Intense interseasonal influenza outbreaks, Australia,
Ian G Barr1,2, Yi Mo Deng¹, Miguel L Grau³, Alvin X Han4,5, Robin Gilmour⁶, Melissa Irwin⁷, Peter Markey⁸, Kevin Freeman⁹,
Geoff Higgins10, Mark Turra10, Naomi Komadina¹, Heidi Peck¹, Robert Booy11,12, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh4,5,13, Vijaykrishna
Dhanasekaran1,3, Sheena Sullivan1,2
1. WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research, Melbourne, Australia
2. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
3. Department of Microbiology, Biomedicine Discovery Institute Monash University, Clayton, Australia
4. Bioinformatics Institute, Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
5. National University of Singapore (NUS) Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, Singapore
6. Communicable Diseases Branch, Health Protection New South Wales, St. Leonards, Australia
7. Rapid Surveillance, Centre for Epidemiology, New South Wales Ministry of Health, St. Leonards, Australia
8. Centre for Disease Control, Northern Territory Department of Health, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
9. Serology/Molecular Biology Territory Pathology, Royal Darwin Hospital, Northern Territory Government Health, Darwin,
10. Microbiology and Infectious Disease Directorate, SA Pathology, Adelaide, Australia
11. National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS), Westmead, Australia
12. Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Health, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
13. Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Correspondence: Ian Barr (
Citation style for this article:
Barr Ian G, Deng Yi Mo, Grau Miguel L, Han Alvin X, Gilmour Robin, Irwin Melissa, Markey Peter, Freeman Kevin, Higgins Geoff, Turra Mark, Komadina Naomi, Peck
Heidi, Booy Robert, Maurer-Stroh Sebastian, Dhanasekaran Vijaykrishna, Sullivan Sheena. Intense interseasonal influenza outbreaks, Australia, 2018/19. Euro
Surveill. 2019;24(33):pii=1900421.
Article submitted on 28 Jun 2019 / accepted on 25 Jul 2019 / published on 15 Aug 2019
Background: Interseasonal influenza outbreaks are
not unusual in countries with temperate climates and
well-defined influenza seasons. Usually, these are
small and diminish before the main influenza season
begins. However, the 2018/19 summer-autumn interseasonal influenza period in Australia saw unprecedented large and widespread influenza outbreaks.
Aim: Our objective was to determine the extent of the
intense 2018/19 interseasonal influenza outbreaks in
Australia epidemiologically and examine the genetic,
antigenic and structural properties of the viruses
responsible for these outbreaks. Methods: This observational study combined the epidemiological and virological surveillance data obtained from the Australian
Government Department of Health, the New South
Wales Ministry of Health, sentinel outpatient surveillance, public health laboratories and data generated
by the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
for Reference and Research on Influenza in Melbourne
and the Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and
Research. Results: There was a record number of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases during the interseasonal period November 2018 to May 2019 (n= 85,286;
5 times the previous 3-year average) and also more
institutional outbreaks, hospitalisations and deaths,
than what is normally seen. Conclusions: The unusually large interseasonal influenza outbreaks in 2018/19
followed a mild 2018 influenza season and resulted in
a very early start to the 2019 influenza season across
Australia. The reasons for this unusual event have yet
to be fully elucidated but are likely to be a complex
mix of climatic, virological and host immunity-related
factors. These outbreaks reinforce the need for yearround surveillance of influenza, even in temperate climates with strong seasonality patterns.
In 2018, the Australian influenza season was late and
progressed with such minimal activity that it barely
registered as a season by several surveillance indicators [1]. This was in stark contrast to the 2017 season,
when Australia’s highest levels of influenza activity were recorded [2]. However, several surveillance
indicators suggested that the influenza activity seen
in 2018, while low, never really stopped, as it was
expected to, at the end of the southern hemisphere
spring (November). Instead, Australia experienced an
upsurge in influenza cases with a large wet-season
outbreak in the tropical north (see Figure 1), while
southern Australia saw record numbers of laboratoryconfirmed influenza notifications, increased hospitalisations and dozens of influenza-related deaths in late
summer and early autumn, resulting in an early start
to the 2019 influenza season throughout the country.
Here we summarise the available epidemiological surveillance indicators along with a virological analysis of
the influenza viruses collected during these 2018/19
interseasonal influenza outbreaks.
