Ashish Jangid
Phone: 09694262879
Address: India
Address: India
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Papers by Ashish Jangid
This book aims to provide a reliable way of identifying the adult stage of almost all butterflies in the district Ajmer of Rajasthan state. The present book "Butterflies of Central Aravalli Ranges" includes 77 butterfly species registered in this area. The species description, which form the main body of this book provide a brief synopsis of each species. The butterflies are presented in a systematic sequence including their classification, distribution, occurrence, life span, host plant and possible identifications in the field. It also includes information about authors as well as editors, foreword, acknowledgements, alphabetical index for butterfly (Common Name > Scientific Name and Scientific Name > Common Name) and Butterflies and their Host Plants list. We hope that this book will be interesting both for specialists and many amateurs - entomologists, collectors, students of biological specialists, tourists and naturalists in general having a casual interest in entomology. Probably the present book might be used in further investigations on the biodiversity and will serve for integrated conservation of unique ecosystems, as butterflies are the significant component almost of all biocenosis. We trust it will also stimulate further interest in the natural history and conservation of these butterflies specifically in the conservation of their habitats and find a place on the bookshelves of anyone who might simply wish to identify a butterfly in the garden.