Juliana Hora
Visiting Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC-Brazil) through the Postgraduate Program in History Teaching PPGEH/CED (In association with PPG in History with emphasis in Global History).
Collaborating Professor at the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology - USP.
Collaborating Professor at the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology - USP.
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Papers by Juliana Hora
Abstract: This text presents and discusses the main results obtained from an exercise of iconographic description and analysis of a set of greek pottery vases, mainly Attic, dated between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. This document clipping refers to representations of the greek hero Herakles in iconographic scenes of his introduction to Olympus that enshrines his apotheosis in the world of the immortals. The objective is to reflect on the functions and characteristics of Herakles as a heroic figure that achieves a divine status. The methodology was based on the cataloging, description and iconographic analysis of pottery vases, understood as visual material culture from the perspective of Archeology of Image. The small documentary corpus was assembled based on the website Beazley Archive belonging to the Classical Art Research Center of the Oxford University. The research results indicate a panhellenic identity of the myth of Herakles, since the theme of his immortality is part of the hellenic imaginary through an imagetic materiality that is expressed in pottery vases.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: romanidade; múltiplas identidades; alteridades; judaísmo no Mediterrâneo; prosélitos
apresentar uma discussão documental das
fontes escritas em um contexto específico de
formação das póleis gregas coloniais, contatos
com populações locais e estabelecimento
de laços de poder nos territórios fora da
Grécia Balcânica. Traremos aqui uma
perspectiva interpretativa das chamadas
“narrativas coloniais” como força atuante de
negociações culturais entre populações. A
partir do estudo de caso de Siracusa, colônia
grega de Período Arcaico, ensejamos inserir,
na esfera dos embates políticos e sociais de
época, narrativas coloniais embasadas nos
discursos de poder no contexto das tiranias
dos chamados “Deinomênidas”. Discorremos
sobre o posicionamento das tendências
filosóficas quanto à tirania. Procuramos
demonstrar como as documentações escrita
e material são basilares para a compreensão
da teia discursiva de poder tirânico local e da
justificativa colonialista grega em aliança com
as populações locais.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: narrativas coloniais;
Siracusa; Grécia ocidental; discursos de poder;
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a
documentary discussion of written sources
in a specific context of the formation of the
Greek colonial poleis, contacts with local
populations, and establishment of power
ties in territories outside Balkan Greece.
We will bring to this paper an interpretative
perspective of the so-called “colonial
narratives” as an active force in cultural
negotiations between populations. Based on
the case study of Syracuse, a Greek colony
of the archaic period, we wanted to insert,
in the sphere of political and social clashes of
the time, colonial narratives based on power
discourses in the context of the tyrannies
of the so-called “Deinomenids”. We discuss
the position of philosophical tendencies
regarding tyranny. We tried to demonstrate
how written and material documentation
are fundamental for understanding the
discursive web of local tyrannical power
and the Greek colonialist justification in
alliance with local populations.
KEYWORDS: colonial narratives; Syracuse;
western Greece; discourses of power; tyranny.
Tasos de A. Coulié em La céramique thasiennes à figures noires de 2002 no ÉtTh XIX, da análise de amostra de material in loco e da coleta de dados contextuais a partir do Bulletin Correspondance
Hellenique, em que buscamos nos aprofundar nas análises dos contextos arqueológicos. Este estudo é parte das pesquisas na tese de doutorado, em que analisamos uma amostra de 54 vasos no Museu de Tasos, total de 126 fragmentos de lêcanas encontradas no santuário de Ártemis.
Neste artigo, apresentaremos a análise de 2 fragmentos de lêcana a partir do recorte de elementos decorativos de figuras animais tipicamente da Grécia do Leste de período arcaico e de animais com aspecto monstruoso, signos aparentemente comuns no contexto em questão. O aporte teórico-metodológico permitiu-nos observar aspectos importantes das particularidades do culto feminino em Tasos, a partir da reinserção das lêcanas no universo contextual e do desvelamento de aspectos que caracterizam a frequentação feminina e religiosa a partir dos contextos setorizados do Artemísion.