Figure 1
Climatic map of Australia, 2018
Climate zones
Northern Territory
Alice Springs
Western Australia
● 2,189,878
● Gold Coast
South Australia
New South Wales
800 km
The plot shows the different climatic regions of Australia. The climatic regions of Australia are drawn according to the Köppen classification
(Australian Bureau of Meteorology – obtained with permission – see: with the populations of the main Australian cities in each state as of June 2018 (from the Australian Bureau of
Statistics) added [32].
Both epidemiological and virological surveillance data
were used in this analysis and were derived from a
number of established surveillance systems.
Epidemiological data
The monthly count of laboratory-confirmed cases of
influenza for each jurisdiction was obtained from the
National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System
website [3] for the period January 2014 to May 2019.
Laboratory data based on real-time PCR detection of
influenza A and B as a proportion of total respiratory
samples tested were provided by SA Pathology and the
New South Wales (NSW) Ministry of Health. The weekly
percentage of influenza-like illness (ILI) presentations
at emergency departments (based on ICD-9, ICD-10
and SNOMED-CT codes) was provided by the Public
Health Rapid, Emergency, Disease and Syndromic
Surveillance (PHREDSS) system for the state of NSW.
The weekly proportion of patients seen with ILI (fever/
history of fever, cough and fatigue) at general practices
was obtained from the Australian Sentinel Practices
Research Network. Both raw data and the 5-week moving average for each of these data sources were plotted.
Other data cited in this paper (e.g. deaths, aged care
outbreaks) were obtained from Australian influenza
surveillance reports [4] and NSW influenza surveillance
reports [5].
Figure 2
Selected influenza surveillance data, Australia, 2014–2019
Number of notifications
A. Australia
Monthly notifications
Smoothed notifications (5−week moving average)
Number of notifications
B. Northern Territory
Monthly notifications
Smoothed notifications (5−week moving average)
% positive
Number of notifications
C. New South Wales
Monthly notifications
Smoothed notifications (5−week moving average)
% positive (5−week moving average)
Monthly notifications
ILI presentations per 100,000
% positive
Number of notifications
D. South Australia
Smoothed notifications (5−week moving average)
% positive (5−week moving average)
E. 67 New South Wales Hospital Emergency Departments
Raw ED presentation rate
Smoothed ED presentation rate (5−week moving average)
ILI consultations per 100,000
F. General practices in Australia
01 03 05 07 09 11 01 03 05 07 09 11 01 03 05 07 09 11 01 03 05 07 09 11 01 03 05 07 09 11 01 03 05
Raw ILI consultation rate
Smoothed ILI consultation rate (5−week moving average)
Date reported
ED: emergency department; ILI: influenza-like illness.
Influenza laboratory-confirmed influenza notifications. Dotted line in panels C and D: percentage of influenza-positive samples. Light grey
bars indicate the interseasonal period 1 November–31 May for each year. All plots show raw data plus 5-week moving averages. Note that the
y-axes of the different panels are not set at the same scale.
Figure 3
Virological influenza data for the interseasonal period, Australia, November 2018–May 2019 (n = 2,965)
A. All influenza samples (n = 2,965)
Subtype or lineage
A H3
B. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 clades (n = 278 HA sequences)
H1 clades
C. Influenza A(H3N2) clades (n = 453 HA sequences)
H3 clades
Nov 18
Dec 18
Jan 19
Feb 19
Mar 19
Apr 19
May 19
Collection date
Panel A: Density plot showing the proportion of samples received at the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Reference and
Research on Influenza (WHO CCRRI), Melbourne, by type, subtype and lineage. The chart shows the changing predominance of influenza
A(H3N2) over A(H1N1)pdm09 and influenza B/Victoria over B/Yamagata circulation as time progresses from November 2018 to May 2019.
Panels B and C: Density plots showing the relative proportion of various genetic clades of viruses sequenced during this period by the WHO
CCRRI as determined by their haemagglutinin gene phylogenetic associations.
Antigenic analysis of influenza viruses
Viruses received at the World Health Organization
(WHO) Collaborating Centre for Reference and Research
on Influenza (CCRRI) from Australian laboratories were
inoculated into Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK)
cells to obtain virus isolates. Haemagglutination
inhibition (HI) assays were performed as previously
described [6]. Focus reduction assays were used to
determine influenza A(H3N2) antigenic characteristics
using the same ferret antisera used in the HI assays
basically as described previously [7] but with 1.2%
Avicell RC591 (IMCD Mulgrave, Australia) replacing
the carboxymethyl cellulose. Isolates were identified
as antigenically similar to the reference viruses if the
test samples had a titre that was no more than fourfold different from the homologous reference strain.
