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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

jokerlennon asked:

im sure you know the original but im saying it counts bc of the almost medleyesque nature of it - harry nilsson's cover of you can't do that is one of my fav things atm so that's my music rec. alternatively nobody cares about the railroads anymore also by him

wonderwall1968 answered:

ooh fun!! i haven’t gone to harry yet so this is great!! thank uuuu


omg you can’t do that was so fun!!! harry vying very closely for #1 john girl with this one. literally beatles forever

also not his version of cuddly toy being here too

jokerlennon asked:

im sure you know the original but im saying it counts bc of the almost medleyesque nature of it - harry nilsson's cover of you can't do that is one of my fav things atm so that's my music rec. alternatively nobody cares about the railroads anymore also by him

ooh fun!! i haven’t gone to harry yet so this is great!! thank uuuu

i listened to nilsson shmilsson (or however you say it) once last year and never returned for some reason!