Papers by Godfred Safo-Adu
Sustainable Environment, Oct 11, 2023
The rise of electronic commerce and the stricter government regulations on the recovery of end-of... more The rise of electronic commerce and the stricter government regulations on the recovery of end-of-life products increased the number of products returned by customers. A company may deal with increasing product returns by developing its own reverse logistic system. However, high fixed costs associated with dedicated reverse logistics equipment and infrastructure force many companies to outsource their reverse logistics operations to third-party reverse logistics providers. One of the important problems faced by third-party reverse logistics providers is the selection of the types of used products to be collected. In this study, a four-phase used product selection methodology is proposed. First, the quantitative and qualitative selection criteria are determined. Then the weights of the criteria are calculated using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Next, simulation models are employed to determine the values of quantitative criteria. Finally, technique for order preference by similar...
Pollution Research
Vegetables are highly recommended in human diets due to the fiber and health benefits they presen... more Vegetables are highly recommended in human diets due to the fiber and health benefits they present. Thus, contamination from any source particularly from tailing dams impounded with heavy metals raises public health concerns. The levels of heavy metals (As, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Fe) in Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) and Capsicum annuum (pepper) grown in the Asutifi District around a mining concession were investigated to determine their levels in soil samples, the fruits, stem, and roots cultivated in four farms using AAS. The mean differences in the level of metals in the fruits, roots, stems, and the sampled soils were separated using Tukey’s B multiple comparison test (p<0.05). The levels of Cd, Pb, Cu, and Fe in the fruits of vegetables from the farms were within the recommended FAO/WHO standards (mg/kg) except for As. The order of increase in levels of the heavy metals in the fruits of vegetables from all farms was: F4Ca
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
Water Quality Index (WQI) model was utilised to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of ground... more Water Quality Index (WQI) model was utilised to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of groundwater quality at the effluent discharge and administration areas of a waste treatment facility (WTF) in Shama Municipality in Ghana. Borehole water samples were collected once a week for six months and coliform bacteria were determined in the samples using Colony Forming Unit while the physicochemical parameters were analysed using instrumental and titrimetric techniques. Twenty physicochemical parameters were used in computing the WQI of groundwater. Groundwater collected I km away and within the WTF tested negative and positive for coliform bacteria respectively. WQI classified groundwater samples collected at the effluent discharge area as poor water quality type. However, groundwater collected 1 km away and at the administration area of the treatment facility was of good physicochemical quality. The levels of EC, COD, TDS, Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Cl − ions exceeded the WHO drinking water permissible limits. Statistically, there was no significant difference between mean levels of physicochemical parameters of groundwater at the three locations (p &lt; 0.05). PCA revealed that weathering and dissolution of rock minerals and human-induced activities negatively affected the groundwater quality. The WTF groundwater was unsafe for use. Aquifer development and artificial recharge for sustainable development are recommended.
Inhalable particulate matter, Black Carbon(BC) and heavy metal levels in the ambient air of the A... more Inhalable particulate matter, Black Carbon(BC) and heavy metal levels in the ambient air of the Accra – Tema highway in Ghana was assessed. Using IVL sampler and Sierra Anderson (GAST) pump, airborne particulates were sampled on Teflon filters from November to December, 2011. Elemental and black carbon concentrations were determined using ICP – AES and Smokestain Reflectometer respectively. The average concentrations of PM10 and BC were 86.97µg/m 3 and 17.82µg/m 3 respectively showing significant contribution of carbonaceous compounds to the ambient air particulates levels. The PM10 and BC levels varied significantly with the days of the week, with the weekends recording relatively lower levels. Elements of crustal origin were identified as the major elements while those of anthropogenic origins were present in trace quantities. Enrichment Factor model (EF) was used to identify species of crustal and non– crustal origin in the ambient air particulates. The Enrichment Factor values o...