Results were reported against reference antisera for
influenza A/Michigan/45/2015 (2018/19 H1N1pdm09
vaccine virus), A/Singapore/INFIMH16–0019/2016
(2018 and 2018/19 H3N2 vaccine virus) and A/
Switzerland/8060/2017 (2019 H3N2 vaccine virus)
Phylogenetic analysis of influenza viruses
The haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA)
gene sequences of all globally sampled influenza
H1N1pdm09 and H3N2 viruses collected during the
period from January 2018 to July 2019 were obtained
from the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza
(GISAID) [8] (these sequences and their origins are
listed in Supplementary Table S1) and compared to the
Australian seasonal influenza sequences. Sequence
alignments were prepared using MAFFT v7 [9]. Following
manual corrections, phylogenies were inferred using
the maximum likelihood (ML) method in RaxML v8 [10]
using the general time reversible nucleotide substitution model with gamma rate heterogeneity (GTR + Γ).
We inferred the amino acid changes that occur along
the branches of ML phylogenies using the ancestral
sequence reconstruction method in Treetime v0.5 [11].
Structural analysis of influenza viruses
FoldX ( was used to estimate
changes to structural stability of each amino acid substitution. The HA structure (protein data bank (PDB):
3UBQ (A(H1N1)pdm09 [12]) and 4O5N (A(H3N2) [13])
was first repaired by the software to remove any potential steric clashes before estimating the difference in
free energy changes between the mutant and wild-type
protein (i.e. ΔΔG = ΔG_mutant-ΔG_(wild type)) using
default parameters (298K, ionic strength = 0.05M,
pH = 7.0). Estimation of ΔΔG values were repeated five
times for each substitution and the average resulting
value (ΔΔG_mean) was taken. As the empirical force
field model used by FoldX has a reported standard deviation of 0.46 kcal/mol between computed and experimental values, the tested substitution was assumed to
have a destabilising effect if ΔΔG_mean > 0.46 kcal/mol
and a stabilising effect if ΔΔG_mean < −0.46 kcal/mol.
Amino acid substitutions relative to the closest vaccine precursor were identified using FluSurver (https:// The haemagglutinin structures were visualised with YASARA (v18.2.7; https://
Ethical statement
This study used de-identified surveillance data available either publicly or on request, and their use did not
require review by an ethics committee.
Epidemiology of the influenza outbreaks
Laboratory-confirmed notifications of influenza for
the whole of Australia from the National Notifications
Disease Surveillance System (NNDSS [3]) showed
above-average interseasonal (November to May)
activity in 2018/19 (Figure 2A). Australia’s Northern
Territory (NT) often experiences two influenza epidemics, the main one during the tropical dry season (June
to August) that coincides with the southern temperate winter, and a smaller epidemic during the tropical
wet season (November to April) which coincides with
the southern temperate summer-autumn seasons.
Unusually in 2018, there was minimal mid-year activity
and an early wet-season, along with a large influenza
epidemic (especially in and around Darwin - the capital city of the NT) that unusually peaked in December
(Figure 2B). Following this severe outbreak, early and
elevated influenza activity was also noted in most
jurisdictions in the southern states of Australia, especially in South Australia during the first quarter of 2019
(Figure 2C, 2F).
The large number of notifications of laboratory-confirmed influenza for Australia that was seen in early
2019 continued to rise each month, with total notifications in March 2019 already comparable to peak notifications for 2018 (11,114 in March 2019 compared with
11,509 in September 2018). By the end of May, notifications were roughly 12-fold higher than the average
number of notifications made in May during the previous 3 years [3], and the cumulative number of notifications made for the period 1 January to 31 May 2019 had
surpassed the total notifications seen in 2018 (73,351
vs 58,868 respectively). Weekly rates of influenza
positive tests between January and May 2019 ranged
from 8.6% to 12.2% in NSW and from 4.8% to 35.4%
in South Australia (denominator data was not available
for the NT), (Figures 2B–D).
