Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Graphic"
Ý nghĩa của "Graphic" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau
Graphic language có nghĩa là gì?
language that people could find offensive.
maybe swearing/cursing, sexual language, etc.
maybe swearing/cursing, sexual language, etc.
Graphic language có nghĩa là gì?
Descriptive language that could be offensive.
Graphic language có nghĩa là gì?
It warns that the text the reader is about to read is inappropriate. That could be swear words, sensitive subjects or both.
Từ giống với "Graphic" và sự khác biệt giữa chúng
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa Graphic novel và Comic ?
Comics is the general term for the medium. A graphic novel is a story told through comics that fills an entire book.
Bản dịch của"Graphic"
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? As far as I can remember, Graphic design always be a passion to me.
As far as I can remember, graphic design has always been a passion for me.
..."graphic design has always been my passion."
..."graphic design has always been my passion."
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? Graphic Designer
Kiểm tra câu hỏi để xem câu trả lời
Những câu hỏi khác về "Graphic"
"I'm currently studying Graphic Design in London, as a third year student. I take special interest in illustration and edition. I'm looking for an internship, from September to January of this year." cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
"I'm currently a third year student studying Graphic Design in London. I take special interest in illustration and [edition?*]. I'm looking for an internship, from September this year until January 2021."
[*not sure what is meant by edition, but if you mean “editing” then you could use that instead]
[*not sure what is meant by edition, but if you mean “editing” then you could use that instead]
1) Graphic support to the festival Jazz
2) Graphic decoration of Jazz festival cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
2) Graphic decoration of Jazz festival cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
1) Graphic support to the Jazz festival
2) Graphic decoration of Jazz festival
2) Graphic decoration of Jazz festival
I will be happy if you check my English 😊
Graphic Design is a trigger. To get a definition of graphic design, first, it is necessary to define design. In my opinion, designers are kinds of translators. Designers translate something which someone wants to express or tell, into something which many people can understand easily, are attracted to and want to know more about, with designer’s knowledges, experiences, ideas or senses. Especially, graphic designers are good at translating them by using typography, image and layout. Some people said that graphic designer’s main job is to carry information correctly. It is true, but it is not enough. I think that graphic design has two roles. One is conveying information. Second is getting people to have interest. At first, the main part of graphic design was carrying the information. However attracting people is very important part of graphic design in the world there are too many information.
Graphic Design is a trigger. To get a definition of graphic design, first, it is necessary to define design. In my opinion, designers are kinds of translators. Designers translate something which someone wants to express or tell, into something which many people can understand easily, are attracted to and want to know more about, with designer’s knowledges, experiences, ideas or senses. Especially, graphic designers are good at translating them by using typography, image and layout. Some people said that graphic designer’s main job is to carry information correctly. It is true, but it is not enough. I think that graphic design has two roles. One is conveying information. Second is getting people to have interest. At first, the main part of graphic design was carrying the information. However attracting people is very important part of graphic design in the world there are too many information.
Edited version
Graphic Design is a trigger. To get a definition of graphic design, first, it is necessary to define design. In my opinion, designers are kinds of translators. Designers translate something which someone wants to express or tell, into something which many people can understand easily, are attracted to and want to know more about. With a designer’s knowledge, experience, ideas and senses they can especially, using graphic design translate emotions by using typography, image and layout. Some people said that graphic designer’s main job is to carry information correctly. It is true, but it is not enough. I think that graphic design has two roles. One is conveying information. Second is getting people to have an interest. At first, the main part of graphic design was carrying the information. However attracting people is very important part of graphic design in a world where there is information overload.
.... or something like this...🙂
Graphic Design is a trigger. To get a definition of graphic design, first, it is necessary to define design. In my opinion, designers are kinds of translators. Designers translate something which someone wants to express or tell, into something which many people can understand easily, are attracted to and want to know more about. With a designer’s knowledge, experience, ideas and senses they can especially, using graphic design translate emotions by using typography, image and layout. Some people said that graphic designer’s main job is to carry information correctly. It is true, but it is not enough. I think that graphic design has two roles. One is conveying information. Second is getting people to have an interest. At first, the main part of graphic design was carrying the information. However attracting people is very important part of graphic design in a world where there is information overload.
.... or something like this...🙂
Graphic Design is very difficult works. Because i have to make like people. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Graphic design is a very difficult work. Because i have to make people like it.
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