The University of Texas at Austin
Center for Research in Water Resources
Measurements of diffusion from slug releases of fluorescent dye performed in the bays of Texas are compiled along with attendant hydrographic and hydrometeorological data. These data sets are confined to conditions of low surface wave... more
The Nueces River is the primary source of freshwater inflow to Corpus Christi Bay and virtually the only source of freshwater inflow in the Nueces Delta. In association with reservoir development and operation within the Nueces Basin, the... more
Engineered rivers in arid lands play an important role in feeding the world's growing population. Each continent has rivers that carry water from distant mountain sources to fertile soil downstream where rainfall is scarce. Over the... more
- by George Ward
In September 2006, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and Texas ... State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) charged a seven-person Bacteria ... Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Task Force with: ... examining... more
Three independent studies were conducted to quantify ultimate biochemical oxygen demand (UBOD) and the corresponding decomposition rate constant for production pond (average 21.5 ha each) waters and effluents on six semi-intensively... more
Laguna Madre, Texas, is 3-7 km wide and more than 190 km long, making it one of the longest lagoons in the world. The lagoon encompasses diverse geologic and climatic regions and it is an efficient sediment trap that accumulates clastic... more
A précis is presented of the status of the water resources of Texas at the turn of the century, both 1900 and 2000. The purpose is to assess the similarities maintained, and the changes wrought in water problems and their management over... more
Intensive data collection and a modeling study have been underway for the past several years addressing two of the channel estuaries draining into the Gulf of Fonseca, Estero El Pedregal and Estero San Bernardo. Data have been compiled on... more
The Nueces River is the primary source of freshwater inflow to Corpus Christi Bay and virtually the only source of freshwater inflow to the Nueces Delta. In association with reservoir development and operation within the Nueces Basin, the... more
Water quality of highway runoff in the Austin, Texas, area was determined by monitoring runoff at three locations on the MoPac Expressway. Daily traffic volumes, surrounding land uses, and highway drainage system types were different at... more
A literature review of the hydrography and biology of Matagorda Bay, Texas is presented. The goal was the identification, compilation, and synthesis of hydrographic and biological information in order to assess the fish and wildlife... more
For many years, data relating to the quality of water and sediment in the Galveston Bay system have been collected by a variety of organizations and individual researchers. The objectives of data collection have been equally varied,... more
- by George Ward
The Texas Water Development Board collected suspended sediment samples across the state of Texas for approximately 60 years. Until this research, no comprehensive analysis of the data had been conducted. This study compiles the suspended... more
Much of the existing information on Matagorda Bay is either a part of the " grey " literature or unpublished-and sometimes unreduced data holdings of various agencies and individual scientists. Thus, it is the generosity and cooperation... more
- by George Ward
A branching section-mean model has been developed for the simulation of the hydrodynamics and nutrient transport in estuarine deltaic systems, in which the momentum conservation, continuity and mass transfer equations are solved by the... more