Books by Łukasz Jędrzejczak
The main goal of this dissertation is to show the results of Michael Persingers research on the m... more The main goal of this dissertation is to show the results of Michael Persingers research on the mystic states of consciousness from the third person perspective. In this paper also my own studies based on TMS rule will be shown. The research did in the 1973 by Andrew Greeley et al. clearly show that a 87 million (37%) people who live in the US had at least one experience of sensed presence. How-ever there was many studies on the mystic states of consciousness, many of them was rather phenomenological analysis than a science. This study shows that third person approach to the mystic has real explanatory power.
The second goal of this dissertation is to show the importance of the third person approach in the philosophical disciplines connected to anthropology. Using the third person methods in the research on traditional subjects is not the depreciation of these subjects. Just in opposite – using the scientific methods in the right way, we can save the traditional subjects from the devaluation.
Papers by Łukasz Jędrzejczak
AVANT. The Journal of the Philosophical-Interdisciplinary Vanguard
Autor komentuje esej Thomasa Metzingera "Duchowość a uczciwość intelektualna", dokonując próby wy... more Autor komentuje esej Thomasa Metzingera "Duchowość a uczciwość intelektualna", dokonując próby wyciągnięcia dalszych konsekwencji z poglądów niemieckiego filozofa.
Books by Łukasz Jędrzejczak
The second goal of this dissertation is to show the importance of the third person approach in the philosophical disciplines connected to anthropology. Using the third person methods in the research on traditional subjects is not the depreciation of these subjects. Just in opposite – using the scientific methods in the right way, we can save the traditional subjects from the devaluation.
Papers by Łukasz Jędrzejczak
The second goal of this dissertation is to show the importance of the third person approach in the philosophical disciplines connected to anthropology. Using the third person methods in the research on traditional subjects is not the depreciation of these subjects. Just in opposite – using the scientific methods in the right way, we can save the traditional subjects from the devaluation.