Abstract: The Brazilian neoclassical architectural scenario commands the Casa de Frontaria Azulejada, located in the urban context of the city of Santos (State of São Paulo) as a significant iconic symbol. It is understood in this article the analysis of the facade of this building dating from 1865, as a tributary case study of the old landscapes and marks of urbanism. A comparative language of its identity with buildings in Santos
(Former Alfândega de Santos), Rio de Janeiro (Academia Imperial de Belas Artes), Recife (Academia Pernambucana de Letras) and Gerasa (Arco de Adriano). It reveals content correspondences that translate the objective of the article into the neoclassical definition of Brazilian architectural movements.
Abstract: This text presents and discusses the main results obtained from an exercise of iconographic description and analysis of a set of greek pottery vases, mainly Attic, dated between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. This document clipping refers to representations of the greek hero Herakles in iconographic scenes of his introduction to Olympus that enshrines his apotheosis in the world of the immortals. The objective is to reflect on the functions and characteristics of Herakles as a heroic figure that achieves a divine status. The methodology was based on the cataloging, description and iconographic analysis of pottery vases, understood as visual material culture from the perspective of Archeology of Image. The small documentary corpus was assembled based on the website Beazley Archive belonging to the Classical Art Research Center of the Oxford University. The research results indicate a panhellenic identity of the myth of Herakles, since the theme of his immortality is part of the hellenic imaginary through an imagetic materiality that is expressed in pottery vases.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: romanidade; múltiplas identidades; alteridades; judaísmo no Mediterrâneo; prosélitos
apresentar uma discussão documental das
fontes escritas em um contexto específico de
formação das póleis gregas coloniais, contatos
com populações locais e estabelecimento
de laços de poder nos territórios fora da
Grécia Balcânica. Traremos aqui uma
perspectiva interpretativa das chamadas
“narrativas coloniais” como força atuante de
negociações culturais entre populações. A
partir do estudo de caso de Siracusa, colônia
grega de Período Arcaico, ensejamos inserir,
na esfera dos embates políticos e sociais de
época, narrativas coloniais embasadas nos
discursos de poder no contexto das tiranias
dos chamados “Deinomênidas”. Discorremos
sobre o posicionamento das tendências
filosóficas quanto à tirania. Procuramos
demonstrar como as documentações escrita
e material são basilares para a compreensão
da teia discursiva de poder tirânico local e da
justificativa colonialista grega em aliança com
as populações locais.
PALAVRAS CHAVE: narrativas coloniais;
Siracusa; Grécia ocidental; discursos de poder;
ABSTRACT: This paper aims to present a
documentary discussion of written sources
in a specific context of the formation of the
Greek colonial poleis, contacts with local
populations, and establishment of power
ties in territories outside Balkan Greece.
We will bring to this paper an interpretative
perspective of the so-called “colonial
narratives” as an active force in cultural
negotiations between populations. Based on
the case study of Syracuse, a Greek colony
of the archaic period, we wanted to insert,
in the sphere of political and social clashes of
the time, colonial narratives based on power
discourses in the context of the tyrannies
of the so-called “Deinomenids”. We discuss
the position of philosophical tendencies
regarding tyranny. We tried to demonstrate
how written and material documentation
are fundamental for understanding the
discursive web of local tyrannical power
and the Greek colonialist justification in
alliance with local populations.
KEYWORDS: colonial narratives; Syracuse;
western Greece; discourses of power; tyranny.
Tasos de A. Coulié em La céramique thasiennes à figures noires de 2002 no ÉtTh XIX, da análise de amostra de material in loco e da coleta de dados contextuais a partir do Bulletin Correspondance
Hellenique, em que buscamos nos aprofundar nas análises dos contextos arqueológicos. Este estudo é parte das pesquisas na tese de doutorado, em que analisamos uma amostra de 54 vasos no Museu de Tasos, total de 126 fragmentos de lêcanas encontradas no santuário de Ártemis.
