Uluslararası Sağlık Yönetimi ve Stratejileri Araştırma Dergisi, Aug 31, 2021
Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin sanal kaytarma davranışları ve hizmet verme yatkınlığı arasındaki ilişk... more Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin sanal kaytarma davranışları ve hizmet verme yatkınlığı arasındaki ilişki ve etkileri incelenmiştir. İstanbul'daki bir eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinde çalışan 115 hemşirenin katılımıyla gerçekleştirilen bu çalışma nicel bir desende tasarlanmıştır. E-anket yöntemiyle toplanan verilerin analizinde Smart PLS paket programı kullanılmıştır. Katılımcıların çoğu kadın (%91,3), 34-46 yaş aralığında (%53,0), hastanede aktif birimlerde çalışmakta (%29,6'sı yataklı tedavi kliniklerinde; %19,1'i yoğun bakım ünitelerinde; %18,3'ü ameliyathanede; %12,2'ai acil servisde) ve yüksek düzeyde bir teknoloji kullanma becerisine (%54,8) sahiptir. Araştırma sonucunda hemşirelerin sanal kaytarma (x̄: 2,74 ± 1,14) düzeylerinin orta seviyede, hizmet verme yatkınlığı (x̄: 4,30 ± 0,82) düzeylerinin ise çok yüksek seviyede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sanal kaytarma ve hizmet verme yatkınlığı değişkenleri arasında pozitif yönlü ve anlamlı bir ilişkinin (r: 253; p<0,05) olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca sanal kaytarma davranışının hizmet verme yatkınlığı üzerinde %6,4'lük bir etkisinin olduğu (t: 2,443; p<0,05) sonucuna varılmıştır. Buna göre hemşirelerin sanal kaytarma tutumlarındaki bir birimlik artış, onların hizmet verme yatkınlıklarını 0,064 birim artırmaktadır. İleriki çalışmalar için sanal kaytarma davranışları ve hizmet verme yatkınlığını farklı yönleriyle inceleyen tanımlayıcı, kalitatif ve deneysel çalışmaların yapılması önerilmektedir.
the Journal of Academic Social Sciences
The Journal of Academic Social Science, 2022
This study was conducted to examine the barriers in vaccination that made on the complaint web po... more This study was conducted to examine the barriers in vaccination that made on the complaint web portal especially in terms of Biontech/Pfizer and Sinovac/CoronaVac vaccines. Study data were collected from a complaint web portal (i.e, and content and document analysis from qualitative research methods were used. All entries were reviewed between April 2021-January 2022 and a total of 412 complaints were evaluated. Microsoft Office 2016 package program was used to calculate the number and percentage of complaints. More than half of the complaints (75%) were related to the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine. Also, the most common complaints for both vaccines were written by women, and also patients, who received vaccination services from private hospitals, and those who were on the second dose of vaccination process. The top five complaints about Biontech/Pfizer were; not being vaccinated despite going at the appointment time, the vaccines’ not appearing in the individual's Online Health System, post-vaccine side effects, inability to get a vaccination appointment from online health appointment system, and wrong vaccination (Sinovac/CoronaVac instead of Biontech/Pfizer). The top five complaints about Sinovac/CoronaVac were; wrong vaccination (Biontech/Pfizer instead of Sinovac/CorıonaVac), the vaccines’ not appearing in the individual's Online Health System, inability to get a vaccination appointment from online health appointment system, not being vaccinated despite going to the health institution at the appointment time, and the inability to exercise the right to choose a vaccine. The results of the study not only illuminates the vaccination attitudes and behaviours of individuals but also provides examples of situations where individuals are lacking in health care.
This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and professional ... more This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and professional performance levels of healthcare professionals working in emergency medical services in terms of different descriptive variables. The healthcare personnel working in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Uşak, a province in western Turkey, were included in the study. No sampling method was implemented. It was tried to reach the whole population (n: 102). Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. The healthcare personnel were determined to have low levels of Covid-19 anxiety and high levels of professional performance. As the duration of professional experience increased (≥11 years), Covid-19 anxiety levels increased in the women participants significantly (p &lt;0.05). However, the professional performance levels were higher in the participants who liked their profession and whose duration of professional experience level was short. There was a negative and moderate relationship between healthcare workers&#39; Covid-19 anxiety levels and their professional performance levels (r = -0,551). Consequently, Covid-19 anxiety affected the professional performance levels of the participants by 30%.