Most other jurisdictions (Queensland, Victoria,
Tasmania) experienced increased influenza activity
during the first 3–4 months of 2019 with only Western
Australia and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) having lower levels [4]. All states showed an early start
to the 2019 season and reached a peak weeks earlier
than normal (ACT started in week 19 and peaked in
week 28; NSW weeks 20 and 28; NT weeks 11 and 17;
Queensland weeks 22 and 27; South Australia weeks 9
and 20; Tasmania week 8 with twin peaks in weeks 16
and 27; Victoria weeks 18 and 27 and Western Australia
weeks 18 and 27) [14].
Hospital and General Practice ILI surveillance also
indicated early influenza activity with emergency
department presentations in NSW exceeding seasonal
threshold in late April (Figures 2E, 2F). Also concerning in 2019 has been the number of deaths among confirmed influenza cases during the interseasonal period,
which stood at 147 deaths for the period 1 January 2019
to 31 May, compared with only 23 deaths in 2018 and
19 deaths in 2017 over the same time period [4]. The
number of influenza outbreaks in residential aged care
facilities in Australia’s largest state NSW was also well
above average, with 50 facilities reporting outbreaks
between 1 January and 31 May 2019 compared with 11
outbreaks in 2018 and 14 outbreaks in 2017 over the
same time period [15]. Limited Australian hospitalisation data available at the time of writing for the period
1 April to 2 June 2019 (weeks 14–22), showed substantially higher hospital admissions, with 589 admissions
(adults and children), compared with 48 admissions in
weeks 14–22, 2018 and 99 admissions in weeks 14–21,
2017 [4]. The proportion of patients admitted directly
Figure 4
Evolutionary relationships of the haemagglutinin genes (maximum likelihood) of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 (n = 835) and
A(H3N2) viruses (n = 954), Australian haemagglutinin sequences shown from 2018/19 (n = 422 H1; n = 544 H3)
A. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
B. Influenza A(H3N2)
Tip branches representing individual viruses collected since September 2018 in Australia are shown in red and those from overseas locations
are shown in green. Clade designations are indicated on the circumference and separated by the coloured sections. For a full list of sequences
used to generate these trees see the Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID) listing in Supplementary Table 1.
to intensive care units (ca 5% of cases) was similar to
previous years [4].
Notably, notifications have been elevated in children
in 2019. In the state of NSW, 33% of influenza notifications by 31 May were in children aged 0–16 years,
compared with 22% in previous years. In NSW emergency departments, in the week ending 2 June 2019 for
example, 29.8% of ILI presentations were in children
aged 0–16 years, whereas in 2018 and 2017 children
comprised around 19% of emergency presentations.
Presentations of school-aged children to emergency
departments also increased sharply 2 weeks after children returned to school after the Easter holidays (10–
14 April 2019).
Virology of the influenza outbreak viruses
Both influenza A subtypes circulated in Australia
before November 2018, with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
predominating throughout 2018 and into early 2019,
while influenza A(H3N2) viruses increased rapidly in
2019 (Figure 3A). Influenza B also circulated at low
levels, with both B/Victoria-lineage and B/Yamagatalineage viruses (Figure 3A).
Phylogenetic and structural analysis of the
influenza outbreak viruses
Phylogenetically there were dominant HA clades of
viruses for both influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2)
viruses during the period 1 November 2018 to 31 May
2019 in Australia. For influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, the predominant clade was 6B1A 183P-5 (Nextstrain nomenclature [16]), which accounted for 201/278 (72.3%) of
A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses sequenced by the WHO CCRRI
during this period. A large majority of these viruses
formed a subclade with further signature amino acid
substitutions in the HA (N129D, T185I). This HA subclade was first detected in Darwin (NT) on 30 October
2018, spreading across the country between January
and May 2019 (Figure 3B and Figure 4A). These N129D
and T185I substitutions are structurally located in antigenic regions surrounding the receptor-binding pocket
but not close enough to affect receptor binding (Figure
5A). Importantly, they are located at opposite sides of
the pocket in distinct epitopes and hence do not have
a cumulative effect on altering antigenicity. It should
be noted that T185I is near the recently acquired S183P
mutation that is one of the differing sites between
older A/Michigan/45/2015 (clade 6B1) and new A/
Brisbane/02/2018 (clade 6B1A 183P-1) vaccine strains
and combination of the two could increase the antigenic distance to older strains. Using FoldX structural
stability calculations [17], T185I and S183P have a significant stabilising effect while N129D has a predicted
weakly destabilising effect (Supplementary Table S2).
