Original Article
Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 41, No.9, Sep 2012, pp. 25-30
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Preoperative Informed Consent: Is It Truly Informed?
*M Jawaid 1, M Farhan 2, Z Masood 3, SMN Husnain 4
1. Section of Surgery, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan
2. Cardiac Surgery, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan
3. Section of Surgery, Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan
4. Surgical Unit III, Civil Hospital Karachi, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Tel: +92-0300-9279786 Email: masood@masoodjawaid.com
(Received 18 Jan 2012; accepted 27 Jul 2012)
Background: Pre-operative informed consent is an important aspect of surgery, yet there has been no formal training
regarding it in Pakistan. This study was done to assess the preoperative informed consent practice.
Methods: After taking informed permission, a questionnaire was filled in during an interview with 350 patients, who
have undergone elective surgical procedures under routine practice conditions from July to October 2010. All the
patients were asked a set of standard questions which related to the information they were provided before the
operation as a part of standard informed consent practice.
Results: Most i.e. 307 (87.7%) patients were informed about their condition but very few 12 (3.4%) were briefed
regarding complications. Only 17 (4.9%) patients said they knew about the risks and complications of proposed
anesthesia. One hundred thirty-eight (39.4%) patients said that they were allowed to ask questions while giving
consent. Most of the time 196 (56%) consent was taken one day before surgery but in few 2 (0.6%) instances it was
taken on the morning of surgery and on operation table in some cases 3 (0.9%) as reported by patients. The consent
form was signed by the patients themselves in only 204 (58.3%) cases and by their relatives in the rest. About half the
number of patients 171 (48.9%) interviewed were satisfied from the information they received as informed consent
Conclusion: This study highlights the poor quality of patient knowledge about surgical procedures and the inadequate
information provided.
Keywords: Informed consent, Surgical ethics, Operative risks, Pakistan
Providing information is an important aspect of
doctor-patient relationship. The need to provide
relevant and comprehensible information to patients before invasive procedures is continuously
increasing. Nowadays, informed consent has
replaced the old paternalistic notion of ‘‘the
doctor knows best’’, with a more mutual patientphysician relationship (1). Patients expect to be
informed of the risk of surgical interventions (2).
Pre-operative informed consent requires that the
procedures are properly explained that the patient
understands the procedures and their risks, and
agrees to undergo them voluntarily (3). One
reason for taking informed consent is that it
provides assurance that patients and others are
neither deceived nor coerced (4). Hence, the
process of obtaining consent is as important as
the contents.
Successful surgery depends on a relationship of
trust between the patient and the doctor. To
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establish this, the patient’s right to autonomy must
be respected, even if their decision results in harm
or death. Surgery is technically an assault, unless
the patient has given permission for this to occur
(5). However, despite these requirements;
instances still arise in which patients claim to have
been inadequately provided with the information
necessary to make informed decisions (6).
In contrast to Western cultures, which adhere to
more individually oriented philosophies, traditional Pakistani cultures place more value on the
collective role of family in decision making. Due
to this reason in the hospital practice of our region, most often patients are given inadequate
information about their surgery before operation
(7). Despite this general observation, there is limited research is available from our country about
the usual practice of preoperative informed consent.
This study was designed to evaluate the current
informed consent practice related to patients
undergoing different surgical procedures in two
large tertiary care teaching hospitals of Karachi.
Materials and Methods
The study was designed as an observational
investigation, which dictated that no interference
was to be made regarding the informed consent
process to the patient. Study was carried out by
using structured questionnaire-based interview
technique by MF and ZM (both present simultaneously). After taking informed consent, patients
who had undergone elective surgery at two large
tertiary care teaching hospitals (Civil Hospital and
Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre) of Karachi,
were interviewed from July to October, 2010. Patients with neurological diseases and those aged
under 18 or above 60 were excluded.
The selection criteria for the patients who were
interviewed were convenience sampling. All the
patients were asked a set of standard questions
which related to the information they were provided before the operation as a part of standard
informed consent practice. The second author did
most of the interviews, which was on the bedside
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of the patients without the presence of the treating healthcare personal. Privacy and confidentiality was ensured throughout the interview and response to individual questions was only marked
after reconfirming from the patient that the question had been clearly understood.
The questions were asked in the local language
which was in Urdu, so that patients could easily
understand and respond to the same. The
questionnaire sought information in yes/no format regarding the patient's knowledge prior to
surgery, operative details with risks, type of
anesthesia to be given with its risks, alternate
treatment options, outcome in case of no treatment. Timing of consent, designation of consent
taker and who gave the consent were also enquired. All the interviews were conducted by
interviewer who had no involvement in the delivery of health care, between one to four days
postoperatively at the earliest time the patient is
comfortable to do so. All the question asked are
shown in Fig. 1.
As part of preoperative consent:
Have you told about your condition prior to surgery?
Have you told about details of surgery?
Have you told about complications of surgery?
Have you told about the type of anesthesia to be given?