Neste artigo, apresentaremos a análise de 2 fragmentos de lêcana a partir do recorte de elementos decorativos de figuras animais tipicamente da Grécia do Leste de período arcaico e de animais com aspecto monstruoso, signos aparentemente comuns no contexto em questão. O aporte teórico-metodológico permitiu-nos observar aspectos importantes das particularidades do culto feminino em Tasos, a partir da reinserção das lêcanas no universo contextual e do desvelamento de aspectos que caracterizam a frequentação feminina e religiosa a partir dos contextos setorizados do Artemísion.
Abstract: The Brazilian neoclassical architectural scenario commands the Casa de Frontaria Azulejada, located in the urban context of the city of Santos (State of São Paulo) as a significant iconic symbol. It is understood in this article the analysis of the facade of this building dating from 1865, as a tributary case study of the old landscapes and marks of urbanism. A comparative language of its identity with buildings in Santos
(Former Alfândega de Santos), Rio de Janeiro (Academia Imperial de Belas Artes), Recife (Academia Pernambucana de Letras) and Gerasa (Arco de Adriano). It reveals content correspondences that translate the objective of the article into the neoclassical definition of Brazilian architectural movements.
Session #669 --- How to Make Genders and Sexualities Visible in the Ancient Mediterranean?
In recent years we have witnessed an increasing interest of some scholars of antiquity in issues related to the representation of “minority” social groups, that is, portions of the population largely neglected by literary sources and classical archaeological production. The first studies on Antiquity were carried out focusing on the search, among the vestiges of material culture, of what were considered the principles of universal beauty and morality, and normally associated with the “normative” genders and their predetermined characteristics.
The reflections on gender issues, based on the analysis of decoloniality, allow us to observe the production of dominant discourses that hides multiple experiences of gender relations and representations of bodies from the point of view of critical thinking about historically marginalized people. In an attempt to build a critical and transdisciplinary thought that is materialized from representations and discourses of power we propose a broader and more decentralized analysis of materiality. It is possible to rethink the idea of a Mediterranean of human relations immersed in discussions that problematize the gender relations in everyday life in the synchronic and diachronic social sphere.
The session aims to present proposals and perspectives on how archeology can contribute to think about biological sexual differences between individuals, feminine, masculine, “non-normative” representations in different societies, the diversity of representations of the body, sexuality and desires on various material supports in the Ancient Mediterranean.
In this way, we wonder how Archeology can contribute to rethinking genders in ancient times from the decolonization of theoretical and methodological analysis that, especially from the 19th century, turned their interests to the Mediterranean.
We invite you to participate with contributions oriented towards the above issues and other similar ones, such as:
Science and theory in the study of human remains
Invisible people in the past
Feminism in Archaeology
Ancient Mediterranean, Antiquity, Gender Archaeology, Genders and sexualities
Session organisers:
Viviana Lo Monaco, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
Juliana Figueira da Hora, Universidade de Santo Amaro (UNISA), Brazil
Juliana Magalhães dos Santos, University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Francesca Dolcetti, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and University of Essex
The Call for contributions is open until Thursday 9 February 2023. An oral / poster contribution has to be submitted via an online form available after logging in at submissions.e-a-a.org/eaa2023
latent in the archaic period? In this way, we have arrived at some interpretative results based on the relationship between objects and the corresponding areas, such as: the aspects of the feminine and the cult unveiled by materiality; the intrinsic relationship between the cult area
and its choice in the spatial configuration by Paros; through materiality, it was possible to reveal chthonic and magical cults that show an individual religiosity in the civic process; the work of local and regional painters in the workshops producing vases for the sanctuary; the attendance
of women, their individual choices, needs and fears. New approaches to Greek religion in recent works try to extract a new perspective on belief in the field of religion, from the point of view of the lived experience of cults and rituals, focusing on the deities and the individual devotee. This
perspective includes the agency of both the objects and the social and individual redemption of the experienced practice of worship. The Artemision, therefore, proved, through the data collected and the results obtained, to be a sanctuary that brought together different agents in
the process, with the main deities as the basis for balancing the offerings for the maintenance of social life and the lives of individuals, with the objects offered as agents in this process.