Research Article , 2022
Water Quality Index (WQI) model was utilised to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of ground... more Water Quality Index (WQI) model was utilised to evaluate the physicochemical parameters of groundwater quality at the effluent discharge and administration areas of a waste treatment facility (WTF) in Shama Municipality in Ghana. Borehole water samples were collected once a week for six months and coliform bacteria were determined in the samples using Colony Forming Unit while the physicochemical parameters were analysed using instrumental and titrimetric techniques. Twenty physicochemical parameters were used in computing the WQI of groundwater. Groundwater collected I km away and within the WTF tested negative and positive for coliform bacteria respectively. WQI classified groundwater samples collected at the effluent discharge area as poor water quality type. However, groundwater collected 1 km away and at the administration area of the treatment facility was of good physicochemical quality. The levels of EC, COD, TDS, Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ and Cl − ions exceeded the WHO drinking water permissible limits. Statistically, there was no significant difference between mean levels of physicochemical parameters of groundwater at the three locations (p < 0.05). PCA revealed that weathering and dissolution of rock minerals and human-induced activities negatively affected the groundwater quality. The WTF groundwater was unsafe for use. Aquifer development and artificial recharge for sustainable development are recommended.
The study examined the sanitation and hygienic conditions in urban communities in Gomoa East Dist... more The study examined the sanitation and hygienic conditions in urban communities in Gomoa East District in Central Region of Ghana. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 360 inhabitants from three urban communities. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that tap water was the major source of drinking water in the communities, usually purchased from water vendors and stored in closed containers. Most inhabitants (42.5 %) used Public Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP) latrines. Some household toilets (21.7 %) never had covers whilst the ones which had covers too were not closed after they had been used. As a result, most toilets produced offensive odour. Unwholesome environmental practices such as open dumping and burning of garbage were prevalent in the study area. The result of the multiple logistic reg...
The study sought to investigate the effect of computer simulation and computerised molecular mode... more The study sought to investigate the effect of computer simulation and computerised molecular modeling software on teaching and learning of hybridisation in Senior High Schools. The framework for the study was hinged on constructivists and conceptual change theories. A quasiexperimental design, which made use of non-equivalent comparison group design, was used on science students at Odorgonno Senior High School in Ga Central District of Greater Accra Region of Ghana. A pre-test was used to categorise 129 students into a control group and experimental groups (intact class, individual and cooperative learning groups). The control group was taught using the traditional approach whilst the experimental groups were treated using computer simulation and computerised molecular modeling software for two weeks. Afterwards, post-test was administered to the groups in order to identify differences in their academic achievements. Statistical analysis of the pre and post-tests scores showed more ...
The campaign for improved sanitation is increasingly threatened as people’s attitudes seem not to... more The campaign for improved sanitation is increasingly threatened as people’s attitudes seem not to promote proper sanitation practices. The study examined attitudes of urban dwellers in some communities in Central Region of Ghana towards sanitation and their influence on sanitation practices. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 360 inhabitants in three urban communities. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. A significant number of respondents (76.4 %) had good attitudes towards sanitation whilst 58.0 % of respondents had good standard of sanitation practices. About half of the respondents (49.8 %) disposed of their solid waste daily through open dumping and three out of every ten persons disposed of their solid waste through open burning. Respondents’ attitudes towards sanitation weakly influenced their sanitatio...
The study sought to investigate the effect of computer simulation and computerised molecular mode... more The study sought to investigate the effect of computer simulation and computerised molecular modeling software on teaching and learning of hybridisation in Senior High Schools. The framework for the study was hinged on constructivists and conceptual change theories. A quasi-experimental design, which made use of non-equivalent comparison group design, was used on science students at Odorgonno Senior High School in Ga Central District of Greater Accra Region of Ghana. A pre-test was used to categorise 129 students into a control group and experimental groups (intact class, individual and cooperative learning groups). The control group was taught using the traditional approach whilst the experimental groups were treated using computer simulation and computerised molecular modeling software for two weeks. Afterwards, post-test was administered to the groups in order to identify differences in their academic achievements. Statistical analysis of the pre and post-tests scores showed more improvement in the performance of the experimental groups than the control group. An independent sample t-test results showed a statistical significant difference between the performance of students in the experimental group (intact class group) and the control group (p =7.77x10-12 , p &lt; 0.05) after treatment. The study revealed that computer simulation and computerised molecular modeling software had positive effect on the teaching and learning of hybridisation. Also, student&#39;s performance in the cooperative group setting was better than the individualised learning environment. It is recommended that Chemistry teachers should adopt computer simulation and computerised modeling software in teaching and learning hybridisation in Senior High Schools in a cooperative learning environment.