Have you told about the complications of anesthesia?
Have you told about alternate treatment options?
Have you told about outcome in case of no treatment?
Was time given to you to ask questions?
What was the timing of consent?
Consent was taken by?
Consent was signed/given by?
Are you satisfied by the preoperative consent procedure?
Fig.1: Questions asked in structured interview
A total of 350 patients belonging to four specialties of surgery were interviewed (Table-1). Most
i.e. 307 (87.7%) of the patients were informed
about their condition and the nature of surgery
they were to undergo, but only some 31 (8.9%)
patients said that knew the details of surgery and
very few 12 (3.4%) said they knew about possible
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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 41, No.9, Sep 2012, pp. 25-30
complications. Majority of patients 254 (72.5%)
said they were aware of the type of anesthesia to
be given but only 17 (4.9%) said they knew about
its complications. One hundred and thirty-eight
(39.4%) patients said that they were allowed to ask
questions while giving consent (Table-2).
Table1: Demography of patients
Age (Mean±SD)
Gender (M:F)
ASA status* (I/II)
264 / 136
126 (36.0%)
86 (24.6%)
59 (16.9%)
72 (20.6%)
7 (2.0%)
Civil Hospital Karachi
200 (57.1%)
Jinnah Postgraduate Medical 150 (42.8%)
Surgical Department
200 (57.1%)
General Surgery
50 (14.3%)
50 (14.3%)
Ear Nose & Throat
50 (14.3%)
* ASA: American Society of Anesthesia
Table 2: Affirmative (yes) responses of patients at
Post-operative Interview (n=350)
Condition prior to surgery
Details of surgery
Complications of surgery
Type of anesthesia to be given
Complications of anesthesia
Alternate treatment options
Outcome in case of no treatment
Allowed to ask questions
n (%)
307 (87.7)
31 (8.9)
12 (3.4)
254 (72.5)
17 (4.9)
11 (3.1)
15 (4.3)
138 (39.4)
In most 196 (56%) of the cases consent was taken
one day before surgery but in few instances (0.6%)
it was taken on the morning of surgery and even on
the operation table in some instances (0.9%) as
reported by patients. In more than half (54.6%) of
cases the consent was taken by the junior duty doctor (intern/House officer) and in 42.6% by the
paramedical staff (Table-3). The consent form was
signed by 58.3% of patients only; but by their relatives and friends in rest of the cases 41.7% (Table-3).
Table3: Timing of Consent and personnel involved
Timing of consent
At admission
One day before surgery
On the morning of surgery
On table in operation
Consent taken by
Duty Doctor
Paramedical Staff
Consent given by
n (%)
149 (42.6)
196 (56.0)
2 (0.6)
3 (0.9)
191 (54.6)
149 (42.6)
10 (2.9)
204 (58.3)
140 (40.0)
44 (12.6)
32 (9.1)
23 (6.6)
14 (4.0)
11 (3.1)
9 (2.6)
5 (1.4)
1 (0.3)
1 (0.3)
6 (1.7)
On further analysis, there was statistical significant
difference between male and female who gave the
consent themselves [male 144 (67.3%); female 57
(42.9%)] chi2 test P<0.001. About half the number of patients (48.9%) interviewed were satisfied
from the information they received as informed
consent process.
Our study showed that the current preoperative
informed consent practice in large tertiary care
teaching hospitals of Karachi was below international ethical acceptability standards. Even current
status of the disease was not explained to all of
the patients. Informed consent is not simply the
signing of a consent form by the patient but more
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importantly, it is a process of a detailed discussion
between the doctor and the patient. This process
takes time. However, for the busy health-care provider there is often the temptation to hand over
the consent form to the patient for signing or
delegate the responsibility to a junior doctor or
even paramedics. It is important to realize that
signing a consent form does not constitute informed consent (8).
Very few of our patients said that the details of
surgery were explained to them. In a study about
patient’s perception of informed consent, 34%
patients said they did not understand what the
operation itself consisted of and 31% patients
stated that they would have liked more information about the operation after were admitted to
hospital (9). One major part of consent is adequate explanation about the possible complications of the proposed surgery. Only 3.4% patients
in the present study were told about this aspect.
The doctor is obliged to disclose any significant
risks to the patient (10). Simply obtaining a patient's written consent does not mean that the legal duty towards a patient to explain all material
risks has been fulfilled. Kay R, et al. reported that
46% patients received explanation about the
potential side effects and complications of surgery
before an elective abdominal procedure (11).
Another study cited the similar observation in
which over 1/3rd of the patients could not name
a single complication of the proposed surgery (9).
