Doctoral Thesis by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Tesis doctoral monográfica que aborda el pensamiento del filósofo francés Gilbert Simondon (1924-... more Tesis doctoral monográfica que aborda el pensamiento del filósofo francés Gilbert Simondon (1924-1989). Este autor ha sido prácticamente olvidado hasta hace pocos años, con lo cual esta investigación aspira, en primer lugar, a restituir su pensamiento en el marco de la historia de la filosofía del siglo XX. El enfoque se centra en los aspectos de la ontología de la individuación, auténtico núcleo doctrinal de las obras fundamentales del autor, a través de una teoría poco estudiada llamada «Allagmática». La hipótesis de partida es que para desarrollar con éxito la filosofía de la individuación, Simondon exploró antes una teoría axiomática basada en una ampliación de los principios teóricos de las corrientes sistémicas de su época, a saber, la cibernética, la psicología de la forma y la teoría de la información. Para demostrar esta hipótesis se procede en primer lugar a un análisis genealógico y sistemático de la influencia que estas corrientes tendrán en el desarrollo de las tesis principales del autor para, a continuación, exponer en toda su amplitud la teoría allagmática. Por último, se relacionará esta última con la ontología de la individuación, prestando especial atención a cómo una teoría sirve de fundamento axiomático a la otra. Realizada esta tarea, se aspira a restituir el pensamiento ontológico de este autor y situar su filosofía en las coordenadas de un retorno a la filosofía de la naturaleza.
Talks and conference papers by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Individuating Simondon: 100 Years and Beyond, 2024
Alchemy is a topic that Simondon addresses in a particular way in one of his courses, Naissance d... more Alchemy is a topic that Simondon addresses in a particular way in one of his courses, Naissance de la technologie (1970), and mentions in a few others. My aim is to analyze the reasons behind this interest.
Papers by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Anales de Historia del Arte nº 31 (2021), 431-453., 2021
Este artículo analiza un conjunto de manifestaciones artísticas contemporáneas que se ... more Este artículo analiza un conjunto de manifestaciones artísticas contemporáneas que se caracterizan por su voluntad de aprehender la naturaleza viva, desbordando, con ello, las lógicas tradicionales de la representación en Occidente. Si bien el arte europeo parece haber tenido siempre presente la problemática relación vida/naturaleza/arte, no fue hasta el siglo XX que algunos artistas comenzaron a introducir seres vivos en sus obras. No obstante, los modos en que lo vivo puede ser representado son diversos, y sus resultados muchas veces inesperados. Para aproximarnos a esta complejidad, proponemos aquí el concepto de performanymal como herramienta que nos permite abordar una serie de iniciativas artísticas que, en sintonía con ciertas corrientes filosóficas neovitalistas y nuevos paradigmas de la biología, tratan de hacer comparecer la vida en lugar de intentar representarla mediante indicios, símbolos, o reducciones objetivas. Nuestro estudio profundiza en tres manifestaciones artísticas clave de la historia del arte europeo (el cine surrealista-científico de Jean Painlevé, las performances de Walter Marchetti y el Grupo Zaj, y el arte de situaciones en curso de Pierre Huyghe) que comparten un marcado interés por ahondar en nociones como el error, el azar, el devenir, y el juego –parámetros que reformulan la lógica de la representación en favor de una concepción de la naturaleza como realidad en movimiento que excede todo determinismo y pone en tela de juicio ciertas categorías heredadas del arte y la filosofía occidentales.
Palabras clave: Arte vivo; animalidad; bioarte; presencia; representación; performanymal; animot.
