index comunicación revista de comunicación aplicada
index.comunicación es una revista científica en Comunicación Aplicada. En un sentido estricto se entiende por tal aquellos modos que, a través de la ingente cantidad de canales antiguos o nuevos de información, pretenden un objetivo preestablecido, un logro. Entendemos como Comunicación Aplicada la que se orienta a un fin y es de práctica comunicativa aquellos ejercicios y técnicas capaces de lograr esa finalidad. La revista dará prioridad preferente a los trabajos de investigación en esta materia.
Del mismo modo, la revista aceptará trabajos de reflexión que, dentro del contexto de revisión por pares establecido, supongan una aportación de calidad en el ámbito de las Ciencias Sociales y, más concretamente, de la Comunicación. Al igual que los trabajos de valor empírico y los artículos de investigación.
Está destinada a toda la comunidad académica internacional, especialmente en lengua española, especializada en comunicación aplicada con el fin de difundir sus trabajos de investigación. Se dirige tanto a investigadores en formación predoctorales como postdoctorales y consolidados.
Supervisors: Belén Puebla Martínez, Nuria Navarro Sierra, and Raquel Vinader Segura
Phone: +34 630405458
Address: Camino del Molino, s/n - 28943 Fuenlabrada - Madrid - España
Del mismo modo, la revista aceptará trabajos de reflexión que, dentro del contexto de revisión por pares establecido, supongan una aportación de calidad en el ámbito de las Ciencias Sociales y, más concretamente, de la Comunicación. Al igual que los trabajos de valor empírico y los artículos de investigación.
Está destinada a toda la comunidad académica internacional, especialmente en lengua española, especializada en comunicación aplicada con el fin de difundir sus trabajos de investigación. Se dirige tanto a investigadores en formación predoctorales como postdoctorales y consolidados.
Supervisors: Belén Puebla Martínez, Nuria Navarro Sierra, and Raquel Vinader Segura
Phone: +34 630405458
Address: Camino del Molino, s/n - 28943 Fuenlabrada - Madrid - España
Papers by index comunicación revista de comunicación aplicada
Abstract: e-sports have stablished themselves in the leisure and entertainment digital market with similar number of followers, turnover and advertising to those of traditional mass sports. In addition to fostering individual fantasy without space-time limitations as it happens with video games, esports are articulated on discursive strategies and techniques that expand the emotional bond between the player, the sport and the audience. This article identifies and describes the evolution of video games throughout their history, the conversion of many of them into e-sports —clarifying the elements that make a discipline such us a videogame becomes a spectacle—, and focuses on the ludic proporsal of e-sports from a case study on League of Legends, the world's most popular title, whose unique narrative strategy has made it a game, sport and spectacle hybrid.
Abstract: The character of Captain Spirit reveals the power of imagination in the ludonarrative layer, as he does not limit himself to being another avatar managed by the player, nor an alter ego of his creator, little Chris. At a narrative level, Captain Spirit is part of the psychology of our main character, he tells us about who he was, who he is, what his fears and dreams are. He is also the perfect vehicle that leads us to empathy through the essential phases of the Aristotelian tragedy. At a ludic level, Captain Spirit manifests himself through significant mechanics, showing his differences with the person who created him. In this text we will review some of the aspects that make up the ludonarrative engine of video games that include design of choices or ramification, applying them to the case study of The Awesome Adventure of Captain Spirit (Dontnod Entertainment, 2018), a spin-off created by the franchise Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment, 2015-) that serves as a bridge the first two installments and whose strategy lies in limiting the agency frame of the player and building an emotional bond with the character through his imagination.
Abstract: In-game advertising or IGA is a type of product placement within a video game in a textual, auditory, visual and interactive way, used for decades and that, with the digital transformation and changes in consumption, has gained much prominence. Its use is allowing playful media platforms, which previously had no place in media convergence, to now be used for advertising purposes. This formula is allowing brands to effectively impact countless times on a large set of players through different streaming services. This high scope is complemented by a consistent construction of values, experiences, lifestyles and identities through the interaction with the product through the video game narrative. An example of this is the growing popularity of e-sports in Peruvian universities, which through FIFA20 tournaments, has facilitated a high level of scope of the brands present in the video game among young university students. This research has sought to discover how the in-game advertising of the Adidas brand in FIFA20 —one of the most popular games in Peru according to the latest GFK research— is perceived by university gamers.