Anaesthetists, like other doctors also have a duty
to obtain ‘informed consent’ from their patients
but they are not involved in this process in our
setup. Even, not all patients were aware of the
type of anesthesia to be given and only about 5%
were told about the complications of planned
anesthesia. A study regarding information requested by the patients prior to surgery showed
that 66% questions were related to the nature of
anaesthesia and 30% about proposed procedure
Ideally, the consent should be taken be the surgeons performing the procedure, as they are usually the best person to answer the queries. However, this task is usually left to the most junior
doctor of the surgical team (13). A study from
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Aukland revealed that house officer obtained written consent from 79% of the patients, the registrar from 6% and the consultant from 14% (9).
Most patients feel that the house surgeon provides
the least useful information regarding the nature,
risks, benefits, and alternate options to treatment.
This is in accordance with a Scottish study, which
showed that the patients acquired most of the
information from junior doctors during their stay
in the hospital (14). In the current study also, the
consent was mostly taken by house officers; even
the paramedical staff took consent in many cases
in our hospitals.
Pakistan is a mainly patriarchal society with the
economical background dividing the population in
various ill defined classes. Major decisions effecting life and other issues are mainly decided by the
male head, who may or may not be the bread
earner of the family. The same also takes on the
responsibility of the outcome of the decision
made. The individual person, even if directly affected by the circumstances surrounding the decision has minimal say especially if they are female
member of the family. This is an accepted norm
and doctors during their training learn to follow
this cultural environment. This is the main reason
and most of the time in our setup even preoperative informed consent was taken from the family
member instead of patients himself/herself.
In some cultures patients prefer to hand over their
decision-making to elder family members. In
countries like Pakistan, where family values are
high, the wishes of the elders may coerce the decision of a younger member, thereby challenging
the concept of voluntarism (15). It was interesting
to note that the consent was not obtained from all
the patients in our study; sometimes other members of the family and even friends gave the consent for surgery on behalf of the patients (Table3). However, we feel that it is important that the
ultimate decision about whether or not to go
ahead with the procedure should be made by the
patient and he/she should be the one to sign the
consent form.
The timing of obtaining informed consent is also
very important. Patients usually prefer information about a planned surgical procedure in the out
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Iranian J Publ Health, Vol. 41, No.9, Sep 2012, pp. 25-30
patient clinic and final consent for surgery when
admitted to the ward (16). Most patients in this
study gave pre-operative consent in less than perfect circumstances, as they had already been
through the admission process and were within 24
hours of surgery and even in few instances on the
operating table. In these circumstances, it is difficult to imagine how a patient would feel free to
refuse the proposed surgical treatment? In a study
about patient’s perceptions, one third of the patients did not realize that they can change their
mind after they had signed the consent form (9).
It is also important to find out how much
information is wanted by the patient. It is interesting to note that in one study, disclosure of ‘minimal’ information in a leaflet led to only 29% of
patients believing the content to be too little. This
however, increased to 63%, when further
information was provided later (17). In other
words, further disclosure of information leads to
more requests on the part of patients. It is not
clear; however, how much information would be
considered reasonable. Osuna et al. (18) demonstrated in their study that patients were not satisfied with the information they were provided.
They did sign the consent form but felt that they
have not fully understood the risks involved in the
surgery and anesthesia. On the other hand giving
too much information has a grave potential of
making the patient refuse surgery, even when told
with the best of intentions (19).
A similar trend was observed in our study where
although little information was provided but half
of the patients were satisfied with the information
received. Saw et al. concluded that 41% of their
patients did not mind what happened to them
provided they were made better; 54% trusted their
doctor to do the right thing and did not think detailed explanation was important (20).
To increase the quality of informed consent practice in our setup, we plan to arrange small group
workshops and awareness seminars for healthcare
personals. We are also working on a study about
what patients want to know before their surgery in
our culture, so that we can work on our own
guidelines and not following Western culture
blindly. We believe patient’s wishes in this respect
may be different from Western culture because of
our family values and belief in God. Also a study
is in planning phase in which the quality of the
informed consent is correlated with the patient's
experience of the care.
Limitations of the Study
There are some limitations of our study. As the
interviews were conducted in the postoperative
period, hence it is possible that some of the
information given preoperatively might have been
forgotten by the patients; preoperatively interviews on the other hand carries with the risk of
interference with the process of care. The hospitals involved in this study were public sector
hospitals; things may be different in the private
In conclusion our study has highlighted deficiencies in a number of areas; hence improvements
are needed to upgrade the quality of pre-operative
informed consent practice. Senior doctors should
play a major role and provide specific information
before or just after admission to hospital. The
information should be simple and concise, and
should highlight possible complications to enable
the patient to determine whether to undergo or
decline a procedure. It is equally important to confirm that the patient understands and is fully satisfied with the information provided. There is a
need for formulating standard guidelines about
informed consent in our country and to train
health care providers in this aspect. As majority of
patients in our study perceived no discussion of
the potential side effects or complications of surgery it could be argued that consent was not truly
Ethical considerations
Ethical issues (Including plagiarism, Informed
Consent, misconduct, data fabrication and/or
falsification, double publication and/or submission, redundancy, etc) have been completely observed by the authors.
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The authors declare that there is no conflict of
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