[en] Towards a theory of the performanymal. From representation to animal presence in contemporary artAbstract. This paper analyzes certain expressions of contemporary art that intend to apprehend living nature by going beyond the traditional logic of representation in the Western world. Even though the European art tradition has always dealt with the challenging life/nature/art relationship, only in the 20th century did artists start representing living beings in their works. However, many are the ways in which the living can be represented, and so are their –mostly unexpected– results. In this paper we resort to the concept of performanymal, asserting it as a tool that allows us to approach a number of initiatives that, in line with certain philosophical neovitalist currents and innovative biology paradigms, make an attempt to make the living «present» instead of trying to represent it via signs, symbols, or objective reductions. This paper lays out a study focusing on three key manifestations in the history of European art (Jean Painlevé’s surrealist-scientific cinema, the performative actions by Walter Marchetti and The Zaj Group, and Pierre Huyghe’s «live situations») that share an interest in delving into error, randomness, and play –notions that speak of nature as a dynamic reality that exceeds all determinisms, thus calling into question certain artistic and philosophical categories of the Western tradition.
Keywords: Animality; living art; bioart; presence; representation; performanymal; animot.
Pangeas. Revista Interdisciplinar de Ecocrítica ISSN: 2695-5040 Núm. 2 (2020), pp. 47-60, 2020
El presente artículo es una reflexión filosófica sobre las fronteras entre el Hombre y el Animal ... more El presente artículo es una reflexión filosófica sobre las fronteras entre el Hombre y el Animal a la luz de la obra de tres filósofos contemporáneos: Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida y Gilles Deleuze. En primer lugar, trataremos de definir el “humanismo metafísico” y sus dispositivos de producción de lo humano, especialmente en torno a aquello que Agamben denomina “Máquina Antropológica”, artilugio que definiremos como un “juego de espejos”. A continuación, trataremos de presentar dos posibles vías de escape de esta maquinaria y del antropocentrismo que comporta. La primera correrá a cargo de algunas propuestas de Jacques Derrida, en torno a la deconstrucción del sujeto humanista y de la relación con la alteridad animal. La segunda nos conducirá a la noción “devenir-animal” de Deleuze y Guattari. Ambas ideas nos permitirán subvertir la metafísica antropocéntrica que ha legitimado buena parte de la violencia contra la alteridad.
Palabras clave: animal; antropocentrismo; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; Humanismo
ABSTRACT The present article offers a philosophical approach to the borders between Man and Animal, based on the work of three contemporary philosophers: Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze. First, we attempt to define “meta-physical humanism” and the devices it uses to produce what is called human. Special attention will be given to what Agamben has termed the “anthropological machine”, a device that we will define as a “mirror machine”. Then, we will present two possible escape routes of this machinery and the anthropocentrism that it entails. The first route stems from an analysis of several proposals by Jacques Derrida on the deconstruction of the humanist subject and our relationship with animal otherness The second will lead us to the notion of “becoming-animal” by Deleuze and Guattari. Both ideas will allow us to subvert the anthropocentric metaphysics that has legitimized a large part of the violence against otherness. Keywords: animal; antropocentrism; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; humanism.
Forma. Revista d'Estudis Comparatius , 2017
Since the mid-twentieth
century, the Western world appears to
be imbued with what has been called... more Since the mid-twentieth
century, the Western world appears to
be imbued with what has been called an
‘apocalyptic consciousness’. This paper
approaches the work of one of the
‘prophets’ of the Atomic Age: the antinuclear
activist and philosopher
Günther Anders. The aim of this article
is to identify and delve into the
connections that can be established
among Apocalypse, modern technology,
and the experience of historical time.
The question of modern technology is
here considered as a fundamental
element of contemporary apocalyptic
approaches. In light of this, the atomic
bomb is proposed as a key to
understanding how Western societies
have related to their historical horizon,
their ontological construction of ‘man’,
and the very sense of temporality since
Vegueta. Anuario , 2017
El presente artículo aborda la cuestión del Apocalipsis entendido como fin de la idea de «Hombre»... more El presente artículo aborda la cuestión del Apocalipsis entendido como fin de la idea de «Hombre». En la filosofía del siglo xx se ha dado un interés especial por abordar la disolución de las categorías humanistas que sostenían nuestra visión del mundo, véase: la idea de hombre, sujeto, historia, etc. A partir de un análisis etimológico y conceptual sobre la construcción de la idea de anthropos en el desarrollo humanista occidental, veremos cómo en la tradición filosófica el hombre ha sido concebido como un ser escindido en dos dimensiones contrapuestas que, en el decurso histórico, tratará de reunir. En el tercer capítulo trataremos de ir más allá de lo que denominamos como «antropocalipsis» reelaborando algunas teorías de lo posthumano que nos permitan seguir viviendo más allá del fin.
