University of Southern California
This article examines the incorporation of middle-class Latinas in Southern California. Based on three years of participant observation, 30 in-depth interviews, and 50 conversational interviews with the organization's members, I find that... more
This paper examines how race, class, and gender intersect to shape professional Latinos’ entrepreneurial incorporation, as observed by the conditions that prompt professional Latinos to start a business, including access to capital and... more
Chinese immigrants are a diverse and growing group whose members provide a unique opportunity to examine within-immigrant group differences in adaptation. In this paper, we move beyond thinking of national-origin groups as homogenous and... more
This research examines three questions. First and most broadly, how are professional Mexican Americans received in white-collar workplaces? Second, do their professional accomplishments buffer them from subtle racism? If not, what are the... more
Organizations that pursue health advocacy often tackle other issues too. How do these multi-issue organizations articulate and combine health with other issues? We examine how a Los Angeles coalition focused primarily on housing took up... more
Participant-observation can teach us much about the everyday meanings of doing social activism. I conceptualize these "implicit meanings" in relation to work in the sociology of culture, and social movement studies, and give examples from... more
We live by our reasons. Charles Tilly's new book is a marvelously thoughtful set of ruminations on this convention, and I find myself thinking with the book whenever I hear reporters talking about terrorists' motives or doctors rendering... more
Michael Burawoy's extended case method is a wonderful model for participant observation and for social research in general. It is not just a "method," a cookbook for doing social research; it is also a social theory in its own right. As a... more
Social capital has become the preeminent concept for studying civic relationships, yet it will not help us assess their meanings, institution-like qualities, or potential for social capacity. Alexis de Tocqueville's insights on these... more
Participant-observation can teach us much about the everyday meanings of doing social activism. I conceptualize these "implicit meanings" in relation to work in the sociology of culture, and social movement studies, and give examples from... more
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Conceptual approaches to claimsmaking often feature the overarching symbolic templates of political culture or else the strategic actor of the social movement framing approach. Both approaches have value, but neither shows adequately how... more
Commonly, researchers have looked for civic life in a distinct sector in which they assume that voluntary associations will cultivate special skills and virtues. Gathering together many challenges to this approach, and using ethnographic... more
Studies of religion's public roles typically concern the ways in which religious frameworks justify opinions and actions. This article draws from participant-observation research to show how people also use religion to define the... more