Articles by Susan Matveyeva
Formal mentoring programs are increasingly recognized as a means of recruitment and retention in ... more Formal mentoring programs are increasingly recognized as a means of recruitment and retention in a library setting. An effective mentoring program assists new librarians with diverse backgrounds in their professional growth and benefits organizational culture. In this paper, the authors examine different models of mentoring programs in the library profession and discuss the process of developing a university library mentoring program. This case study explores the mentor's and mentee's experiences and perspectives on mentoring relationship and shows their significance for the successful implementation of a mentoring program in an academic library.
The author explores a number of theoretical and practical issues
concerning classification of re... more The author explores a number of theoretical and practical issues
concerning classification of remote electronic resources. The
necessity to catalog electronic resources has raised questions
regarding including and classifying them in library catalogs.
Analysis of current cataloging decisions indicates that there is no
single standard that has been formed. Some libraries assign
classification numbers to remote electronic resources and others do
not. Theoretical discussions of cataloging librarians show that there
are a number of important issues related to using classification for
the cataloging of electronic materials. The traditional purpose of
classification for locating physical objects on the shelves loses its
function in the case of remote electronic resources. The other
function of classification, categorization, is more useful in the case
of electronic resources, as it promotes the role of classification as a
subject-organizing tool. Attempts at using library classification
schemes in order to organize electronic resources has moved
beyond the realm of libraries and their catalogs. Information
scientists, database developers, and specialists in information
retrieval have explored library classification abilities in organizing
information on the Internet, in order to improve browsing and
subject searching. Several projects have proven that such
classification systems as Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification, and Library of Congress Classification can be
useful in describing, organizing, and retrieving electronic resources.
Нам давно нужна теория, которая дала бы достаточно ясное понимание того, кто мы есть, что с нами ... more Нам давно нужна теория, которая дала бы достаточно ясное понимание того, кто мы есть, что с нами происходит, куда мы идем и что с нами может стать, если мы не переменимся и будем и далее следовать накатанному пути нашей истории. Эта теория должна быть объясняющей, чтобы ответить на мучающие нас вопросы, и понимающей, проникнутой общими болями и бедами, объективной и одновременно пристрастной, исполненной мудрости и здравого смысла, достаточных, чтобы удержать от крайностей, от следования застарелым мифам, и масштабной, чтобы меру оценок и значений задавали мировая история, общечеловеческие ценности. По определению, такая теория должна была появиться в России. Как кажется, этот труд появился.
Важнейшими тенденциями всей современной политической жизни являются стремление продолжать политик... more Важнейшими тенденциями всей современной политической жизни являются стремление продолжать политику реформ, включение страны в мировое хозяйство. Это нашло отражение в социокультурной теории либеральной суперцивилизации, которая не сводится к капитализму в разных его модификациях и не ограничивается степенью и уровнем индустриального развития.
МАТВЕЕВА Сусанна Яковлевна, кандидат философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Российского неза... more МАТВЕЕВА Сусанна Яковлевна, кандидат философских наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Российского независимого института социальных и национальных проблем.
На протяжении ряда лет под руководством вице-президента РАН академика В.Н. Кудрявцева регулярно п... more На протяжении ряда лет под руководством вице-президента РАН академика В.Н. Кудрявцева регулярно проводятся семинары, на которых ученые обсуждают актуальные проблемы социального, политического и экономического развития нашей страны. Один из семинаров (февраль 1995 г.) был посвящен животрепещущей теме -межнациональным конфликтам, вспыхивающим в разных точках бывшего Советского Союза, Предлагаем вниманию читателей доклад, с которым выступили сотрудники Российского независимого института социальных и национальных проблем А.Г. Здравомыслов и С.Я. Матвеева, и краткое изложение развернувшейся вокруг него дискуссии.
Среди множества проблем, стоящих перед нашим обществом и соответственно перед наукой, едва ли не ... more Среди множества проблем, стоящих перед нашим обществом и соответственно перед наукой, едва ли не наиболее важная -проблема неких скрытых "пороков" развития.