This article explores the notion of “apocalypse” understood as the end of the idea of “man”. Throughout the twentieth century, many philosophers have focused on the diminishing importance of the humanistic categories that have framed our view of the world: “man”, “subject”, “history”, etc. We propose a conceptual and etymological analysis of how the idea of anthropos was constructed during the development of Western humanism. Our aim is to elucidate how the philosophical tradition has portrayed man as a divided being, with two opposing dimensions requiring reconciliation. We then delve into the implications of what we term the “anthropocalypse”, offering a reinterpretation of several posthumanist theories that might allow us to live on beyond the “end”.
SÉMATA, Ciencias Sociais e Humanidades., 2016
Resumen: El presente artículo busca ahondar en la problemática que supone pensar la revolución de... more Resumen: El presente artículo busca ahondar en la problemática que supone pensar la revolución desde el punto de vista filosófico en el marco teórico de la postmodernidad. A partir de este contexto, se aborda la obra de Gianni Vattimo en tres claves: análisis de la cuestión revolucionaria y su caducidad en el marco de la posmodernidad; imposibilidad de la revolución como acontecimiento en el «orden técnico»; necesidad de superar la condición metafísico-violenta de la revolución. En la conclusión se hará una pequeña tentativa para «salvar la revolución» en torno algunas de las propuestas teóricas más recientes.
Abstract: This paper aims to deep into the problematic of revolution tought across the philosophical view of postmodernity. Starting on this context, Gianni Vattimo's work is taken around three key-ideas: analysis of the revolutionary question and his caducity in the postmodernity's framework; the im-posibility of revolution as an event inside the «technical order»; the need to overcome the meta-phisycal and violent condition of revolution. In the last chapter, a small attempt will try to «save the revolution» around some ideas of recent theoric proposals.
Book Chapters by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Núñez-Delgado, A. (eds) Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues. Springer, Cham, 2024
This chapter aims to reflect on the artistic narratives and practices that have marked a shift fr... more This chapter aims to reflect on the artistic narratives and practices that have marked a shift from the ontopolitical rigidity of the Anthropocene to a possible response or Neganthropocene in the last twenty years. Against the backdrop of the emergence of an environmental awareness and the first artistic manifestations to respond to the harmful environmental impact of the positivist rationality associated with industrialisation and capital, this chapter links landscape and political ecology to present a typology of the most common landscapes to be depicted by European creators in the twenty-first century. These artists, who have long been drawn to the signs of catastrophe or global collapse, have found inspiration in the intensive exploitation of organic resources, the geologies of disaster associated with mining, the air pollution caused by industry, property speculation and global maritime trade. The act of documenting and drawing attention to degraded landscapes, industrial ruins and ground-zero disaster sites is combined with the design and proposal of new ways of inhabiting the damaged environment and of collectively organising human, animal and plant societies to bring about change.
Lazarus. Revista de filosofía y arte, 2017
Federico L. Silvestre & Sergio Meijide Casas (Eds.) Ruinas y Descampados. Contra-historia del paisaje, 1, Abada, Madrid, 2024
El nómada es una de las figuras «míticas» más interesantes que transitan por la literatura, el ar... more El nómada es una de las figuras «míticas» más interesantes que transitan por la literatura, el arte y la filosofía del siglo XX. Al calor de este interés, este artículo explora el concepto de nomadología de Deleuze y Guattari en sus tres dimensiones: la política, la epistemológica y la artística. Bien como revolucionario insurrecto, bien como alquimista itinerante, bien como artista utópico, el nómada es un concepto polimorfo con el que todavía hoy pueden construirse nuevas máquinas de guerra, nuevos mundos posibles y nuevos modos de habitar. Para actualizar estas potencias, primero se interpretará la nomadología como una forma de exterioridad que problematiza las lógicas reproductivas de la forma-Estado. En segundo lugar, se opondrán dos paradigmas epistemológicos, el hilemorfismo y el allagmático. Por último, se aludirá a la sugerente imagen del artista-científico nómada por excelencia: el alquimista.