When we compared these influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
virus HA sequences phylogenetically to global
Figure 5
Structural images of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) haemagglutinin molecules showing changes in the most
commonly circulating clades in Australia, 2018/19
A. influenza A(H1N1)pdm09
B. Influenza A(H3N2)
197 (B)
185 (Sb)
131 (A)
219 (D)
207 (D)
164 (Sa)
92 (E)
135 (A)
74 ( Cb )
311 (C)
62 (E)
Receptor binding regions are shown in blue.
Panel A: Positions with amino acid changes in the haemagglutinin (HA) of a 6B1A 183-P5 A(H1N1)pdm09 clade virus relative to A/
Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1pdm09; PDB: 4LXV) are shown in red and labelled according to A(H1N1)pdm09 position numbering without signal
peptide; letters in brackets indicate if this change was in a known antigenic site.
Panel B: Positions with amino acid changes in the HA of recent 3C2a1b + 131K A(H3N2) clade viruses relative to A/
SingaporeINFIMH-16–0019/2016 (H3N2; PDB: 4WEA) are shown in red and labelled according to A(H3N2) position numbering without
signal peptide; letters in brackets indicate if this change was in a known antigenic site. We also indicate site 135 that controls removal of a
glycosylation site in distinct subclade 3C2a1b + 135K. Supplementary Figure S5C shows the amino acid differences in recent HA of the recent
3C2a1b + 131K A(H3N2) clade viruses relative to the 2019 Australian and southern hemisphere vaccine A/Switzerland/8060/2017 (H3N2).
influenza sequences collected during 2018/19 (see
GISAID Supplementary Table S1), the predominant 6B1A
183P-5 clade viruses formed four independent clusters
showing that they were introduced on at least four
occasions into Australia during 2018 and 2019 (Figure
4A). One of the clusters contained a large number of
samples collected around Darwin, NT, during November
and December 2018 and included a smaller number of
non-NT samples collected subsequently from across
Australia, suggesting that the amplification of this lineage occurred in NT, followed by subsequent spread to
other parts of the country.
3C). This clade has been designated as 3C.2a1b based
on the HA gene phylogeny (Nextstrain nomenclature
[16]) with a distinctive T131K change (i.e. 3C.2a1b-131K)
in the HA along with other amino acid changes (K135T,
S219F, V347M, V529I). In January 2019, further substitutions were prevalent at Q197R and E484G and most
of these later viruses had K207R (Figure 3b). Beside the
dominant subclade of 3C.2a1b-131K viruses in the current Australian season, it should be noted that there is
a separate subclade of 3C.2a1b viruses with a distinctive T135K substitution (i.e. 3C.2a1b-135K) co-circulating globally (see GISAID Supplementary Table S1).
An influenza A(H3N2) HA clade which was in the minority in Australia in 2018, grew rapidly in proportion in
early 2019 and represented 373 of 453 (82.3%) of influenza A(H3N2) viruses sequenced by the WHO CCRRI
between 1 November 2018 and 31 May 2019 (Figure
Both T131K and T135K mutations are structurally
located at the fringe of the influenza A(H3N2) receptor-binding pocket (Figure 5B) which can potentially
weakly influence binding properties through altered
interactions with the galactose units of the human
host receptor. Mutations in this ring around the binding pocket are also important for antibody recognition
and can explain differences in antigenicity between
clades with multiple substitutions in the same epitope
region. Important in this context is that T135K removes
a known N-glycosylation site at position 133 (antigenic
site A) which, in principle, exposes the antigenic site to
antibody access in subclade of 3C.2a1b-135K viruses.
However, position 133 continue to retain N-linked glycosylation for the 3C.2a1b-131K viruses that are of
interest here. Based on a recent glycan study, position 133 was detected to be glycosylated with highmannose glycans along with other complex hybrid
glycan forms [13]. Along with other glycosylated sites
in the head region such as Asn122 which remains conserved in subclade 3C.2a1b-131K and is also decorated
with branched, complex glycans [13], it is highly likely
that there remains a high degree of antibody shielding
within antigenic site A of these viruses. FoldX calculations [17] suggest T131K, together with other mutations in the clade, could have stabilising effects on the
structure (Supplementary Table S2).
