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by Wolfhand

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Stakeout 06:00


This EP started out as a single for the song “Stakeout”. Recording this single ourselves meant that we had time to test out different elements for the overall composition. Once the title track was done, we realized that some of the layers we had created deserved a closer look.

Adam, Mike, and Dave all took elements and themes from the Stakeout sessions (noisy guitar washes, ambient keyboard tracks, distorted drum machines, etc.) to see if they could be used to dig even deeper into the narrative. That was how “Parts 1 - 3” were created. These 3 reinterpretations of Stakeout call back to some of our more noir themed influences like Bohren & der Club of Gore, Angelo Badalamenti, & Johnny Jewel, exploring themes that we had not played with on previous records.


released October 31, 2024

“Stakeout” performed by:
Adam Wolinsky - Guitar, Bass, Pedal Steel Guitar, and Drums
Mike Fried - Keys
Dave Mahan - Additional Guitars, Drum Machine, & Sound Manipulation

“Part 1: Evening Unravels” performed by Mike Fried

“Part 2: Midnight” performed by Dave Mahan

“Part 3: Dawn Reveals” performed by Adam Wolinsky

Recorded and Mixed by Wolfhand
Mastered by Ian Steinberg
Cover art by Dave Mahan


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Wolfhand Burlington, Vermont

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