This study explored misconceptions prospective Integrated Science teachers’ hold about acid-base ... more This study explored misconceptions prospective Integrated Science teachers’ hold about acid-base concepts and assessed the extent to which these misconceptions can be remediated using cognitive conflict instructional strategy. The framework for the study was hinged on conceptual change theory. One-group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design was employed for the study. Convenience sampling technique was utilised to obtain 55 participants for the study. A pre-test comprising 20 Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ) and 5 short answer questions was used to explore participants’ misconceptions. The participants were taught using cognitive conflict instructional strategy for a period of 4 weeks. Afterwards, the same test (post-test) was administered to the participants to identify the differences in their academic achievements. The responses of the participants were analysed and catogorised into three levels of conceptions to establish their misconceptions. Analysis of pre-test results re...
The study investigated into the factors that affect the quality of Integrated Science teaching an... more The study investigated into the factors that affect the quality of Integrated Science teaching and learning in second cycle institutions in the Juaboso District in the Western Region of Ghana. A survey design was adopted for the study. Structured questionnaire was used to collect information from a sample of 158 students and 11 Integrated Science teachers. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that the instructional strategies employed by Integrated Science teachers during teaching and learning of Integrated Science were not varied, teacher centred and not inquiry based. Instructional materials utilized during Integrated Science lessons were inadequate. Lack of funds, no motivation by government and no heat source were the major constraints to teacher’s use of instructional materials. An independent-sample t-test results showed a significant difference between mean response of students (M= 43.56, SD = 25.61), and teachers (M =5.67, ...
This study assessed the practices and knowledge about environmental sanitation and hygiene among ... more This study assessed the practices and knowledge about environmental sanitation and hygiene among urban dwellers in Gomoa East District in the Central Region of Ghana. A cross sectional survey research design was adopted for the study. Random sampling technique was used in selecting 360 inhabitants in three urban communities. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study showed that a significant number of respondents (80.8%) had high knowledge about environmental sanitation and hygiene than respondents (2.5 %) with low knowledge. Respondents who had good standard practices regarding environmental sanitation and hygiene were 43 % greater than respondents with poor standard practices. Chi-square test results showed that no association exist between sex and knowledge = 2.32, p = 0.31) and age and knowledge = 2.03, p = 0.36). However, there was significant association between occupation and knowle...
The study examined the competency level of Senior High School Biology teachers in Eastern Region ... more The study examined the competency level of Senior High School Biology teachers in Eastern Region of Ghana in organising practical work and its influence on their attitudes toward practical work. A descriptive survey research design was employed for the study. A stratified simple random sampling technique was employed to select 80 Biology teachers with at least three years teaching experience from 20 district capital schools and 18 outside district capital schools for the study. A closedended questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from the selected teachers. Practical lessons organised by a district capital teacher and an outside district capital teacher were observed for 80 minutes using an observation protocol. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The study revealed that teachers carried out practical lessons for students and gave clear explanation before students performed practical work. Notwithstanding, students never worked in group...
Inhalation is one of the main human exposure pathways to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) ... more Inhalation is one of the main human exposure pathways to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) resulting in ill-health effect. Urban air quality is greatly affected by PAH from vehicular exhaust emissions. Lifetime lung cancer risk (LLCR) from PAH (particle phase) exposure by inhalation was estimated for tollbooth attendants on a major highway with heavy traffic flow. PM10 particulates were sampled on Teflon filters using IVL sampler for 28 days. The mean concentration of PM10 particulates was found to be (86.97±18.65) μg/m 3 , ranging from 54.86 μg/m 3 to 120.64 μg/m 3 . Using Gas Chromatography, 20 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were identified and quantified with an average mass concentration of 40.40 ng/m 3 . A good correlation existed between PAH levels and vehicular traffic. Molecular diagnostic PAHs ratios also showed that, petrogenic sources such as gasoline and diesel combustion were the possible major PAHs pollutant sources on the highway. Most of the PAH identi...
Papers by Godfred Safo-Adu