Issues in mental health nursing, 2022
In this systematic review, effects of telemental health (TMH) practices' on caregivers of chi... more In this systematic review, effects of telemental health (TMH) practices' on caregivers of children/adolescents with mental illnesses were investigated. The literature review included databases, and reference lists of published studies. All studies published until September 2021 were reviewed. Eleven studies were included. Several services were provided via TMH: education, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), parent training, caregiver behavior training, family CBT. The effectiveness of TMH interventions on caregivers varied from low to high. Most reproducible findings were on caregivers' satisfaction, stress, therapeutic alliance and caregiver burden. Studies had a low to high bias risk. Most studies had small samples. Results built on the small but growing literature support TMH interventions' promising role in caregivers of children with mental illness. Future studies should estimate outcomes with medium to low effect size. Other caregiver groups, rarely considered in p...
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021
LPCVD polysilicon films exhibit tensile or compressive residual stresses and stress gradients, de... more LPCVD polysilicon films exhibit tensile or compressive residual stresses and stress gradients, depending on deposition temperature. The stresses, which are a result of an "intrinsic" growth eigenstrain, ε g , produce undesired curvatures in released structures. A combined experimental/computational design procedure is presented for controlling the curvature of thin films comprised of tensile layers, deposited at 570 • C, alternated with compressive layers deposited at 615 • C. Experimental measurements are first used to calculate the through-the-thickness variation of ε g for both temperatures. This information is in turn incorporated into a mechanical model that predicts, for prescribed parameters that define the geometry, elastic moduli, and eigenstrain distribution, the stress distribution before release, and the curvature upon release, of multilayered films. Comparisons of predicted and measured average stress before release of a number of films, and of the curvature upon release of a circular micromirror device, provide a preliminary assessment of the semi-empirical model, which when combined with optimization algorithms can be used to develop recipes (thicknesses of the individual layers of a multiplayer device) that will achieve prescribed curvature according to given constraints.
Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2022
In this systematic review, effects of telemental health (TMH) practices' on caregivers of childre... more In this systematic review, effects of telemental health (TMH) practices' on caregivers of children/ adolescents with mental illnesses were investigated. The literature review included databases, and reference lists of published studies. All studies published until September 2021 were reviewed. Eleven studies were included. Several services were provided via TMH: education, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), parent training, caregiver behavior training, family CBT. The effectiveness of TMH interventions on caregivers varied from low to high. Most reproducible findings were on caregivers' satisfaction, stress, therapeutic alliance and caregiver burden. Studies had a low to high bias risk. Most studies had small samples. Results built on the small but growing literature support TMH interventions' promising role in caregivers of children with mental illness. Future studies should estimate outcomes with medium to low effect size. Other caregiver groups, rarely considered in previous studies, should be included. Bias risk should be minimized. Larger, more methodologically rigorous studies should be conducted.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021
This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction (SMA) and... more This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction (SMA) and work engagement (WE) among nurses in Turkey. Design and methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 205 nurses. In the study, the SMA and WE scales were used. Findings: It was determined that there was a negative significant correlation between the SMA and WE variables and that SMA accounted for 2% of WE. Practice implications: The controlled use of social media by nurses and the use of strategies that support work engagement will make significant contributions both to nurses and to the outcomes of patient care.
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction ... more Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction (SMA) and work engagement (WE) among nurses in Turkey. Design and methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 205 nurses. In the study, the SMA and WE scales were used. Findings: It was determined that there was a negative significant correlation between the SMA and WE variables and that SMA accounted for 2% of WE. Practice implications: The controlled use of social media by nurses and the use of strategies that support work engagement will make significant contributions both to nurses and to the outcomes of patient care.
