Lazar Stosic
Address: Belgrade, Serbia
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Papers by Lazar Stosic
in the educational process and the development of the child, leading to a process of
professionalization of the work of the teacher.
This paper discussed the possibility of preparation of individual and group portfolio as a way
of monitoring the development and progress of preschool children, preparation of professional
portfolio and e - portfolio as an innovative way of monitoring the child and the professional
development of educators in order to enhance and improve the quality of educational work
in preschool organizations. Innovative kindergartens mean the innovative educators, so that
the relationship of the teacher towards change is an important segment in the management of
innovation in pre-school organizations.
Today the teacher is not only a source of knowledge, but also organized the work motivator
and initiator children’s activities, and he should be motivated, responsible, communicative,
willing and open to continuous improvement and professional advancement.
in the educational process and the development of the child, leading to a process of
professionalization of the work of the teacher.
This paper discussed the possibility of preparation of individual and group portfolio as a way
of monitoring the development and progress of preschool children, preparation of professional
portfolio and e - portfolio as an innovative way of monitoring the child and the professional
development of educators in order to enhance and improve the quality of educational work
in preschool organizations. Innovative kindergartens mean the innovative educators, so that
the relationship of the teacher towards change is an important segment in the management of
innovation in pre-school organizations.
Today the teacher is not only a source of knowledge, but also organized the work motivator
and initiator children’s activities, and he should be motivated, responsible, communicative,
willing and open to continuous improvement and professional advancement.