Abstract: After being forged over the last decades, the discipline of Game Studies has completed its theoretical and methodological foundations and has developed an institutional interest on the part of academics from all over the world. This thematic issue of the journal index.comunicación presents a compilation of studies related to the discipline of Game Studies, carried out in Spain and focused on the exploration of the future of a hetero-heterogeneous and transversal discipline. Specifically, the focus is on features of the narrative characteristics of games, their persuasive potential and their social influence. The main objective of this special issue is to consolidate a point of reflection on the present and future research on Game Studies.
El objeto de estudio de la presente investigación es el nacimiento de las campañas publicitarias gráficas orquestadas por la fructífera colaboración entre empresarios, editores e ilustradores entre los siglos XIX y XX en Italia. El estudio se centra en la Casa Editorial Ricordi porque fue la creadora e impulsora del moderno cartel artístico y publicitario italiano, con un vasta producción de ejemplares, hoy considerados obras maestras del género. La etapa de oro del cartel italiano coincide, no por casualidad, con el predominio técnico y artístico de esta empresa en Italia que nada tenía que envidiar a sus competidoras francesas (como la prestigiosa Imprimerie Chaix parisina, tan querida por Jules Chéret), alemanas o inglesas. El período analizado (1890-1914) es el de mayor actividad y esplendor artístico en las artes gráficas. Son los años de los primeros pasos en el campo de la publicidad. Como en todos los comienzos, abundan las ideas, la energía, la ingenuidad y las ganas de experimentar. Es un tiempo lleno de cambios: la transformación económica, social e industrial que vivió Europa en un lapso tan corto de tiempo es probablemente la mayor de su historia.
The purpose of this research is the birth of graphic advertising campaigns orchestrated by the fruitful collaboration between employers, publishers and illustrators between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Italy. The study focuses on the Ricordi publishing house because it was the creator and driving force of the modern Italian poster art and advertising with a vast production of copies, today considered masterpieces of the genre. The golden age of Italian poster coincides, not coincidentally, with the technical and artistic dominance of this company in Italy that had nothing to envy their French competitors (including the prestigious Paris Imprimerie Chaix, so beloved by Jules Cheret), German or England. The period analyzed (1890-1914) is the most active and artistic splendor in the graphic arts. These are the years of the first steps in the field of advertising. As with all beginnings, ideas abound, energy, ingenuity and willingness to experiment. It is a time of change: economic transformation, social and industrial Europe who lived in such a short time is probably the biggest in its history.
Abstract: e-sports have stablished themselves in the leisure and entertainment digital market with similar number of followers, turnover and advertising to those of traditional mass sports. In addition to fostering individual fantasy without space-time limitations as it happens with video games, esports are articulated on discursive strategies and techniques that expand the emotional bond between the player, the sport and the audience. This article identifies and describes the evolution of video games throughout their history, the conversion of many of them into e-sports —clarifying the elements that make a discipline such us a videogame becomes a spectacle—, and focuses on the ludic proporsal of e-sports from a case study on League of Legends, the world's most popular title, whose unique narrative strategy has made it a game, sport and spectacle hybrid.
Abstract: The character of Captain Spirit reveals the power of imagination in the ludonarrative layer, as he does not limit himself to being another avatar managed by the player, nor an alter ego of his creator, little Chris. At a narrative level, Captain Spirit is part of the psychology of our main character, he tells us about who he was, who he is, what his fears and dreams are. He is also the perfect vehicle that leads us to empathy through the essential phases of the Aristotelian tragedy. At a ludic level, Captain Spirit manifests himself through significant mechanics, showing his differences with the person who created him. In this text we will review some of the aspects that make up the ludonarrative engine of video games that include design of choices or ramification, applying them to the case study of The Awesome Adventure of Captain Spirit (Dontnod Entertainment, 2018), a spin-off created by the franchise Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment, 2015-) that serves as a bridge the first two installments and whose strategy lies in limiting the agency frame of the player and building an emotional bond with the character through his imagination.