The 2nd part of discussion started in the previous issue of this journal by the group of research... more The 2nd part of discussion started in the previous issue of this journal by the group of researchers, which includes A. Prigozhin, S. Matveeva, B. Sazonov, A. Chirikova and others. They examine culture, including the corporate one, as social memory, where different historical “layers” coexist. Russian corporate culture includes the “layer” of peasant egalitarian culture; still recently, peasants were majority of Russian population and their culture dominated in the society as whole. At current time, the other, “utilitarian” component of Russian culture is on the raise. Success of modernization in Russia depends on composition of cultural “layers”, especially “utilitarian” (which has the tendency to consider everything including humans as means) and “liberal” (which associated to Western ideas of freedom, human rights, and law) ones. There are important research problems. In corporate culture, different cultural and professional norms form whimsical mosaic. Observations show that there is a crisis in perception of the role and image of the “first person” in organizations. Traditional style of leadership that has deep roots in social memory is not adequate in the new situation, but the new styles do not exist in social memory of Russian society. Researchers discuss processes of interconnection of different corporate cultures and the ways of changes of existing patterns in the contemporary Russian corporate culture.
У нас не может быть подлинного, т. е. образцового, классического, либерализма. Ведь само наше общ... more У нас не может быть подлинного, т. е. образцового, классического, либерализма. Ведь само наше общество нелиберально, мы живем в условиях нелиберальной среды. Тем не менее в России уже не в первый раз устанавливается либеральная власть. Каково же содержание этого правящего либерализма в нелиберальной, долиберальной стране?
Предлагаемый читателям «круглый стол» необычен для нашего журнала. Ученые собрались за ним, чтобы... more Предлагаемый читателям «круглый стол» необычен для нашего журнала. Ученые собрались за ним, чтобы поговорить о новой книге. Естественно, что книга, вызвавшая такой интерес, с точки зрения собравшихся, является событием в жизни научной общественности (хотя из-за мизерного тиража и замеченным пока немногими). Речь идет о трехтомной работе кандидата философских наук Александра АХИЕЗЕРА «Россия: критика исторического опыта», изданной Философским обществом СССР в 1991 году. Надеемся, что разговор, состоявшийся в редакции журнала, заинтересует всех, кому небезразлична историческая судьба России. В обсуждении приняли участие кандидат исторических наук Игорь ИОНОВ, кандидат философских наук Сусанна МАТВЕЕВА, доктор экономических наук Сергей ПРОНИН, доктор философских наук Аркадий ПРИГОЖИН, кандидат экономических наук Борис СЛАВНЫЙ и кандидат философских наук Игорь ЯКОВЕНКО. Наиболее интересные моменты обсуждения обобщены редактором отдела социально-экономических проблем «ОНС» Наталией ПЛИСКЕВИЧ.
Статья впервые была опубликована в журнале "Общественные науки", N2, 1990 г. В статье сделана поп... more Статья впервые была опубликована в журнале "Общественные науки", N2, 1990 г. В статье сделана попытка воспроизвести логику гуманизации культуры и человеческих отношений, которая оказывается логикой постоянной и, прежде всего, внутренней борьбы человека с самим собой, с тем, что Э.Фромм называл "бегством от свободы".
Presentations by Susan Matveyeva
nstitutional repository services are a fast growing new academic library service. Unlike other li... more nstitutional repository services are a fast growing new academic library service. Unlike other library services focused on delivering information created elsewhere, institutional repository services concentrate on collecting, organizing, and providing access to information created in the university or college that an academic library serves. Having students, faculty, and university / college administration as its stakeholders, the institutional repository develops services for each group. The presentation will provide a detailed description of major institutional repository programs and outlines a comprehensive and focused strategy for the institutional repository development. Based on experiences of a repository manager.
The presentation is focused on a concept of an institutional repository designed for a medium-siz... more The presentation is focused on a concept of an institutional repository designed for a medium-sized or small colleges and universities. This concept takes into consideration the needs of smaller institutions and the niche institutional repository may fill. Practical steps for the establishment of a successful repository in a smaller institution are discussed as well as the functions of a repository in a smaller institution. The new repository service is observed from the point of views of its major constituencies: faculty, students, and administration.
