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Introduction Cissel, John H.; Swanson, Frederick J.; Grant, Gordon E.; Olson, Deanna H.; Stanley, Gregory V.; Garman, Steven L.; Ashkenas, Linda R.; Hunter, Matthew G.; Kertis, Jane A.; Mayo, James H.; McSwain, Michelle D.; Swetland, Sam... more
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      Landscape PlanningForest ecosystemFire regime
Data derived from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on board the NOAA series of operational, polar orbiting, meteorological satellites have previously been shown to be quite useful for monitoring vegetation dynamics at... more
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      Landscape EcologyEarth SciencesRemote SensingEast Africa
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    • Markov model
In Washington State, USA, mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) have experienced a long-term population decline. To assist management, we created annual and seasonal (summer and winter) habitat models based on 2 years of data collected... more
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      Remote SensingHabitat SelectionBias Correction
We used Landsat imagery and GIS to quantify the rates and patterns of landscape change between 1972 and 1992 for a 734,126 ha forested study area in the central Sikhote-alin Mountains of the Russian Far East. The study area includes a... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyEarth SciencesNatural Resources
arth's climate is greatly influenced by carbon dioxide conE centrations in the atmosphere, which have increased by approximately 25% since the dawning of the Industrial Revolution, when fossil fuel combustion accelerated greatly (IPCC... more
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      Environmental ScienceCarbon DioxideBiologyCarbon Cycle
The Pacific Northwest of the United States is currently embroiled in an acrimonious debate over the management of federal forest lands. Constructive resolution of this debate will require better information on a broad range of forest... more
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      BiologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcological Applications
The growing application of GPS telemetry in wildlife studies created need for analytical methods to meet both practical and theoretical concerns when conducting analyses of habitat or resource selection. We devised a new analysis approach... more
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      GeographyMultidisciplinaryEcological ModellingModels
The landscape structure of forests subjected to wildfires fluctuates through time as a result of the episodic nature of these disturbances and long-term variation in the climatic conditions that influence the fire regime. These landscape... more
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      HistoryForest Ecology And ManagementLandscapeBiological Sciences
We used partial canonical correspondence analysis to decipher the relationships among abiotic environmental variables, disturbance history and spatial gradients and the composition of the forest communities in the Sikhote-alin Mountains... more
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      GeographySpatial AnalysisForest Ecology And ManagementForest Ecology
Satellite imagery was used to quantify rates and patterns oflandscape change between 1972 and 1988 in the Changbai MountainReserve and its adjacent areas in the People‘s Republic of Chinaand North Korea. The 190,000 ha Reserve was... more
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      Landscape EcologyGeographyEarth SciencesSatellite remote sensing
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      Landscape EcologyGeneticsGeographyEarth Sciences
Populations in fragmented landscapes experience reduced gene flow, lose genetic diversity over time and ultimately face greater extinction risk. Improving connectivity in fragmented landscapes is now a major focus of conservation biology.... more
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      GeographyGene FlowPopulation GeneticsPrincipal Component Analysis
Direct estimation of aboveground biomass with spectral reflectance data has proven challenging for high biomass forests of the Pacific Northwestern United States. We present an alternative modeling strategy which uses Landsat's spatial,... more
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      CarbonGeomatic EngineeringCarbon dynamicsCurve fitting
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    • Geography
Habitat fragmentation and habitat loss diminish population connectivity, reducing genetic diversity and increasing extinction risk over time. Improving connectivity is widely recommended to preserve the long-term viability of populations,... more
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      Conservation GeneticsBiologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
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    • IEEE
We used bivariate scaling and logistic regression to investigate multiple-scale habitat selection by American marten (Martes americana). Bivariate scaling reveals dramatic differences in the apparent nature and strength of relationships... more
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A landscape plan based on historical fire regimes for a managed forest ecosystem: the Augusta Creek study. Gen. Tech.
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      Environmental ScienceLandscape PlanningForest ecosystemFire regime
Carbon budgeting is a cornerstone of climate change research and modeling, but it often presents obstacles for researchers due in part to difficulty identifying greenhouse gas sources. In an effort to expedite the process of discovering... more
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