). The workshop will be addressed to primary school students and will count with different didactics units (sections?) with proposals to be conducted by the teaches in the classroom.
European Researcher’s night workshop: The project will be included in the activities presented by the UNED during the European Researchers’ Night, an initiative of the actions Marie Curie.
Public conference
Como escribió la filósofa María Zambrano, la paz no es solo «la ausencia de la guerra», es mucho más, «un modo de vivir, de habitar en el planeta».
Nos gustaría con este libro aportar un pequeño grano de arena a ese noble deseo de PAZ para las jóvenes generaciones de hoy y las que están por venir.
Women and Children in a Europe at War (1914-1949) is divided into two parts. The first part contains the texts and the excellent graphic documentation of the exhibition. The second is a series of texts by international specialists who examine specific aspects related to the commitment of women in the conflicts of war that ravaged Europe in the first half of the 20th century; the way in which children experienced the wars; and how, after the death, destruction and barbarity that devastated the continent in those years, the memory of the tragedies suffered by individuals and groups, victims of that horror, has been gradually recovered.
As the philosopher María Zambrano wrote, peace is not only “the absence of war”, it is much more, “a way of living, of inhabiting the planet”.
With this book we would like to make our little contribution to this noble desire for PEACE for the young generations of today and those to come.
Antes da crise da profissão de fotógrafo do final do s. XIX, incorpora-ram a cinematografia, fotografia animada, ao seu trabalho. Antonio G. Escobar e o retrato da aristocracia
Before the crisis of the profession of photographer of the end of s. XIX, incorporated the photo animated by the cinematographer to his work. Antonio G. Escobar was one of them.
It will focus on various aspects of humanitarian aid, starting with the consequences of the First World Wars in 1918-1919 and ending in 1949, when the Four Geneva Conventions have been signed. The last of these conventions related to the protection of civilians in war times, highlighting children, refugees, internees, displaced persons, and humanitarian assistance. In that period, Europe have been engaged in two world wars and other conflicts such as the Spanish Civil War, with huge human, economic and political consequences, including enormous displacements of population.
The main goal of MIGRAID is to analyse the trajectory of the post-war States, the migration flows and exiles, and the labour of humanitarian organizations that worked in Europe in that period. It also aims to contribute to the dissemination of the past concerning solidarity movements and humanitarian aid, to achieve a fairer present and future.
Transnational workshops. The main goal of these coordination workshops is sharing knowledge about the issues of the project – migration and humanitarian aid. At the same time, these meetings will set the development of an overview of the politics of memory about this history: memorials, civil society initiatives, educational policies, etc.
Traveling and online exhibition: “Las infancias en las guerras europeas (1918-1949)” (Childhood in the European wars). The exhibition will deal with the situation of the displaced children in the countries of the partners of the project.
Online education kit (maleta pedagógica) and didactic workshop in the framework of Aula Ciencia (UNED). The workshop will be addressed to primary school students and will count with different didactics units (sections?) with proposals to be conducted by the teaches in the classroom.
European Researcher’s night workshop: The project will be included in the activities presented by the UNED during the European Researchers’ Night, an initiative of the actions Marie Curie.
Public conference
Como escribió la filósofa María Zambrano, la paz no es solo «la ausencia de la guerra», es mucho más, «un modo de vivir, de habitar en el planeta».
Nos gustaría con este libro aportar un pequeño grano de arena a ese noble deseo de PAZ para las jóvenes generaciones de hoy y las que están por venir.
Women and Children in a Europe at War (1914-1949) is divided into two parts. The first part contains the texts and the excellent graphic documentation of the exhibition. The second is a series of texts by international specialists who examine specific aspects related to the commitment of women in the conflicts of war that ravaged Europe in the first half of the 20th century; the way in which children experienced the wars; and how, after the death, destruction and barbarity that devastated the continent in those years, the memory of the tragedies suffered by individuals and groups, victims of that horror, has been gradually recovered.
As the philosopher María Zambrano wrote, peace is not only “the absence of war”, it is much more, “a way of living, of inhabiting the planet”.
With this book we would like to make our little contribution to this noble desire for PEACE for the young generations of today and those to come.