Book Reviews by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
"¿Una geogra+a romá Efec.vamente, a primera vista no parece que el cómputo de datos y la min... more "¿Una geogra+a romá Efec.vamente, a primera vista no parece que el cómputo de datos y la minuciosa cartogra+a con que solemos asociar la disciplina geográfica tuviera mucho de romá Pero, sin duda, en el siglo XIX europeo, en plena era de la exploración cienFfica y de las colonias, se gestó una épica de la geogra+a. Las figuras como Livingstone, Nansen, o E. Byrd, suscitaban el mayor interés en las sociedades europeas, en medio de un entusiasmo generalizado por el descubrimiento geográfico del globo y sus lugares ignotos: el á, las fuentes del Nilo, etc."
Others by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
No ocaso do suxeito, cando o ser humano e as súas hipóstases comezan a perder peso, cando o human... more No ocaso do suxeito, cando o ser humano e as súas hipóstases comezan a perder peso, cando o humanismo que trazou a historia occidental bafexa un fastío perpetuo, cando o proxecto da metafísica grega chega a unha culminación e a crise existencial do humano en comunidade toca un punto de máxima tensión, por forza algo novo debe irromper. Así, aquela antiga idea («antes e despois do humano [xa] sempre estivo o real») volve retornar con forza, cunha forza inusitada. O poshumanismo é unha corrente contemporánea de pensamento que –conectando diversos saberes e perspectivas, diferentes eidos de enunciación e xestualidade (arte, política, vida)– tenta desfacer os mecanismos internos da ontoloxía do humanismo na que «o home» é o centro regulador de todo, deixando sempre á marxe realidades alternas que deben estar permanentemente suxeitas á súa violencia, non só metafísica. O poshumanismo, sendo como é unha corrente en emerxencia, pon en cuestión os lugares comúns desas formas de vivir e de pensar que centraron no humano todo o real como se o real só fose posible se o humano é.
«O demo do poshumanismo» de Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso (Vigo, 1990) trata esta cuestión. O filósofo vigués pensa o carácter rearticulador do poshumanismo, seguindo en particular os sucos do pensamento de Gilbert Simondon, quen estableceu unha tentativa radical de superación da ontoloxía clásica proxectando unha atención na ontoxénese, presente nos motivos concretos da bioloxía e nos patróns a través dos cales a vida desprega o seu proceso. O autor deste ensaio fai unha achega sinxela, clara, comprensible, sen perder o carácter fondo e complexo que todo pensamento crítico implica.
Reviews by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Publicación en coautoría: Laura Calvo Gens, Abraham Cea Núñez, Javier Gándara Feijóo, María Gil M... more Publicación en coautoría: Laura Calvo Gens, Abraham Cea Núñez, Javier Gándara Feijóo, María Gil Martínez, Sergio Meijide Casas, Sara Moure López, Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso, Santiago Rodríguez-Caramés y Daniel Lucas Teijeiro Mosquera.
Doctoral Thesis by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Talks and conference papers by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Papers by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Palabras clave: Arte vivo; animalidad; bioarte; presencia; representación; performanymal; animot.
[en] Towards a theory of the performanymal. From representation to animal presence in contemporary artAbstract. This paper analyzes certain expressions of contemporary art that intend to apprehend living nature by going beyond the traditional logic of representation in the Western world. Even though the European art tradition has always dealt with the challenging life/nature/art relationship, only in the 20th century did artists start representing living beings in their works. However, many are the ways in which the living can be represented, and so are their –mostly unexpected– results. In this paper we resort to the concept of performanymal, asserting it as a tool that allows us to approach a number of initiatives that, in line with certain philosophical neovitalist currents and innovative biology paradigms, make an attempt to make the living «present» instead of trying to represent it via signs, symbols, or objective reductions. This paper lays out a study focusing on three key manifestations in the history of European art (Jean Painlevé’s surrealist-scientific cinema, the performative actions by Walter Marchetti and The Zaj Group, and Pierre Huyghe’s «live situations») that share an interest in delving into error, randomness, and play –notions that speak of nature as a dynamic reality that exceeds all determinisms, thus calling into question certain artistic and philosophical categories of the Western tradition.
