Following the renewal of the creation agreement of the Lucio Costa Centre, between UNESCO and the Government of Brazil on 13 June 2018, the cooperation is reinforced through the definition of a common work programme for the next biennium.
From 29 to 31 August 2018, the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, the Brazilian authorities, the Category 2 Centre “Lucio Costa”, representatives of the States of Argentina, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mozambique, Peru and Uruguay, ICOMOS, IUCN and ICCROM will meet in Río de Janeiro for the construction and definition of the UNESCO/Category 2 Centre “Lucio Costa” (CLC) 2018-2019 Agenda.
The World Heritage Centre continues promoting the cooperation towards reinforcing synergies and supporting the efforts that CLC has been advancing in favour of the World Heritage community among the countries of South America and the Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa and Asia.
The Lucio Costa Centre works on strengthening capacities of member countries, for the conservation and management of natural and cultural World Heritage properties, thus contributing significantly to the implementation of the World Heritage Convention. This meeting is an opportunity to carry out a reflexion on the future agenda of the Lucio Costa Centre, which will be discussed in the Board of Directors of the Centre in Rio de Janeiro. At the end of this meeting, it is expected to have a document that serves as a basis and can be presented by the CLC to its member countries during the celebration of the II Board of Directors Meeting of CLC.
The approved agenda will constitute the frame of reference for CLC’s activities for the period 2018 - 2019 regarding the support that the CLC will provide to the member countries to facilitate the implementation of the 1972 Wold Heritage Convention.