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Proceedings of Wikimania 2006
Index of presentations

Alphabetical index

Full papers are being added. Questions, or want to submit your presentation? Please contact the Editors at wikimania-program <at> wikimedia.org.
  • Late-August update: we have many papers & slides from presenters; thank you very much! If we don't have yours, please send it to address above. We are finally catching up with email and are in the process of putting these up. Please see below for the audio and video archives, which are also getting updated; and the full abstracts. If you want to help with the proceedings, please leave a note for phoebe or ngb.


  • Last name, First name | Title of presentation (code)
  1. Abawi, Daniel | Using wiki systems as information back-ends for e-learning applications (SR2)
  2. Alevizou, Panagiota | Encyclopedia, cosmopedia and wikipedia: collective intelligence for knowledge technospaces (PA1)
  3. Amaral, Adriana | Subcultures and Wikipedia: subcultural capital in a collaborative writing project (AA1)
  4. Anthony, Seth | Contribution patterns among active Wikipedians: Finding and keeping content creators (SA1)
  5. Benjamin, Martin | Huru na Bure: Swahili collaboration and the future of African languages on the web (MB1)
  6. Benkler, Yochai | The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom (YB1)
  7. Bronk, Chris | Diplopedia: Application of the Wiki Model for Collaborative Drafting in Foreign Affairs
  8. Caeton, Daniel | Perpetual negotiation machine: Wikipedia’s discursive affordances for college writing instruction (DC1)
  9. Chklovski, Timothy | Collecting Computer-useable knowledge from volunteer contributors (TC1)
  10. Cunningham, Ward | A conversation with Ward Cunningham
  11. De Vreede, Jan-Bart | The use of wikis and Wikipedia in Dutch Education (JDV1)
  12. Devine, Betsy | Schrödinger's Wiki: The quantum challenge of media attention (BD1)
  13. Devouard, Florence | Wikimedia Foundation: building in diversity (FD1)
  14. Donath, Judith | Identity, anonymity and the wiki (JD1)
  15. Eisen, Michael | Free Knowledge and Access to Information (ME1)
  16. Fagundes, Luis | What would a wiki kind of school be like? [CANCELLED] (CR1)
  17. Forte, Andrea | Empowering students: Wikis as a revolutionary force in education (AF1)
  18. Gawrysiak, Piotr | Plans not Maps! Wikiplan – a Collaborative Geographical Map Building System (PG1)
  19. Giles, Jim | Comparing Wikipedia and Britannica: The story behind Nature's encyclopaedia story (JG1)
  20. Gissurardottir, Salvor | Wikibooks, webquests and Wikipedia - Tools for teachers and learners (SG1)
  21. Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer | 200 years of collaborative ownership: from open source steam engines to free genetics, Linux and Wikipedia (RG1)
  22. Gunta, Srinivas | Role of trust in an open system - The process of Requests for Adminship on the English Wikipedia (SG2)
  23. Halavis, Alexander | Sins of omission? An exploratory evaluation of Wikipedia's topical coverage (AH1)
  24. Herrick, Jack | How to transition from a static content site to a wiki: The wikiHow experience (JH1)
  25. Hill, Benjamin Mako | Toward a definition of freedom (BMH1)
  26. Jennings, Darniet | Why WYSIWIKI?: Lowering the barriers to wiki use in heterogeneous User Environments (DJ1)
  27. Kahle, Brewster | Universal Access to All Knowledge (BK1)
  28. Kapor, Mitch | I'd Like to Have an Argument: Inspiration from the Wikipedia about Collaborative Advocacy and politics
  29. Kobasa, Paul | More than ‘Just the facts, ma’am [or sir]’: Accuracy and impartiality in crafting an encyclopedia article (PK2)
  30. Konieczny, Piotr | Wikimedia projects as a teaching tool (PK1)
  31. Lackaff, Derek | Sins of omission? An exploratory evaluation of Wikipedia's topical coverage
  32. Lessig, Lawrence | The Ethics of the Free Culture Movement (LL1)
  33. Luer, Chris | Disambiguation: the key to information architecture? (CL1)
  34. Ma, Cathy | Trust and Wikipedia – the roles of social capitals in participatory knowledge production (CM1)
  35. Meeks, Elijah | Unsupported Assertions: An Analysis of Criticism of Wikipedia (EM3)
  36. Megas, Betsy | Defining WiktionaryZ (BM2)
  37. Meijssen,Gerard | Differentiation of authentication regimes to prevent more vandalism (GM1)
  38. Messina, Chris | All the world's a wiki: how Barcamp was planned in 6 days using a wiki, IM, IRC, blogs and word of mouth (CM2)
  39. Möller, Erik | Wikidata: Creating the structured wiki (EM1)
  40. Moglen, Eben | Document Licenses and the Future of Free Culture (EM2)
  41. Nadig, Hari | Wiki in the sub-continent (HN1)
  42. Parry, Laurence | A Tale of Two Wikis: Techniques for building, managing and promoting collaborative communities (LP1)
  43. Preece, Jenny | Community, Social Interaction and Wikipedia (JP1)
  44. Prodromou, Evan | Wiki and open content travel guides: past, present, future (EP2)
  45. Ramos, Carolina | What would a wiki kind of school be like? [CANCELLED] (CR1)
  46. Reagle, Joseph | Is the Wikipedia Neutral? (JR1)
  47. Reinhold, Silvan | Using wiki systems as information back-ends for e-learning applications (SR2)
  48. Sauer, Christoph | What you see is wiki - Questioning WYSIWYG in the internet age (CS1)
  49. Schenck, Alex | Observations From The Bridge: Why Wikipedia Is So Attractive (AS1)
  50. Souren, Kasper | The Bambara Wikipedia, one year later (KS2)
  51. Souren, Kasper | Wikipedia on the Nokia 770 - wik2dict and MaemoDict (KS3)
  52. Sponagl, Paul | Device independent access to Wikipedia (PS1)
  53. Vibber, Brion | What's cooking in MediaWiki: Single sign-on, version tagging, and other goodies (BV1)
  54. Wales, Jimmy | Wikimedia and free culture: past, present and future (JW1)
  55. Walker, Martin | Wikipedia 1.0: Offline releases of the English language Wikipedia (MW1)
  56. Weinberger, David | What's happening to knowledge? (DW1)
  57. Burger, Roland | Wiki Voices (RB1)