Keywords: Animality; living art; bioart; presence; representation; performanymal; animot.
Palabras clave: animal; antropocentrismo; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; Humanismo
ABSTRACT The present article offers a philosophical approach to the borders between Man and Animal, based on the work of three contemporary philosophers: Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze. First, we attempt to define “meta-physical humanism” and the devices it uses to produce what is called human. Special attention will be given to what Agamben has termed the “anthropological machine”, a device that we will define as a “mirror machine”. Then, we will present two possible escape routes of this machinery and the anthropocentrism that it entails. The first route stems from an analysis of several proposals by Jacques Derrida on the deconstruction of the humanist subject and our relationship with animal otherness The second will lead us to the notion of “becoming-animal” by Deleuze and Guattari. Both ideas will allow us to subvert the anthropocentric metaphysics that has legitimized a large part of the violence against otherness. Keywords: animal; antropocentrism; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; humanism.
century, the Western world appears to
be imbued with what has been called an
‘apocalyptic consciousness’. This paper
approaches the work of one of the
‘prophets’ of the Atomic Age: the antinuclear
activist and philosopher
Günther Anders. The aim of this article
is to identify and delve into the
connections that can be established
among Apocalypse, modern technology,
and the experience of historical time.
The question of modern technology is
here considered as a fundamental
element of contemporary apocalyptic
approaches. In light of this, the atomic
bomb is proposed as a key to
understanding how Western societies
have related to their historical horizon,
their ontological construction of ‘man’,
and the very sense of temporality since
This article explores the notion of “apocalypse” understood as the end of the idea of “man”. Throughout the twentieth century, many philosophers have focused on the diminishing importance of the humanistic categories that have framed our view of the world: “man”, “subject”, “history”, etc. We propose a conceptual and etymological analysis of how the idea of anthropos was constructed during the development of Western humanism. Our aim is to elucidate how the philosophical tradition has portrayed man as a divided being, with two opposing dimensions requiring reconciliation. We then delve into the implications of what we term the “anthropocalypse”, offering a reinterpretation of several posthumanist theories that might allow us to live on beyond the “end”.
Abstract: This paper aims to deep into the problematic of revolution tought across the philosophical view of postmodernity. Starting on this context, Gianni Vattimo's work is taken around three key-ideas: analysis of the revolutionary question and his caducity in the postmodernity's framework; the im-posibility of revolution as an event inside the «technical order»; the need to overcome the meta-phisycal and violent condition of revolution. In the last chapter, a small attempt will try to «save the revolution» around some ideas of recent theoric proposals.
Book Chapters by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Book Reviews by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Others by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
«O demo do poshumanismo» de Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso (Vigo, 1990) trata esta cuestión. O filósofo vigués pensa o carácter rearticulador do poshumanismo, seguindo en particular os sucos do pensamento de Gilbert Simondon, quen estableceu unha tentativa radical de superación da ontoloxía clásica proxectando unha atención na ontoxénese, presente nos motivos concretos da bioloxía e nos patróns a través dos cales a vida desprega o seu proceso. O autor deste ensaio fai unha achega sinxela, clara, comprensible, sen perder o carácter fondo e complexo que todo pensamento crítico implica.
Reviews by Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso
Palabras clave: Arte vivo; animalidad; bioarte; presencia; representación; performanymal; animot.