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
Kavram haritaları, öğrencinin gereksinim duyduğu bilgiyi doğru biçimde kazanmasına yardımcı olan ... more Kavram haritaları, öğrencinin gereksinim duyduğu bilgiyi doğru biçimde kazanmasına yardımcı olan önemli öğretim yöntemlerindendir. Kavram haritası, insanların nasıl öğrendikleri ile anlamlı öğrenme konuları arasında köprü kuran bir öğrenme ve öğretme stratejisidir. Hemşirelikte kavram haritaları uygulama ile teoriyi birleştirme, vaka yönetimi, akademik makale hazırlama ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ders çalışma tekniği olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinde kavram haritası öğretim yöntemi kullanımının, öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme becerisi ve kendi başlarına kavram haritası yapma, başarma duygusu ve özgüveni arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında öğrencilerin bilmedikleri ve anlamadıkları konuları daha kolay belirleyebildikleri, konuları daha iyi anlayabildikleri ve akademik başarılarına olumlu etki ettiği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelik eğitiminde kavram haritalarının kullanımının oldukça yararlı olduğu görülmekte ve bu konuyla ilgili bilgi eksikliğinin tamamlanması gerekmektedir. Bu derlemede kavram haritaları ile ilgili genel bilgiler, hemşirelik eğitiminde kullanılan kavram haritalarının yapısı, kavram haritası oluşturma süreci ve hemşirelik eğitiminde kavram haritalarının kullanımının önemine değinilmiştir.
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 2019
Kavram haritaları, öğrencinin gereksinim duyduğu bilgiyi doğru biçimde kazanmasına yardımcı olan ... more Kavram haritaları, öğrencinin gereksinim duyduğu bilgiyi doğru biçimde kazanmasına yardımcı olan önemli öğretim yöntemlerindendir. Kavram haritası, insanların nasıl öğrendikleri ile anlamlı öğrenme konuları arasında köprü kuran bir öğrenme ve öğretme stratejisidir. Hemşirelikte kavram haritaları uygulama ile teoriyi birleştirme, vaka yönetimi, akademik makale hazırlama ve hemşirelik öğrencilerinin ders çalışma tekniği olarak kullanılmaktadır. Hemşirelik öğrencilerinde kavram haritası öğretim yöntemi kullanımının, öğrencilerin eleştirel düşünme becerisi ve kendi başlarına kavram haritası yapma, başarma duygusu ve özgüveni arttırdığı belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanında öğrencilerin bilmedikleri ve anlamadıkları konuları daha kolay belirleyebildikleri, konuları daha iyi anlayabildikleri ve akademik başarılarına olumlu etki ettiği saptanmıştır. Hemşirelik eğitiminde kavram haritalarının kullanımının oldukça yararlı olduğu görülmekte ve bu konuyla ilgili bilgi eksikliğinin tamamlanması gerekmektedir. Bu derlemede kavram haritaları ile ilgili genel bilgiler, hemşirelik eğitiminde kullanılan kavram haritalarının yapısı, kavram haritası oluşturma süreci ve hemşirelik eğitiminde kavram haritalarının kullanımının önemine değinilmiştir.
International Journal of Health Management And Strategies Research, 2021
In this study, the relationship and effects between nurses' cyberloafing behaviors and their serv... more In this study, the relationship and effects between nurses' cyberloafing behaviors and their service predisposition were examined. The quantitative design study was carried out with the participation of 115 nurses working in a training and research hospital in Istanbul. The Smart PLS package program was used in the analysis of the data collected by the e-survey method. Most of the participants were female (91.3%), over middle-aged (53.0%), working in active units in the hospital (inpatient clinics (29.6%); intensive care units (19.1%); operating room (18.3%); emergency services (12.2%)) and has a high level of technology use skills (54.8%). As a result of the research, it was determined that the cyberloafing (x̄: 2.74 ± 1.14) levels of the nurses were at a moderate level, and the levels of service disposition (x̄: 4.30 ± 0.82) were at a very high level. Also, there was a positive and significant relationship (r: 253; p<0.05) between cyberloafing and service predisposition variables. With these results, it was concluded that cyberloafing behavior has a 6.4% effect on the service predisposition (t: 2,443; p<0.05). Accordingly, a one-unit increase in nurses' cyberloafing attitudes increases their service disposition by 0.064 units. For future studies, it is recommended to carry out descriptive, qualitative and experimental studies that examine cyberloafing behaviors and service predisposition from different aspects.
