The University of Toledo
Optical Sciences
A two-mode optical combiner-splitter device is designed based on all straight waveguides that maintains the integrity of the two modes during propagation and allows for an analytic analysis. The design analysis has the potential to... more
We numerically compute the chromatic dispersion and birefringence of a rectangular channel waveguide having a depressed index inner cladding. We assume the materials in the core and outer cladding of the waveguide to be doped silica... more
We calculate the loss induced in a single-mode rectangular optical waveguide by the presence of a second waveguide, perpendicular to the ÿrst, which crosses over the ÿrst waveguide at a variable distance d. Our calculation is applied to... more
In this paper, we compute the second harmonic radiation generated at a roughened metal surface which is describable in terms of randomly distributed height and spacing roughness variables. The roughness of the surface allows incident... more
The temporal reshaping of short optical pulses reflected from a metal film under the condition of surface-wave excitation of single-and multiple-boundary surface-plasmon modes is theoretically investigated. Reflected pulse shapes are... more
We present an exact plane-wave treatment of the triple-boundary waveguide geometry for the study of optical bistability. It is found that the switching intensity required to observe the desired switching behavior is lower by at least a... more
We point out inconsistencies in previous analyses of multiple-channel nonlinear directional couplers based on Kerr-type media and present a modified set of coupled-mode equations for a three-channel nonlinear coupler that indicate a mode... more
We predict the existence of an unexpected interference pattern in the profile of light reflected from a multilayered surface under the conditions for excitation of a waveguide mode or surface plasmon. Observation of the interference... more
A simple theory of enhanced backscattering from weakly rough dielectric and metallic surfaces is presented in which constructive interference of time-reversed scattering paths is explicitly displayed. We show that, when starting from a... more
We report the observation of novel interference patterns in reflected beam profiles resulting from the excitation with a focused laser beam of both the long-range surface plasmon mode and leaky waveguide modes in a prism-coupled thin-film... more
We theoretically examine bistable operation in reflection with simultaneous excitation of the surface-plasmon mode at the interface with a nonlinear Kerr medium. Bistability may occur for an incident power an order of magnitude below that... more
In this paper, we consider a layered structure consisting of dielectric, metal, and dielectric media and compute the fields produced in the structure by a finite width beam of incident radiation which couples to a longrange... more
The spectrum of electrons at low energies and large scattering angles resulting from the scattering of highenergy electrons on bound atomic electrons is calculated to lowest order in nZ and highest order in the incident energy.... more
We formulate an analytic method which accounts for the finite size of the nucleus by treating it as a boundary value problem. The method is used to obtain solutions of the Dirac equation for a central potential that is proportional to 1/r... more