Similar to the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 6B1A 183P-5
clade, the source population of the dominant influenza A(H3N2) 3C.2a1b + 131K could not be discerned as
viruses from multiple continents (including Asia and
Europe) clustered with the Australian viruses. Both
the Australian influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2)
HA sequence phylogeny plots showed large groups of
monophyletic sequences, indicating the local spreading of viruses. However, in contrast to influenza A(H1N1)
pdm09 where a large number of samples were first
detected in Darwin, there was extensive nationwide
detection of the 3C2a1b + 131K clade viruses within
Australia during their amplification period in November
and December 2018. Interestingly there was a large
cluster of these viruses in South Australia (mainly in
and around Adelaide, the capital) during March 2019,
suggesting some regionally specific epidemic circulation. The influenza A(H3N2) 3C2a1b + 131K clade viruses
had also circulated widely in Japan and China during
2018/19 and to a lesser extent in Europe and less so
in the United States (US) where the 3C3a clade viruses
predominated [16].
Antigenic analysis of viruses
Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus isolates generated from
viruses that circulated between 1 November 2018 and
31 May 2019 appeared to be antigenically similar to the
2019 Australian and southern hemisphere egg-grown
vaccine virus, A/Michigan/45/2015, as only 7.2% exhibited low reactivity (≥ 8-fold titre reductions compared
with the homologous titre) with post-infection ferret reference antisera raised against egg-grown virus
when tested by HI assay. In contrast, most of the influenza A(H3N2) virus isolates from this period (mostly
clade 3C2a1b + 131K viruses) exhibited low reactivity
(≥ 8-fold titre reductions) with post-infection ferret
antisera raised to egg-grown viruses A/Singapore/
INFIMH16–0019/2016 (the 2018 southern hemisphere
influenza vaccine and the 2018/19 northern hemisphere vaccine; a clade 3C2a1 virus) and to the 2019
Australian and southern hemisphere A(H3N2) vaccine
virus A/Switzerland/8060/2017 (a clade 3C2a2 virus)
by virus neutralisation (74.2% and 89.5% respectively).
The 2018/19 interseasonal period (November to May)
in Australia has been exceptional. Not only have notifications of laboratory-confirmed cases been high, but
testing positivity rates, institutional outbreaks, deaths,
and emergency department and general practice presentations have all also been high. Together, these indicators signalled an early start to the 2019 Australian
influenza season. It remains to be seen if this will
result in extended influenza circulation or if the season
will end prematurely compared with a normal season.
By early July, it appeared that peak notifications had
been reached in most states of Australia – which is at
least a month before the normal seasonal influenza
peak, with cases thereafter declining [3,14]. However,
2019 is already the second biggest influenza season
in the last 20 years in Australia, with some 197,768
laboratory-confirmed cases up to 7 August, second
only to the 2017 season when there were 251,159 notifications [3]. The total notifications reported between
January and February 2019 was roughly 2.6-fold higher
than the average number reported for this period during the previous 3 years. This is not unprecedented; for
example in 2011, there was a roughly sixfold increase
in notifications detected between January and March
compared with the average of the 3 previous years.
However, that high activity declined thereafter and by
a number of surveillance measures, 2011 was overall
considered a mild year. At that time, this increase in
notifications was attributed to increased use of PCR
testing, and without denominator data it can be difficult to interpret laboratory-confirmed influenza notifications [18,19]. However, the elevated activity in 2019
cannot be fully attributed to changes in testing practices because the percentage of tests positive for influenza has also been higher than expected in at least
two jurisdictions, NSW and South Australia.
While Australia has a widely varied climate, the majority (over 70%) of the Australian population live in the
temperate climatic region. Consequently, influenza seasonality largely follows a winter-spring pattern (June to
October) that usually peaks around early August. It is
not uncommon to see late summer outbreaks in tropical and subtropical regions of Australia (e.g. in Darwin)
but their contribution to the total burden is usually
minor owing to the small populations in these regions.
Although reporting of interseasonal influenza has
been increasing in recent years in Australia, possibly
due to wider availability of testing [19], a comparison
of the summer-to-winter ratio of laboratory-confirmed
influenza cases for 2005/16 suggested no significant
increase in interseasonal influenza in that period.