Key Words: Nurse, cyberbullying, technology, service orientation, health personnel
Journal of Academic Value Studies, Apr 4, 2021
In this study, the effect of Covid-19 phobia on perceived stress in prehospital emergency care pr... more In this study, the effect of Covid-19 phobia on perceived stress in prehospital emergency care professionals was investigated. No sampling method was implemented in this study, and it was tried to access the whole population (n=102). The study was conducted between July 2020 and August 2020. The study data were collected through the face-to-face interview. Descriptive statistics, t test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and simple regression analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of the analysis revealed that the perceived stress levels were moderate or high in approximately one third of the prehospital EMS professionals. The participants' Covid-19 phobia levels were low. The perceived stress levels were significantly higher in the participants who were 30 years old or younger, single or working with the title of paramedic. Similarly, Covid-19 phobia levels were also significantly higher in women, participants aged 30 and under, and those diagnosed with Covid-19. There was a moderate (r=0.68), positive and significant correlation between Covid-19 phobia levels and perceived stress levels. Therefore, as the Covid-19 phobia levels of prehospital EMS professionals increased, so did their perceived stress levels. The result of the regression analysis demonstrated that a one-unit increase in EMS professionals' Covid-19 phobia levels increased their perceived stress level by 0.46. A correlation was determined between Covid-19 phobia and the perceived stress in prehospital EMS professionals and thus it is recommended that larger-scale studies should be conducted to better determine this relationship and that interventional practices should be planned.
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Phobia, Stress, Mental Health, Health Personnel
Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 2021
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction ... more Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between social media addiction (SMA) and work engagement (WE) among nurses in Turkey. Design and methods: This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 205 nurses. In the study, the SMA and WE scales were used. Findings: It was determined that there was a negative significant correlation between the SMA and WE variables and that SMA accounted for 2% of WE. Practice implications: The controlled use of social media by nurses and the use of strategies that support work engagement will make significant contributions both to nurses and to the outcomes of patient care.
Use of Concept Maps in Nursing Education, 2019
Concept mapping is an important teaching and learning method that can help learners accurately ac... more Concept mapping is an important teaching and learning method that can help learners accurately acquire the information they need. A concept map connects how people learn with meaningful learning issues. In nursing, concept maps can be used as a method for combining practice and theory, case management, academic writing, and study skills of nursing students. It has been identified that the use of the concept maps in nursing education improves a student's sense of accomplishment, self-confidence, and the ability of developing critical thinking skills. In addition, this method allows students to more easily identify the subjects that they do not know and understand and has a positive effect on students' academic success. In nursing education, the use of concept maps is very beneficial, and more information to educators in this field is recommended. In this review, general information about concept maps, the structure and formation of concepts maps, and the importance of using concept maps in nursing education is mentioned.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2020
This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and professional ... more This study was aimed at investigating the relationship between Covid-19 anxiety and professional performance levels of healthcare professionals working in emergency medical services in terms of different descriptive variables. The healthcare personnel working in the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Uşak, a province in western Turkey, were included in the study. No sampling method was implemented. It was tried to reach the whole population (n: 102). Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. The healthcare personnel were determined to have low levels of Covid-19 anxiety and high levels of professional performance. As the duration of professional experience increased (≥11 years), Covid-19 anxiety levels increased in the women participants significantly (p <0.05). However, the professional performance levels were higher in the participants who liked their profession and whose duration of professional experience level was short. There was a negative and moderate relationship between healthcare workers' Covid-19 anxiety levels and their professional performance levels (r = -0,551). Consequently, Covid-19 anxiety affected the professional performance levels of the participants by 30%.
