University of Warsaw
Institute of English Studies
The paper deals with a popular type of the Annunciation lyric in medieval English poetry. A brief survey of the role of the angelic announcement to Mary in medieval art and culture is given. The argument then pursues several distinctive... more
The paper discusses erotic desire and the motif of going on pilgrimage in the opening of Geoffrey Chaucer’s General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales and in William Shakespeare’s sonnets. What connects most of the texts chosen for... more
This article links the Franklin’s Tale to England’s cross-Channel territorial ambitions in the years immediately preceding and following the peace of Brétigny. I suggest that Chaucer wrote this tale in remembrance of his stays in France... more
The aim of this article is to substantiate the thesis that together with the development of the plot of Persuasion, the cognitive power of the principal heroine expands, and she becomes a highly sensitive reader of human minds. This... more
Zgodnie z aktualną wiedzą biologiczną można zakładać, że historia spotkań z psami jest zapisana nie tylko w kolektywnej pamięci kulturowej, ale też w molekułach, z których zbudowane są nasze organizmy W ciągu ostatnich dekad europejska... more
The paper attempts to look at Schulz poetics in the light of object oriented ontology in order to demonstrate that the fascinating power of his prose derives, among other sources, from "thing power" (Jane Bennett's phrase) expressed in... more
This article aims to read Forrest Gander's Pulitzer-winning 2018 volume, Be With, in the context of Judith Butler's notion of vulnerability and the Buddhist concept of interbeing, introduced by Thích Nhất Hạnh. Gander's search for a... more
Instances by Jeongrye Choi. Hillman teaches at St. Mary's College where she is the Olivia C. Filippi Professor of Poetry; she is an activist for social and environmental justice. Hillman's poems draw on elements of found texts and... more
Against the background of the Polish parliament's consideration of a law that would effectively ban abortion and the ensuing protests, Julia Fiedorczuk reflects on a particular aspect of women's strangeness in contemporary Poland-their... more