[en] Towards a theory of the performanymal. From representation to animal presence in contemporary artAbstract. This paper analyzes certain expressions of contemporary art that intend to apprehend living nature by going beyond the traditional logic of representation in the Western world. Even though the European art tradition has always dealt with the challenging life/nature/art relationship, only in the 20th century did artists start representing living beings in their works. However, many are the ways in which the living can be represented, and so are their –mostly unexpected– results. In this paper we resort to the concept of performanymal, asserting it as a tool that allows us to approach a number of initiatives that, in line with certain philosophical neovitalist currents and innovative biology paradigms, make an attempt to make the living «present» instead of trying to represent it via signs, symbols, or objective reductions. This paper lays out a study focusing on three key manifestations in the history of European art (Jean Painlevé’s surrealist-scientific cinema, the performative actions by Walter Marchetti and The Zaj Group, and Pierre Huyghe’s «live situations») that share an interest in delving into error, randomness, and play –notions that speak of nature as a dynamic reality that exceeds all determinisms, thus calling into question certain artistic and philosophical categories of the Western tradition.
Keywords: Animality; living art; bioart; presence; representation; performanymal; animot.
Palabras clave: animal; antropocentrismo; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; Humanismo
ABSTRACT The present article offers a philosophical approach to the borders between Man and Animal, based on the work of three contemporary philosophers: Giorgio Agamben, Jacques Derrida and Gilles Deleuze. First, we attempt to define “meta-physical humanism” and the devices it uses to produce what is called human. Special attention will be given to what Agamben has termed the “anthropological machine”, a device that we will define as a “mirror machine”. Then, we will present two possible escape routes of this machinery and the anthropocentrism that it entails. The first route stems from an analysis of several proposals by Jacques Derrida on the deconstruction of the humanist subject and our relationship with animal otherness The second will lead us to the notion of “becoming-animal” by Deleuze and Guattari. Both ideas will allow us to subvert the anthropocentric metaphysics that has legitimized a large part of the violence against otherness. Keywords: animal; antropocentrism; Agamben; Derrida; Deleuze; humanism.
century, the Western world appears to
be imbued with what has been called an
‘apocalyptic consciousness’. This paper
approaches the work of one of the
‘prophets’ of the Atomic Age: the antinuclear
activist and philosopher
Günther Anders. The aim of this article
is to identify and delve into the
connections that can be established
among Apocalypse, modern technology,
and the experience of historical time.
The question of modern technology is
here considered as a fundamental
element of contemporary apocalyptic
approaches. In light of this, the atomic
bomb is proposed as a key to
understanding how Western societies
have related to their historical horizon,
their ontological construction of ‘man’,
and the very sense of temporality since
This article explores the notion of “apocalypse” understood as the end of the idea of “man”. Throughout the twentieth century, many philosophers have focused on the diminishing importance of the humanistic categories that have framed our view of the world: “man”, “subject”, “history”, etc. We propose a conceptual and etymological analysis of how the idea of anthropos was constructed during the development of Western humanism. Our aim is to elucidate how the philosophical tradition has portrayed man as a divided being, with two opposing dimensions requiring reconciliation. We then delve into the implications of what we term the “anthropocalypse”, offering a reinterpretation of several posthumanist theories that might allow us to live on beyond the “end”.
Abstract: This paper aims to deep into the problematic of revolution tought across the philosophical view of postmodernity. Starting on this context, Gianni Vattimo's work is taken around three key-ideas: analysis of the revolutionary question and his caducity in the postmodernity's framework; the im-posibility of revolution as an event inside the «technical order»; the need to overcome the meta-phisycal and violent condition of revolution. In the last chapter, a small attempt will try to «save the revolution» around some ideas of recent theoric proposals.
«O demo do poshumanismo» de Guillermo Rodríguez Alonso (Vigo, 1990) trata esta cuestión. O filósofo vigués pensa o carácter rearticulador do poshumanismo, seguindo en particular os sucos do pensamento de Gilbert Simondon, quen estableceu unha tentativa radical de superación da ontoloxía clásica proxectando unha atención na ontoxénese, presente nos motivos concretos da bioloxía e nos patróns a través dos cales a vida desprega o seu proceso. O autor deste ensaio fai unha achega sinxela, clara, comprensible, sen perder o carácter fondo e complexo que todo pensamento crítico implica.