Book Chapter: Ulker Dorttepe Z., Keser İ. 2016. Chapter 4: Transactional Analysis Approach in Patient-Nurse Communication. In Recent Advances in Health Sciences. Editors: A. A. Çamlı, B. Ak, R. Arabacı, R. Efe. Publisher: St. Kliment Ohridski University Press (Sofia). pp: 32-42., 2016
That the communication process with the patient is effective and successful is important in rende... more That the communication process with the patient is effective and successful is important in rendering health care service. It is believed that having knowledge and skills on the transactional analysis approach within the therapeutic communication process established with the patient can be effective in facilitating this process. That nurses have information and make research about the transactional analysis approach may increase successful communication skills by affecting the communication with the patient and environment. At the same time, that the nurse can see the patient with the pointof-view of this approach in therapeutic communication process (which ego state is used when communicating, which life position is used and the perception of this, the assessment of the transactions used, etc.) may ensure making effective nursing diagnoses and make the intervention steps more
suitable for the patient.
The transactional analysis approach is effective in the patient-nurse
communication process and ensures achieving certain targets both in terms of the individual and the advisor. These targets are autonomy, awareness, being able to give normal reactions and sincerity, and can be considered as the focal point of the philosophy and practice of the transactional analysis approach (Lister-Ford, 2002). The suitable approaches in the communication with the patient are regarded as the basis of effective care in nursing, which requires professionalism. The transactional analysis approach among the approaches that can be used for communication may be beneficial in knowing oneself and the patient for the nurse. The nurse can review both one’s past experiences, ego
states and which transactions are used and those of the patients. It is believed that the transactional analysis will be beneficial both during the therapy and communication process in the patient-nurse communication.
Üniversite Yaşamına Uyum Sürecinde Yabancılaşmanın Etkisi, 2016
In this study, the effect of alienation on the adaptation process of students who have just start... more In this study, the effect of alienation on the adaptation process of students who have just started university education to university life was examined. This cross-sectional and correlational study was conducted with 666 university students. The data were collected using "Personal Information Form", "University Life Scale" and "Student Alienation Scale", which include students' demographic characteristics. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis were used in the analysis of the data. It was determined that the adaptation and alienation of the students was moderate. Significant differentiation was found between levels of adjustment and alienation and variables such as age, gender, longest living place, participation in extracurricular activities, stress (p <.05). On the other hand, a negative moderate relationship was found between students' adaptation and alienation. As a result, it has been determined that alienation has an effect on the adjustment levels of university students. In line with the results of the research; It is recommended to determine the level of adaptation and alienation of students in the first year of university education and to make appropriate interventions. Keywords: adaptation; alienation; university life; adjustment; university student; freshmen
Key Words: Nurse, cyberbullying, technology, service orientation, health personnel
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Phobia, Stress, Mental Health, Health Personnel
suitable for the patient.
The transactional analysis approach is effective in the patient-nurse
communication process and ensures achieving certain targets both in terms of the individual and the advisor. These targets are autonomy, awareness, being able to give normal reactions and sincerity, and can be considered as the focal point of the philosophy and practice of the transactional analysis approach (Lister-Ford, 2002). The suitable approaches in the communication with the patient are regarded as the basis of effective care in nursing, which requires professionalism. The transactional analysis approach among the approaches that can be used for communication may be beneficial in knowing oneself and the patient for the nurse. The nurse can review both one’s past experiences, ego
states and which transactions are used and those of the patients. It is believed that the transactional analysis will be beneficial both during the therapy and communication process in the patient-nurse communication.
Key Words: Nurse, cyberbullying, technology, service orientation, health personnel
Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, Phobia, Stress, Mental Health, Health Personnel
suitable for the patient.
The transactional analysis approach is effective in the patient-nurse
communication process and ensures achieving certain targets both in terms of the individual and the advisor. These targets are autonomy, awareness, being able to give normal reactions and sincerity, and can be considered as the focal point of the philosophy and practice of the transactional analysis approach (Lister-Ford, 2002). The suitable approaches in the communication with the patient are regarded as the basis of effective care in nursing, which requires professionalism. The transactional analysis approach among the approaches that can be used for communication may be beneficial in knowing oneself and the patient for the nurse. The nurse can review both one’s past experiences, ego
states and which transactions are used and those of the patients. It is believed that the transactional analysis will be beneficial both during the therapy and communication process in the patient-nurse communication.