This summer SOAR (Shocker Open Access Repository) was going through major upgrade and enhancement... more This summer SOAR (Shocker Open Access Repository) was going through major upgrade and enhancement. The software system was upgraded from DSpace 1.4.2 to DSpace 1.6.2. A new Manakin XML UI was built for SOAR. Submission system was enhanced with SWORD Easy Deposit add on. Embargo feature was implemented. To provide access to closed collections to WSU community, authentication method was chosen and implemented. Solr statistics was implemented and customized. Audi-visual streaming viewer, document streaming viewer and image zoom modules were installed. In the presentation, the project manager shares her experience on working with a vendor and a team comprised of librarians and IT.
Articles by Susan Matveyeva
concerning classification of remote electronic resources. The
necessity to catalog electronic resources has raised questions
regarding including and classifying them in library catalogs.
Analysis of current cataloging decisions indicates that there is no
single standard that has been formed. Some libraries assign
classification numbers to remote electronic resources and others do
not. Theoretical discussions of cataloging librarians show that there
are a number of important issues related to using classification for
the cataloging of electronic materials. The traditional purpose of
classification for locating physical objects on the shelves loses its
function in the case of remote electronic resources. The other
function of classification, categorization, is more useful in the case
of electronic resources, as it promotes the role of classification as a
subject-organizing tool. Attempts at using library classification
schemes in order to organize electronic resources has moved
beyond the realm of libraries and their catalogs. Information
scientists, database developers, and specialists in information
retrieval have explored library classification abilities in organizing
information on the Internet, in order to improve browsing and
subject searching. Several projects have proven that such
classification systems as Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification, and Library of Congress Classification can be
useful in describing, organizing, and retrieving electronic resources.
Presentations by Susan Matveyeva
concerning classification of remote electronic resources. The
necessity to catalog electronic resources has raised questions
regarding including and classifying them in library catalogs.
Analysis of current cataloging decisions indicates that there is no
single standard that has been formed. Some libraries assign
classification numbers to remote electronic resources and others do
not. Theoretical discussions of cataloging librarians show that there
are a number of important issues related to using classification for
the cataloging of electronic materials. The traditional purpose of
classification for locating physical objects on the shelves loses its
function in the case of remote electronic resources. The other
function of classification, categorization, is more useful in the case
of electronic resources, as it promotes the role of classification as a
subject-organizing tool. Attempts at using library classification
schemes in order to organize electronic resources has moved
beyond the realm of libraries and their catalogs. Information
scientists, database developers, and specialists in information
retrieval have explored library classification abilities in organizing
information on the Internet, in order to improve browsing and
subject searching. Several projects have proven that such
classification systems as Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification, and Library of Congress Classification can be
useful in describing, organizing, and retrieving electronic resources.
To get data from other sources is an alternative way to develop collections for different disciplines since author self-deposit has not become a common practice for institutional repositories. This is also an effort in line with the current metadata cataloging trend of moving from item by item cataloging to batch processing of metadata, repurposing of metadata between different systems and communities, and providing value-added data services to students and faculty in an IR.
It will discuss the options to batch transform, enhance and transfer over 720 student and faculty publications from Medline format in PubMed to Dublin Core (DC) in DSpace. In the PubMed-DSpace project, PubMed provided XML is mapped and transformed to DCXML, exported to and enhanced in Excel, divided to separate departmental collections and batch loaded to DSpace server. It will talk about project planning, workflow management and record prototype creation based on the user needs. It will cover technical details including selection of metadata fields, mapping of Medline to DC, name authority check, content enrichment such as adding more DOI and other links, descriptions, copyright information and the article peer-review status, data normalization, data accuracy and consistency check. It will discuss the implementation and customization of an add-on to facilitate DSpace data batch import. At the same time it will discuss the challenges in adding institutional research outcome u sing this new approach such as: the advantages and disadvantages of the different options to transform Medline to DC, data acquisition and content recruitment, metadata granularity and generality, selection of multiple subject types and identifiers, content enhancement, and copyright compliance. The cases of collecting data from IEEE Xplore and Web of Science, enhancing data in spreadsheets and batch load it to separate departmental collections in DSpace will be included. Other possibilities of adding data from external databases and the open web to the IR will also be discussed.
Presented at the 15th Annual LITA National Forum, Columbus, Ohio, October 6, 2012.