Talks by María Grove-Gordillo
Taller doctoral Fuentes y metodologías para la historia medieval y moderna. Seriación, corpus y tratamiento de datos, 2024
London Livery Companies were one of the most important institutions during the Early Modern Perio... more London Livery Companies were one of the most important institutions during the Early Modern Period. Their principal function was the creation of trading networks between its members, and, in consequence, the employment of apprentices as factors by their masters was a necessary tool for the internationalisation of trade. During the 16th century, one of the main destinies of these apprentices/factors was Spain.
Through cross-referencing Spanish and English sources, in this paper, we showed how membership to these organisations was essential in creating trading networks in Spain by its members, showcasing the cross-border character of London's Livery Companies.
III SEDERI International Conference for Graduate Students of Early Modern English Studies, 2024
Connections and Entanglements: Trade, Mobility, and Cultural Transfer between the North and Baltic Seas and the Iberian Atlantic in the Early Modern Period , 2024
Trade and mobility in the Iberian Atlantic have produced a growing body of scholarship. Only rece... more Trade and mobility in the Iberian Atlantic have produced a growing body of scholarship. Only recently has the integration of other European regions into the emerging Atlantic world become a prominent topic. At the time when Spain and Portugal founded their Atlantic empires, Europe was divided by political and religious conflicts. However, Iberian ports like Lisbon and Seville attracted merchants from across Europe, including those from rivalling powers and religious others. Spanish and Portuguese merchants, adventurers, diplomats, and soldiers not only advanced into remote areas of America and Asia, but also frequented trading centres, princely courts, and battlefields in central and northern Europe. Against this backdrop, this workshop aims to explore the connections and entanglements between two regions traditionally viewed separately: the North and Baltic Seas and the Iberian Atlantic. It brings together scholars from Spain, Germany, Austria and Scandinavia who are interested in cross-cultural trade, mobility, and perception of self and other in early modern Europe.
Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Geografía e Historia (Sevilla)
9 de mayo de 2024
Aula Diego A... more Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Geografía e Historia (Sevilla)
9 de mayo de 2024
Aula Diego Angulo
Seminario Internacional: Fuentes y Metodología para la Historia Social de la Edad Moderna, 2024
Seminario Cádiz entre el Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo (siglos xiii-xviii): la ciudad y las naciones extranjeras, 2023
: II Taller de investigación de doctorandos: Fuentes y Métodos para la Historia, 2023
Taller de investigadores doctorales Gobierno, integración y circulación en la Monarquía de los Au... more Taller de investigadores doctorales Gobierno, integración y circulación en la Monarquía de los Austrias y de los Borbones 24 y 25 de agosto de 2023
II SEDERI International Conference for Junior Researchers of Early Modern English Studies WEDNESDAY 5th OF OCTOBER, 2022
5ème Rencontres Doctorales pluridisciplinaires "Marchander, transiger, échanger. Le phénomène contractuel dans la première modernité (XE-XVIE SIÈCLES), 2022
Tours, CESR-Salle Rapin 5 es rencontres doctorales Association des Doctorants du CESR Le phénomèn... more Tours, CESR-Salle Rapin 5 es rencontres doctorales Association des Doctorants du CESR Le phénomène contractuel dans la première modernité (XV e-XVI e siècles) Marchander, transiger, échanger.
Congreso Internacional "La economía atlántica y el tráfico de esclavos. Siglos XVI-XIX", 2022
Lunes, 4 de abril de 2022 9:15h. Presentación. 9:30h. Conferencia de apertura. Hilario Casado Alo... more Lunes, 4 de abril de 2022 9:15h. Presentación. 9:30h. Conferencia de apertura. Hilario Casado Alonso (Universidad de Valladolid): El comercio burgalés y el Atlántico: caracteres, elementos de reflexión, perspectivas de investigación.
III Seminario de Jóvenes Investigadoras e Investigadores: Los Horizontes de la Historia, 2021
Global Trade in Africa, the Atlantic Islands and America, c. 1450-1550: Revising the Role of European Merchant Networks, 2022
Seminario: La esclavitud en el mundo atlántico moderno. Economía y sociedad, 2021
Worskshop: Magnifying Spaces of Capitalism:A Collective Experiment, 2021
Talks by María Grove-Gordillo
Through cross-referencing Spanish and English sources, in this paper, we showed how membership to these organisations was essential in creating trading networks in Spain by its members, showcasing the cross-border character of London's Livery Companies.
9 de mayo de 2024
Aula Diego Angulo
Through cross-referencing Spanish and English sources, in this paper, we showed how membership to these organisations was essential in creating trading networks in Spain by its members, showcasing the cross-border character of London's Livery Companies.
9 de mayo de 2024
Aula Diego Angulo
El conocimiento como innovación, que da título a esta obra, vertebra todos los capítulos que la componen a través del empleo de distintas metodologías. En la sociedad actual, cambiante y confusa, lo que Bauman denominó Modernidad líquida, la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Historia se erige como un arma poderosa para dotar a los alumnos de herramientas frente a la sobre información y la difusión de noticias falsas. El conocimiento y la capacidad de discernir con juicio crítico propio resulta, hoy en día, la verdadera innovación.
This book seeks to bridge a gap in the historiography of Spain and Great Britain by arguing that while the eighteenth century witnessed periods of tension, conflict and hostility between the two powers, their relationship remained multifaceted and significant in other spheres. Throughout the eighteenth century, Spain and Great Britain passed through phases of open warfare, armed peace and deep suspicion. The British capture of Gibraltar and Menorca dealt a severe blow to the newly established Bourbon dynasty in Spain. Even in times of war, not all communication channels were closed, with numerous formal and informal contacts being made despite the volatile political climate and enmities. The contributors of this book go beyond the well-known animosity and conflicts to explore the spectrum of interactions, encompassing cultural exchange, traditional diplomacy, trade and espionage plus a multitude of other facets. This book is a valuable resource for researchers and students interested in the complex relations between Great Britain and Spain during the eighteenth century, as well as for a broader audience of historians and both undergraduate and postgraduate students of history and international relations.
His death, which took place in 1523, turned into an extensive judicial process arose from the naming of Juan Mallart as universal heir of all his assets and business.
Based on documents localized in the Archivo Histórico Provincial de Sevilla, in this paper we analyze the visit of Juan Mallart in 1523, when he assumed his heir’s condition. In this study are contemplated the different actions that he carried out with his brother’s business, as well as the consequences that these had both in the economic activities as in the relations with the English trading community of Seville.