Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge / University of South-Eastern Norway
Institute of Optometry and Visual Science
Citation: Bogfjellmo L-G, Bex PJ, Falkenberg HK. Reduction in direction discrimination with age and slow speed is due to both increased internal noise and reduced sampling efficiency. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci.
The authors examined center-surround effects for motion perception in human observers. The magnitude of the motion aftereffect (MAE) elicited by a drifting grating was measured with a nulling task and with a threshold elevation procedure.... more
By comparing real observers to an ideal observer, previous studies have found that the detection of static patterns is limited by internal noise and by imperfect sampling efficiency. We developed and applied ideal observer models for the... more
We examine how local direction signals are combined to compute the focus of radial motion (FRM) in random dot patterns and examine how this process changes across the visual field. Equivalent noise analysis showed that a loss in FRM... more
Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a leading cause of irreversible adult blindness and is characterized by progressive optic neuropathy and constriction of the visual field. Behavioral tests for POAG target retinal ganglion cell (RGC)... more
By comparing real observers to an ideal observer, previous studies have found that the detection of static patterns is limited by internal noise and by imperfect sampling efficiency. We developed and applied ideal observer models for the... more
A functionally optimized housing development designed to meet the demands in different phases of living (universal design) may result in the elderly living longer in their own homes. In this study a total of 165 healthy persons were... more
Global motion perception matures during childhood and involves the detection of local directional signals that are integrated across space. We examine the maturation of local directional selectivity and global motion integration with an... more
Studentaktive vurderingsformer i norsk laerer-og optometriutdanning Sammendrag Medstudentvurdering 1 er en form for studentarbeid som er blitt tatt i bruk og forsket på i større omfang internasjonalt enn nasjonalt. Her presenteres to... more