Papers by Martina Livier Gómez Martínez
Los programas restaurativos se caracterizan por aspectos importantes como son: Preparación de las... more Los programas restaurativos se caracterizan por aspectos importantes como son: Preparación de las partes, encuentro de las partes, participación, reparación del daño, reintegración y transformación ya que para la justicia restaurativa toda forma de resolver pacíficamente la consecuencia de un delito, implica que participe la víctima, el ofensor y la comunidad, (Manual sobre Programas de Justicia Restaurativa, 2006). En conclusión, es importante tratar el fenómeno de los “adolescentes infractores” de hoy, como posible delincuencia adulta del mañana y por tal motivo hemos determinado aplicar un proyecto de intervención sobre Justicia Restaurativa como una alternativa a la justicia penal tradicional con adolescentes infractores y sus víctimas en Hermosillo, Sonora, basándonos en los resultados positivos que se han alcanzado en otros
Las redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en espacios idóneos para la convivencia diaria. Si... more Las redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en espacios idóneos para la convivencia diaria. Sin embargo, también favorecen la comisión de conductas antisociales como el Cyberbullying. En la lista de países con mayor conexión a Internet, México ha alcanzado una población cibernauta de 59.2 millones (Lucas, 2014), y los adolescentes entre 13 a 18 años son los que mayormente lo utilizan (AMIPCI, 2014). Consecuentemente, esta población es la más vulnerable para ser víctimas o actores del cyberbullying; el cual es considerado como formas de violencia y conducta agresiva (Calvete, Orue, Estévez, Villardón, & Padilla, 2010).

The aim of this research is to determine the possible existence of legal boundaries prohibiting c... more The aim of this research is to determine the possible existence of legal boundaries prohibiting criminalization of Cyberbullying in Mexico by analyzing the scope of freedom of expression described in the Mexican Constitution. Legislative proposals to include cyberbullying in Mexican Criminal Codes have been obstructed due to its interpretation of being contrary to international law and constitution. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIADH in Spanish) also recognizes freedom of expression by means of a human right that cannot be subject to previous censorship, but further liability when it is regulated by law (Article 13). However, although the local, federal, and international laws give recognition to this right, it does not means that freedom of expression is an absolute right, especially when it comes to the violation of personal rights. International human treaties also point out the further liability figure in order to protect its abuse. Through the examination of the National legal documents, we conclude that freedom of expression can
be restricted in cases where the rights or reputations of others are being violated or in protection of national security.

La delincuencia juvenil ha aumentado considerablemente en México en los últimos años. La Constitu... more La delincuencia juvenil ha aumentado considerablemente en México en los últimos años. La Constitución mexicana fue modificada en el 2005 para instituir el sistema integral de justicia para adolescentes. El principio rector es el interés superior del niño y su protección integral, requiere además, que se le otorguen a los adolescentes los derechos fundamentales y los del debido proceso. Consecuentemente, las legislaciones locales se formularon bajo el mismo principio del interés superior del niño, el cual busca plenitud del ejercicio de los derechos de los adolescentes en conflicto con la ley penal y su desarrollo integral. Estos derechos adquirieron el rango constitucional. La ley que establece el Sistema Integral de Justicia Para Adolescentes del Estado de Sonora México, estipula en el Artículo 23 que al Instituto de Tratamiento y Aplicación de Medidas le corresponde realizar los estudios médicos y psicológicos de los adolescentes, así como del entorno familiar, social y cultural. Con esto elaborará un dictamen que proponga al juez las medidas más benéficas para el adolescente.

The first tribunal in Mexico was established in the central state of San Luis Potosi in 1926. The... more The first tribunal in Mexico was established in the central state of San Luis Potosi in 1926. The Law Regarding Social Prevention and Juvenile Delinquency for the Federal District and Mexican territories was promulgated in 1928. In 2005, Article 18 of the Mexican Constitution was modified to establish a comprehensive system (“Sistema Integral de justicia” in Spanish) of justice for juveniles between 12 and 18 years old who had committed a crime punishable under criminal law. Its objective was to guarantee juveniles all the due process rights established for adults, in addition to the special ones recognized for minors. The constitutional reform also provides a framework that includes special tribunals as well as alternative justice options for juveniles. With these reforms, institutionalization of minors was to be considered an extreme measure applicable only to felonies and to juveniles older than 14. In 2006, all states within the Mexican federation enacted the “Law of justice for adolescents”. This system, at both the federal and state levels, formalizes a new global paradigm with regard to the triangular relationship between children, the State and the Law. It recognizes that children are also bearers of the inherent human rights recognized for all individuals, instead of simply objects in need of protection. However, despite formally aligning Mexican juvenile justice law with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), issues of actual substantive rights remained and new ones have appeared. For example, juveniles younger than 14 who have not committed a felony are released from institutions without any rehabilitation or treatment options, and alternative forms of justice were included without evaluating their possibilities of application or their conditions for success. In addition, the economic status of most juvenile detainees continues to be one of the most important determining factors in the administration of justice. Juveniles lack real access to an adequate defense because they cannot afford to pay lawyers. This disconnection between rights and reality undermines the new system, raising the question of whether recent modifications to bring laws in line with international norms are in fact advancing juvenile justice. By approaching the Mexican juvenile justice systems as a single, multilayered system combining international, federal and local laws and procedures, we can better describe some of the substantive inconsistencies that continue to prevail, even as new ones develop in terms of children’s rights.
Papers by Martina Livier Gómez Martínez
be restricted in cases where the rights or reputations of others are being violated or in protection of national security.
be restricted in cases where the rights or reputations of others are being violated or in protection of national security.