Mobile/Projects/Preloaded bookmark for Marketplace

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  • TBD - depends on APK synthesis shipping


With APK synthesis, we want to ramp up our promotion of the Firefox Marketplace and webapps. Initially this will be limited to this preloaded bookmarks and a Promo snippet for Marketplace.


Include a link to the Firefox Marketplace in our preloaded bookmarks list. Also pin this bookmark in the first slot of the Top Sites list.

Features/User stories

  • As a user who has never heard of the Firefox Marketplace, I would like to be told about it through a preloaded bookmark, so I can learn about it without having to first read about it on the web somewhere, or stumbling across it accidentally when digging around my menus.
  • As a user, I would also like to have that link to the Firefox Marketplace included in my initial set of Top Sites, so it's very easy for me to find that link (since I occasionally will mostly ignore the preloaded bookmarks).
  • As a user, I would like to be given tips about other ways I can get to the Firefox Marketplace -- through my Tools menu, directly on the web, etc. -- so I'm not always relying on the preloaded bookmark to find it again.
  • As a user, I would also like to know how to unpin the Top Sites link to the Marketplace, since that real-estate is more valuable for other things once I know about the Marketplace and how to get to it.

UX design

  • Will need a thumbnail and favicon that we can include in the preloaded bookmark and Top Sites page.


  • Marketplace & webapps are significant elements in the overall Firefox ecosystem, and we need to help support and promote those as we can and as makes sense. This is in direct support of one of our primary 2014 goals.

Quality criteria

  • All user stories & goals met and fully tested.
  • No negative performance impact.
  • Telemetry probes are included where it makes sense.