  1. Christensen, Karen | Reference work publishing panel (KC1)
    Christensen, Karen | The How and Why of Reference Work Publishing (KC2)
    Gazzolo, Paul | Endurance editing: The work that makes an encyclopedia work (PG3)
    McKean, Erin | Practical (and Annoying) Problems in Dictionary Compiling
  2. Farkas, Meredith | Wikis: Enabling library knowledgebases (MF1) (panel)
    Chimato, Mary Carmen | Wikis: Enabling library knowledgebases (MF1)
    Kroski, Ellyssa | Wikis: Enabling library knowledgebases (MF1)
  3. Lakhani, Karim | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1) (panel)
    McAfee, Andrew | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1)
    Bancroft, Josh | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1)
    Gulley, Ned | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1)
    Idinopulos, Michael | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1)
    Mayfield, Ross | Organizational uses of wiki technology (KL1)
  4. Myers, Ken | Section 230: At the Gates between Liability for Harmful Speech and Wikipedia (KM2) (panel)
    Myers, Ken | Wikimmunity: Fitting the Communications Decency Act to Wikipedia (KM1)
    Medenica, Olivera | Does Liability Enhance Credibility?: A Wiki Role for Section 230 (OM1)
    Seltzer, Wendy | Section 230: At the Gates between Liability for Harmful Speech and Wikipedia (KM2)
    Wahab, Kaiser | Does Liability Enhance Credibility?: A Wiki Role for Section 230 (OM1)
    Zittrain, Jonathan | Section 230: At the Gates between Liability for Harmful Speech and Wikipedia (KM2)
  5. O'Mahony, Siobhan | What can Wikipedia learn from Open Source Software Development? (SO1) (panel)
    West, Joel | What can Wikipedia learn from Open Source Software Development? (SO1)
    Crowston, Kevin | What can Wikipedia learn from Open Source Software Development? (SO1)
  6. Pellegrini, Mark | A Question-and-answer session with the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (MP1) (panel)
    Forrester, James | A Question-and-answer session with the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (MP1)
    Martin, Kelly | A Question-and-answer session with the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (MP1)
    Walsh, Kat | A Question-and-answer session with the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee (MP1)
  7. Rafaeli, Sheizaf | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1) (panel)
    Ben-Zvi, Dani | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1)
    Kali, Yael | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1)
    Ravid, Gilad | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1)
    Tal-ElHasid, Edna | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1)
    Forte, Andrea | Wiki uses in learning and teaching (SR1)
  8. Viegas, Fernanda | Can Visualization Help? (FV1) (panel)
    Wattenberg, Martin | Can Visualization Help?
    Shneiderman, Ben | Can Visualization Help?
  9. Vrandecic, Denny | Wikipedia and the Semantic Web (DV2) (Panel)
    Vrandecic, Denny | Wikipedia and the Semantic Web, Part II (DV1)
    Nissim, Malvina | Wikipedia meets Natural Language Processing (MN1)
    Presutti, Valentina | Wikipedia meets Natural Language Processing (MN1)
  10. Wales, Jimbo and the Wikimedia Board | A Q&A Session with the Wikimedia Board
  11. Olin College panel | Creating a Wiki-like College (Panel))


