Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Healing"
Ý nghĩa của "Healing" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau
heal and healing có nghĩa là gì?
healing có nghĩa là gì?
"The hurting the healing the loving" có nghĩa là gì?
I'm not sure where you be heard this, we need some more context to understand this.
The most I can make out if it, without context, is that the person saying it is hurting someone they're trying to heal, because they love them, but I'm not 100% sure.
The most I can make out if it, without context, is that the person saying it is hurting someone they're trying to heal, because they love them, but I'm not 100% sure.
I ain't done much healing có nghĩa là gì?
Ainda não recuperei (dependendo do contexto)
But I ain't done much healing có nghĩa là gì?
But I haven't done much healing.
healing = either getting better (from some illness or injury) or recovering health (in a video game)
healing = either getting better (from some illness or injury) or recovering health (in a video game)
Từ giống với "Healing" và sự khác biệt giữa chúng
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa healing và cure và treatment ?
"Healing" is the general term for "treatment" or "cure".
If you have a disease or medical problem or if you are ill, treatment (or "to treat" it) will make it better, but it might or might not make it go away.
A "cure" (or "to cure" someone/something) means to make the disease (or illness) go away.
Both of these words are transitive (they must have an object), and the object can be either the disease (or illness) or the person.
For example, you can say: "If you take this medicine, it will cure you" or "If you take this medicine, it will cure your illness." "Cure you" and "cure your illness" mean the same thing. Usually "cure your illness" is used.
You can use "treatment" the same way. You can treat a person or you can treat a disease, and they mean the same thing. Usually we say "treat a person for a disease".
If you have a disease or medical problem or if you are ill, treatment (or "to treat" it) will make it better, but it might or might not make it go away.
A "cure" (or "to cure" someone/something) means to make the disease (or illness) go away.
Both of these words are transitive (they must have an object), and the object can be either the disease (or illness) or the person.
For example, you can say: "If you take this medicine, it will cure you" or "If you take this medicine, it will cure your illness." "Cure you" and "cure your illness" mean the same thing. Usually "cure your illness" is used.
You can use "treatment" the same way. You can treat a person or you can treat a disease, and they mean the same thing. Usually we say "treat a person for a disease".
Đâu là sự khác biệt giữa healing và treatment ?
Treatment is the WAY/METHOD to fix something and healing is something BEING fixed
Bản dịch của"Healing"
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? 自然治癒力=nature healing power or cure itself
Which one is more natural to use depends on the context.
The human body's natural healing power is astounding.
The human body's ability to cure itself when sick is astounding.
My body cured itself (naturally).
The human body's natural healing power is astounding.
The human body's ability to cure itself when sick is astounding.
My body cured itself (naturally).
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Anh) như thế nào? The healing went fast.
The healing process went fast.
The healing process went fast.
many thanks 🌲
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? healing
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Những câu hỏi khác về "Healing"
I got healing of listening to the music. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
"Music has a healing effect on me."
"I feel healed when I listen to music."
Hope this helps :)
"I feel healed when I listen to music."
Hope this helps :)
Hãy chỉ cho tôi làm thế nào để phát âm It always makes me feel like it’s healing me..
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I’m sorry:( Praying for the healing for you. Thank you for letting us know! cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Remove “the” from in front of healing, but otherwise it sounds good!
What does "huge healing cathartic howls of laughter" mean?
Feel free to give examples.
Feel free to give examples.
Huge= really big
Healing= makes you feel better
Carthatic= a process that makes you feel better and more relaxed about something
Holes of laughter= big laughs
It’s just saying someone laughed so loud and hard that it made them feel good or better about something.
Healing= makes you feel better
Carthatic= a process that makes you feel better and more relaxed about something
Holes of laughter= big laughs
It’s just saying someone laughed so loud and hard that it made them feel good or better about something.
That's meaning gradual healing from the hurts of mental or physical pain. cái này nghe có tự nhiên không?
Meaning that it takes time for the healing of hurt from mental or physical pain.
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