Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology
Aims and Scope:
Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology recognizes that the research conducted by students throughout the course of their undergraduate and graduate education is a valuable resource. Therefore, Field Notes exists to give students of Anthropology a forum to showcase original, high quality scholarship. The journal is reviewed, edited, and published entirely by Anthropology students and is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee’s Anthropology Student Union (ASU). The ASU more broadly exists to serve anthropology students by encouraging interaction across the four subfields of anthropology in both professional and social environments.
2015–2016 Editorial Information:
Published by the Anthropology Student Union (ASU) at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, USA
Ann Soley Eberwein
Jessica Skinner
Supervisors: Dr. W. Warner Wood and Dr. Benjamin Campbell
Address: Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
390 Sabin Hall
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology recognizes that the research conducted by students throughout the course of their undergraduate and graduate education is a valuable resource. Therefore, Field Notes exists to give students of Anthropology a forum to showcase original, high quality scholarship. The journal is reviewed, edited, and published entirely by Anthropology students and is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee’s Anthropology Student Union (ASU). The ASU more broadly exists to serve anthropology students by encouraging interaction across the four subfields of anthropology in both professional and social environments.
2015–2016 Editorial Information:
Published by the Anthropology Student Union (ASU) at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, USA
Ann Soley Eberwein
Jessica Skinner
Supervisors: Dr. W. Warner Wood and Dr. Benjamin Campbell
Address: Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
390 Sabin Hall
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Related Authors
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University of Michigan
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Northwestern University
Bretton Giles
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Robert McCord
Arizona Museum of Natural History
Kenneth Farnsworth
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Scott Speal
Pennsylvania State University
InterestsView All (19)
Papers by Field Notes: A Journal of Collegiate Anthropology
If you have been working on original anthropological research and are interested in gaining experience in publishing a paper, Field Notes is an ideal opportunity to receive serious peer review and to publish in a refereed journal recognized by the Library of Congress. We accept submissions from undergraduates and graduates from all disciplines, but all papers should address anthropological questions.
Keywords: Commingled Analysis, Pair Matching, Three-Dimensional
Scanning, NextEngine
Keywords: Taphonomy, Soil Erosion, Avian Taphonomy
Keywords: Adults, Late Woodland Period, Schroeder Mounds, Foot, Ankle, Trauma
The comments demonstrate that once Arabic and Berber are put together, the ethnicity associated with each language prevails. Data analysis shows that Language is a prominent index of ethnicity. It can create conflict and rivalry between the two main ethnic groups in Morocco. The results support the hy-pothesis, which claims that there is a strong link between language and ethnic-ity. The commentators were expressing their identities in a community of practice that is either defined by Berber or Arabic. Data analysis also shows that language can separate ethnic groups and can also be an essential factor in forming communities of practice. It is clear from the analysis that language separates these two groups, supporting the idea that language has a role in shaping these communities of practice and forming their identities.
Keywords: Ethnolinguistic Identity, Language, Index of Identity,
Morocco, Berber, Arabic, Community of Practice
If you have been working on original anthropological research and are interested in gaining experience in publishing a paper, Field Notes is an ideal opportunity to receive serious peer review and to publish in a refereed journal recognized by the Library of Congress. We accept submissions from undergraduates and graduates from all disciplines, but all papers should address anthropological questions.
Keywords: Commingled Analysis, Pair Matching, Three-Dimensional
Scanning, NextEngine
Keywords: Taphonomy, Soil Erosion, Avian Taphonomy
Keywords: Adults, Late Woodland Period, Schroeder Mounds, Foot, Ankle, Trauma
The comments demonstrate that once Arabic and Berber are put together, the ethnicity associated with each language prevails. Data analysis shows that Language is a prominent index of ethnicity. It can create conflict and rivalry between the two main ethnic groups in Morocco. The results support the hy-pothesis, which claims that there is a strong link between language and ethnic-ity. The commentators were expressing their identities in a community of practice that is either defined by Berber or Arabic. Data analysis also shows that language can separate ethnic groups and can also be an essential factor in forming communities of practice. It is clear from the analysis that language separates these two groups, supporting the idea that language has a role in shaping these communities of practice and forming their identities.
Keywords: Ethnolinguistic Identity, Language, Index of Identity,
Morocco, Berber, Arabic, Community of Practice