Abstract: In-game advertising or IGA is a type of product placement within a video game in a textual, auditory, visual and interactive way, used for decades and that, with the digital transformation and changes in consumption, has gained much prominence. Its use is allowing playful media platforms, which previously had no place in media convergence, to now be used for advertising purposes. This formula is allowing brands to effectively impact countless times on a large set of players through different streaming services. This high scope is complemented by a consistent construction of values, experiences, lifestyles and identities through the interaction with the product through the video game narrative. An example of this is the growing popularity of e-sports in Peruvian universities, which through FIFA20 tournaments, has facilitated a high level of scope of the brands present in the video game among young university students. This research has sought to discover how the in-game advertising of the Adidas brand in FIFA20 —one of the most popular games in Peru according to the latest GFK research— is perceived by university gamers.
Abstract: After being forged over the last decades, the discipline of Game Studies has completed its theoretical and methodological foundations and has developed an institutional interest on the part of academics from all over the world. This thematic issue of the journal index.comunicación presents a compilation of studies related to the discipline of Game Studies, carried out in Spain and focused on the exploration of the future of a hetero-heterogeneous and transversal discipline. Specifically, the focus is on features of the narrative characteristics of games, their persuasive potential and their social influence. The main objective of this special issue is to consolidate a point of reflection on the present and future research on Game Studies.
El objeto de estudio de la presente investigación es el nacimiento de las campañas publicitarias gráficas orquestadas por la fructífera colaboración entre empresarios, editores e ilustradores entre los siglos XIX y XX en Italia. El estudio se centra en la Casa Editorial Ricordi porque fue la creadora e impulsora del moderno cartel artístico y publicitario italiano, con un vasta producción de ejemplares, hoy considerados obras maestras del género. La etapa de oro del cartel italiano coincide, no por casualidad, con el predominio técnico y artístico de esta empresa en Italia que nada tenía que envidiar a sus competidoras francesas (como la prestigiosa Imprimerie Chaix parisina, tan querida por Jules Chéret), alemanas o inglesas. El período analizado (1890-1914) es el de mayor actividad y esplendor artístico en las artes gráficas. Son los años de los primeros pasos en el campo de la publicidad. Como en todos los comienzos, abundan las ideas, la energía, la ingenuidad y las ganas de experimentar. Es un tiempo lleno de cambios: la transformación económica, social e industrial que vivió Europa en un lapso tan corto de tiempo es probablemente la mayor de su historia.
The purpose of this research is the birth of graphic advertising campaigns orchestrated by the fruitful collaboration between employers, publishers and illustrators between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in Italy. The study focuses on the Ricordi publishing house because it was the creator and driving force of the modern Italian poster art and advertising with a vast production of copies, today considered masterpieces of the genre. The golden age of Italian poster coincides, not coincidentally, with the technical and artistic dominance of this company in Italy that had nothing to envy their French competitors (including the prestigious Paris Imprimerie Chaix, so beloved by Jules Cheret), German or England. The period analyzed (1890-1914) is the most active and artistic splendor in the graphic arts. These are the years of the first steps in the field of advertising. As with all beginnings, ideas abound, energy, ingenuity and willingness to experiment. It is a time of change: economic transformation, social and industrial Europe who lived in such a short time is probably the biggest in its history.
En este contexto aparece Ficcionando en el siglo XXI. La ficción televisiva en España, una obra que acomete la tan difícil como necesaria labor de explorar las series nacionales en un contexto de cambio e incertidumbre, pero también de innovación en todos los pasos del proceso productivo, de la producción a la exhibición y eventual venta.
Lejos y muy atrás quedan épocas en las que ir al cine llegó a ser una de las principales prácticas de ocio; a la gente no le importaba gastar en comprar una entrada para ver una película en la gran pantalla. Acudir al cine tenía un valor, no sólo cultural, sino también económico, incluso social.
Reseña del libro: ‘Diseño gráfico publicitario: principios fundamentales para el análisis y elaboración de mensajes visuales’, publicado por los profesores Manuel Montes Vozmediano y Ricardo Vizcaníno-Laorga, y editado por Ommpress.
La Ley del Reloj: Arquitectura, Máquinas y Cultura Moderna
Eduardo Prieto
Editorial Cátedra. Arte, grandes temas, 68