  1. Baumgart, j and Price, Gary| Tips for conducting research and evaluating information (JKB1) (workshop)
  2. Boonen, Finne | Fighting vandalism with Vandalfighter (FB1) (workshop)
  3. Forrester, James | Research about Wikimedia: A workshop (JF1) (workshop)
  4. Megas, Betsy | Wiktionary: Nuts and bolts, bells and whistles (BM3)(workshop)
  5. Rondeau, Alexis, Wiechers, Stan | Semapedia.org (AR1) (workshop)
  6. Soufron, Jean-Baptiste | Copyright basis and Wikipedia: A workshop (JBS1) (workshop)
  7. Krötzsch, Markus, Vrandecic, Denny | Using Wikipedia’s knowledge in your applications (MK1) (workshop)
  8. Zagurski, Jennifer | Wikisource workshop: editorial choices (JZ2) (workshop)

Discussion sessions

  1. Baumgart, j | Librarianesque birds of a feather session (JKB2) (bof)
  2. Beesley, Angela | Cross-wiki policy and features discussion (AB1) (bof)
  3. Driscoll, Kevin, Lucas, Rob | Free the curriculum: Supporting educators with open content (KD1)
  4. Gelauff, Lodewijk | Localization, on a global project (LG1)
  5. Gillmor, Dan | A discussion about Citizen Journalism (DG1)
  6. Lanphier, Rob | Enterprise MediaWiki (RL1)
  7. Martin, Kelly | Consensus as a governing principle: Does consensus scale? (KM3) (bof)
  8. Pramod, Raghavendra | Language and cultural barriers and challenges to Wikipedia (RP1) (bof)
  9. Souren, Kasper, Kjerulf, Alexander | The Wiki Party (KS1)
  10. Walsh, Kat | OTRS discussion session (KW1)
  11. Walker, Martin | Validation on Wikipedia: How do I know this article is accurate? (MW2)


  1. Abawi, Daniel | Wiki Interaction Revisited: Structural, Contextual, and Navigational Augmentation of Wiki Content
  2. Arrigone, Sara | Quality vs open access: are both possible? (SA2)
  3. Bossewitch, Jonah | Platonic Wikis and Subversive Social Interfaces (JB2)
  4. Burgund, Halsey | Friday's Flowers and the Wiki as Art (HB1)
  5. Carmen, Marc | Sharing data between lexical resources (MC2)
  6. Cole, Sam | Removing the barriers to wikis in education (SC1)
  7. Cora, Marie | The Adult Literacy Education Wiki (ALE Wiki) (MC1)
  8. Dale, Michael | Metavid (MD1)
  9. Elia, Antonella | Online encyclopedias: a contrastive analysis of formality in Wikipedia vs Encyclopedia Britannica Online (AE1)
  10. Erle, Schuyler | Whither Wikipedia? (SE1)
  11. Ertl, Thomas | Integration of Wikipedia Previews into Web Pages (MR1)
  12. Finol, Damian | Wikipedia in rural communities of the native tribes of northern Venezuela(DF1)
  13. Futreal, Michael | molawiki: a Wiki-Based web development platform (MF2)
  14. Gauthier, Leah | Friday's Flowers and the Wiki as Art (HB1)
  15. Giereth, Mark | Integration of Wikipedia Previews into Web Pages (MR1)
  16. Henderson, Samuel | Wikipedia as a resource for language learning (SH1)
  17. Leybovich, Jonathan | The Wikicite Project: Toward building a scholarly apparatus (JL1)
  18. Liebert, Wolf-Andreas | How to do articles by discussions: Wikipedia as a user-driven knowledge system (WAL1)
  19. Mahoney, Jim | Wikiacademia: a learning platform inspired by MediaWiki (JM1)
  20. Mako, Benjamin | Diverging where necessary, collaborating where possible (BMH2)
  21. Martone, Michael | The prognosis of diagnosis: Wikipedia nosology and the future of medicine (MM1)
  22. Meeks, Elijah | Here There Be Dragons: Dynamic Maps for Wikipedia (EM4)
  23. Melby, Alan | Sharing data between lexical resources (MA1)
  24. Pirtle, Kimberly | Graduate Student Community and Collaboration Wiki (KP1)
  25. Reinhold, Silvan | Wiki Interaction Revisited: Structural, Contextual, and Navigational Augmentation of Wiki Content
  26. Rotard, Martin | Integration of Wikipedia Previews into Web Pages (MR1)
  27. Seidenglanz, Sebastian | Motivation revisited: The open question of user motivation in the light of system theory (SS2)
  28. Smith, Chuck | Wiki markup mess (CS3)
  29. Ingy dot Net and Richey, Jason | Bringing WikiWYG to MediaWiki (IN1)
  30. Stodola, Luke | Removing the barriers to wikis in education (SC1)
  31. Zeffiro, Andrea | Iterative, participatory, digital: Evaluating the wiki as a social science research tool (AZ1)