Câu hỏi về câu ví dụ, định nghĩa và cách sử dụng của "Warren"
Ý nghĩa của "Warren" trong các cụm từ và câu khác nhau
Warren went full alpha on Nathan có nghĩa là gì?
an "alpha" is a dominant personality type.
Warren Buffett says, có nghĩa là gì?
có nghĩa là gì?
có nghĩa là gì?
It's a name. It's kind of an older name.
Bản dịch của"Warren"
Nói câu này trong Tiếng Anh (Mỹ) như thế nào? Warren buffitt is the sound of money.
what does this word mean? "the sound of money"
what does this word mean? "the sound of money"
This means that his name sounds like a lot of money.
Những câu hỏi khác về "Warren"
Warren got embroiled in a heated argument with Marie about his expense report for the business trip between London and Paris.
Is this correct and natural?
Is this correct and natural?
I'm not sure about "the business trip between London and Paris"
Is he based in London? Then say "his business trip to Paris"
Is he based in London? Then say "his business trip to Paris"
Warren got embroiled in a heated argument with Marie about his expense report for the trip *to London and Paris.
If "between" takes the place of "to," is there any difference in meaning and nuance?
If "between" takes the place of "to," is there any difference in meaning and nuance?
Warren was involved in a heated argument with Marie over an expense report for a trip to London and Paris.
Is there any difference in meaning or nuance when "between" takes the place of "to"?
Warren was involved in a heated argument with Marie over an expense report for a trip to London and Paris.
Is there any difference in meaning or nuance when "between" takes the place of "to"?
Warren has introduced more substantial bipartisan legislation during her time in Congress than nearly all her rivals in the Democratic primary field, according to the nonpartisan website GovTrack, including Sanders, New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, California Senator Kamala Harris and New Jersey Senator Cory Booker, who has touted his propensity for reaching across the aisle on the campaign trail.
In the last part of the sentence, what does "who has touted his propensity for reaching across the aisle on the campaign trail" mean?
Could someone rewrite this part to make it clearer?
In the last part of the sentence, what does "who has touted his propensity for reaching across the aisle on the campaign trail" mean?
Could someone rewrite this part to make it clearer?
“Who has bragged (while seeking office) he just naturally works with both major parties in government.”
Warren first rose to fame for her withering interrogations of miscreant bankers and evasive government officials during the financial crisis 10 years ago. Since then, powerful critics in the Republican Party, as well as her own, have painted her as too liberal, too divisive, too wonky, too “strident”—that freighted euphemism so often applied to assertive women.
① Why does the writer put strident in quotes?
② Is “freighted” a verb or an adjective?
And is “that” in front of this “freighted” a relative pronoun, a pronoun or an adjective?
③ what does “that freighted euphemism” mean?
① Why does the writer put strident in quotes?
② Is “freighted” a verb or an adjective?
And is “that” in front of this “freighted” a relative pronoun, a pronoun or an adjective?
③ what does “that freighted euphemism” mean?
"strident" in quotes, is called air quotes. It means usually in the way it is used here the author doesn't think it is true. Sometimes people do it with their hands in real life to for the same reason.
The Republican Party is known for being culturally and financially right to far right, heavily Christian, and believing women should follow men and the Bible. To them, a woman like Warren is bad because she's not being submissive to them, and because she’s challenging them and not presenting in a meek manor. Certain terms have been created by men to say sexist things about women. "Strident woman" is one of them.
In this context, the author is calling the Republicans freighted of women, specifically Warren, who break the gender roles they want them to play. The Republicans instead of addressing her ideas and critiquing those, are instead attacking her demeanor and her womanhood and saying "she's not a good woman" under their far-right morals for women. The author implies they do this because they're freighted of a woman being assertive.
I think in “that freighted euphemism” the word ‘that’ is being used as a determiner. Where ‘that’ is being defined here as “referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.” The determined thing that is already known is the sexist euphemism “strident woman.”
The Republican Party is known for being culturally and financially right to far right, heavily Christian, and believing women should follow men and the Bible. To them, a woman like Warren is bad because she's not being submissive to them, and because she’s challenging them and not presenting in a meek manor. Certain terms have been created by men to say sexist things about women. "Strident woman" is one of them.
In this context, the author is calling the Republicans freighted of women, specifically Warren, who break the gender roles they want them to play. The Republicans instead of addressing her ideas and critiquing those, are instead attacking her demeanor and her womanhood and saying "she's not a good woman" under their far-right morals for women. The author implies they do this because they're freighted of a woman being assertive.
I think in “that freighted euphemism” the word ‘that’ is being used as a determiner. Where ‘that’ is being defined here as “referring to a specific thing previously mentioned, known, or understood.” The determined thing that is already known is the sexist euphemism “strident woman.”
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