Papers by Manuela Raposo Rivas
This article reports results of a partial research postgraduate course, whose aim is to know the ... more This article reports results of a partial research postgraduate course, whose aim is to know the use of ICT in the process of teaching faculty. In respect to the methodology employed maintains a mixed nature. For the quantitative approach is administered a questionnaire to 44 teachers, 88% of the population that integrates academic and with the aim to deepen the information was conducted by a group of structured discussion by 8 teachers. For the processing of information were used in the SPSS software version 22 and the Atlas ti version 6.2. The results refer to the valuations of the faculty on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of ICT in the teaching work. The main findings show a positive impact on your use, but also the existence of fear of change. Finally, this article gives guidelines to new lines of research in this field of action-ICT, education and faculty- .
Comunicar, Mar 1, 2007
Los recursos y posibilidades que ofrece Internet para la educación son, a día de hoy, prácticamen... more Los recursos y posibilidades que ofrece Internet para la educación son, a día de hoy, prácticamente ilimitados; por ello, es imprescindible articular criterios de selección y sugerencias para su utilización con fines formativos. En este sentido, presentamos una propuesta ejemplificada para la integración didáctica de páginas web pertenecientes a diferentes departamentos de educación secundaria, válida tanto para el uso de diversas referencias existentes en Internet como para tener en cuenta a la hora de elaborar una página web de profesor, de asignatura, de departamento o de centro educativo. Resources and possibilities offered by Internet for the education are, nowadays, practically limitless. That is why it is essential to articulate criteria for the selection and suggestions for its use with educational aims. In this sense, we present a proposal to illustrate the didactic integration of Web pages pertaining to different departments in Secondary Schools. It is valid for the use of diverse existing references in Internet as well as for the elaboration of teacher, subject, department or school's web pages.
Tendencias pedagógicas, Oct 1, 2015
This article presents an educational innovation experience carried out with 93 elementary student... more This article presents an educational innovation experience carried out with 93 elementary students in the classroom working in the classroom the audio perception with two very different intervention instruments: a Nintendo Wii video games and Earmaster, a computer program designed for the training of that content. It starts from the expectation by including this game console in our work. One of the objectives was to provide variety and recreational character to presentation and treatment of some contents in Musical area without forgiving the official contents, in addition to developing materials valid for an interdisciplinary work too.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Dec 6, 2022
Objetivo. Analizar la producción científica sobre la adicción a Internet en adolescentes. Metodol... more Objetivo. Analizar la producción científica sobre la adicción a Internet en adolescentes. Metodología. Se ha realizado una revisión sistemática, siguiendo las directrices PRISMA, de artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2020, en revistas indexadas en las bases de datos de PubMed, Web of Science (WoS), Scopus y ERIC. Para realizar la revisión, se parte de una búsqueda parametrizada usando las palabras clave: Internet, adolescentes, adicción, tratamiento, prevención, educación, uso problemático, uso abusivo y uso excesivo, que se combinan con el operador booleano and. Tras una identificación inicial de 319 elementos, solo 24 artículos cumplen criterios de inclusión relativos a la idoneidad temática, el idioma y la edad de los destinatarios. Resultados. Los resultados muestran una falta de consenso tanto en la terminología como en los instrumentos de medida, escaso abordaje educativo y poca eficacia de las intervenciones empleadas. Discusión. Se concluye que se requiere uniformar los términos e instrumentos junto con la adopción de iniciativas públicas educativas, encaminadas a minimizar y prevenir los peligros para poder eliminar hábitos o conductas negativas.
Educación infantil inclusiva: experiencias y propuestas, 2014, ISBN 978-84-7991-428-8, págs. 197-217, 2014
Evaluación y supervisión del prácticum: el compromiso con la calidad de las prácticas : actas, 2011, ISBN 978-84-8408-616-1, págs. 211-218, 2011
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2013
From practicum how can we transfer innovative processes to the classroom hat are stabilized and t... more From practicum how can we transfer innovative processes to the classroom hat are stabilized and transmitted? An opportunity for this contagion is intuitively learned in the pre-professional practices in the distinctive degrees. Our proposal to establish a viable action protocol was adapted for practical, and dialogue philosophy. The objective is to train practicum students and coordinate their work so that they can project and create didactic processes that work on reflective and dialogical critical reasoning. This processes will be tested and evaluated in the classrooms. We seek to create a committed, flexible, and creative work group capable of efficiently developing inclusive and innovative educational projects that produce positive synergies throughout the campus and in relation to the educational system. In this work we lay the foundations from the Practicum to achieve a stable platform that incorporates these practices into the school and establishes a stable protocol for the implementation of innovations. With these combination centers and interested tutors, students that are trained in philosophy practices for children and projects tutored from the university with a vocation of continuity in the school. With the Filohilo proyect creates through dialogue and philosophical practice a vital fabric (textus) in which to findourselves. It concludes with the creation of a committed, flexible and creative work group capable of efficiently developing inclusive and innovative educational projects that produce positive synergies throughout the campus and in relation with the educational system.
A inclusão de tecnologias digitais na educação: (re)construção da identidade profissional docente... more A inclusão de tecnologias digitais na educação: (re)construção da identidade profissional docente na prática.
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, Aug 2, 2012
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, Dec 29, 2013
REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 2011
Autores: Parez Abellas, A.; Cid Sabucedo, A.; Sarmiento Campos, J.A. ISBN: 978‐84‐8408‐184‐5 Dep... more Autores: Parez Abellas, A.; Cid Sabucedo, A.; Sarmiento Campos, J.A. ISBN: 978‐84‐8408‐184‐5 Depósito Legal: C‐3933‐2010 Editorial: Andavira Año de edición: 2010 Nº Edición: 1ª Lugar edición: Santiago de Compostela Nº páginas: 158 Idioma: Español
As Tic E As Suas Aplicacions Na Aula Mision Posible 2012 Isbn 978 84 15400 74 5 Pags 169 190, 2012
Tendencias Pedagogicas, 2013
En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de innovación docente realizada con 93 estudiantes d... more En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de innovación docente realizada con 93 estudiantes de Educación Primaria trabajando en el aula un mismo contenido de la percepción auditiva con dos instrumentos de intervención muy distintos: un videojuego de Nintendo Wii y Earmaster, un programa informático diseñado para el entrenamiento de dicho contenido. Se parte de la expectación que podría crear el hecho de incluir dicha consola en nuestras tareas. Uno de los objetivos consistía en dar variabilidad y aspecto lúdico a la presentación y tratamiento de ciertos contenidos del área de Educación Musical sin perder de vista el tratamiento curricular, además de elaborar materiales válidos también para el trabajo interdisciplinar.
Papers by Manuela Raposo Rivas
extent this subject is contemplated in the degrees of education?, What
mechanisms are started once detected dishonest practices? What factors are related to good practice? It is performed a simultaneous exploratory mixed design, along with a DITRIAC concurrent triangulation. 391 educational guides along with 54 interviews to academic responsible of 37 Educational Faculties of public universities of Spain (74% of the population) are analyzed. The results show little presence of these issues and mechanisms to prevent dishonest practices in 90% of the teaching guides and 54.5% according academic leaders.
The data allow to state the existing little attention to the issue in the teaching guides and build a profile of indicators that draws a map related to good practices.