However, during the 2018/19 interseasonal period,
influenza activity was truly exceptional and cannot be
accounted for by merely increased availability of testing. Other southern hemisphere countries (Argentina,
Chile, New Zealand and South Africa) showed few or no
laboratory-confirmed influenza cases from 1 January to
31 March 2019 as reported via WHO FluNet (https://
w w luenza/gisrs_laborator y/f lunet/
charts/en/) and their seasonal influenza peaks also fell
within their expected timespans. Normally, Australian
influenza seasons begin between weeks 20.6 and 30.9
[20] and have peaked over the past 5 years (2014–19)
from weeks 33–37 [4]. However, in 2019, most states
started their influenza season before this earlier date
with some starting very early (South Australia week
9 and Tasmania week 8) and all reached their peaks
much earlier than in recent years [4].
The role of vaccination in driving influenza seasonality remains poorly understood. Vaccine is usually
delivered from March to May in Australia each year
and is not expected to continue to provide strong,
residual protection after 9 months or more [21]. In
response to the 2017 season, several changes were
made to publicly funded vaccination programmes in
Australia in 2018. This included funded vaccine for
children younger than 5 years in most jurisdictions,
which saw vaccine uptake increase substantially from
around 5% to 30% (reaching a figure comparable with
the uptake in adults aged 18–65 years). Yet, the high
interseasonal activity has disproportionately affected
children. This fits with modelling data by Mossong et
al. that showed that in a fully susceptible population,
5–19-year-olds would be expected to suffer the highest incidence during the initial epidemic phase of an
emerging infection transmitted through social contacts
[22]. For adults 65 years and older, among whom vaccine uptake normally exceeds 80% in Australia, high
dose and adjuvanted vaccines replaced standard dose
vaccines in the national immunisation programme during 2018. It is difficult to quantify the impact changes
to vaccine policy and uptake had on transmission in
2018 and subsequent population-level susceptibility
by the end of the year. The early and severe start to the
season in 2019 has prompted distribution of a record
12.5 million doses (enough for ca 50% of the entire eligible population) compared with 9.6 million distributed
doses in 2018 and 8.3 million doses in 2017 [23]. It is
still unclear by how much protection the 2018 vaccine
will have provided and similarly if the 2019 vaccine will
have mitigated transmission at all, given that it was
being rolled out as the season was beginning.
Interseasonal or summer outbreaks of influenza have
been reported previously in several places such as
Taiwan [24], Hong Kong [25] and Okinawa [26] and are
often due to A(H3N2) viruses. The reasons for the unusual and widespread interseasonal 2018/19 outbreaks
in Australia are likely to be complex and due to multiple
factors. The weather during this period was generally
hotter than average, reached record high temperatures
in many regions across Australia and was also drier
than average, although in the tropical north-east
(Queensland), there was wide spread flooding in early
2019 [27]. The mild 2018 influenza season may also
have contributed as it meant a larger susceptible population. In 2019 (up to 31 May), notification rates were
highest in those aged 80 years or older (517/100,000),
mainly caused by influenza A(H3N2) viruses, and second highest in children (< 5 years; 492/100,000), mainly
caused by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses [4].
The co-circulation of both influenza A subtypes especially in these groups and emerging clades that did
not circulate widely during the normal influenza winter season in 2018 in Australia, may also be responsible for the higher rates of infection. The influenza
A(H1N1)pdm09 6B1A 183P-5 clade viruses made up
nearly 75% of the viruses sequenced during this
period (1 November 2018 to 31 May 2019), first occurring in Darwin in northern Australia, then spreading
to other states; similarly, the A(H3N2) viruses were
dominated by the 3C2a1b + 131K clade with over 80% of
the viruses sequenced during this period belonging to
this clade. Viruses that were part of this 6B1A 183P-5
clade were also the major clade seen in the European
2018/19 influenza season where influenza A(H1N1)
pdm09 viruses predominated, although other clades
(6B1A 183P-7, 6B1A 183P-5 P6, 6B1A) also co-circulated
[16,28]. In Canada, the 2018/19 season was also dominated by influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 (more than 90% of
influenza viruses tested) where there was also genetic
heterogeneity in the HA genes of circulating viruses
with six clades detected and the 6B1A 183P-5 clade in
minority (12% of viruses sequenced) [29]. Importantly
this heterogeneity did not appear to affect the vaccine
effectiveness (VE) for influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 which
was estimated to be 72% (95%CI; 60,81) [29].
This implies that the A(H1N1)pmd09 and A(H3N2)
viruses circulating in Australia either had some viral
fitness advantage or were able to evade existing
immunity better than other previously circulating virus
clades and may have sufficient antigenic changes to
also reduce vaccine effectiveness. The 2018 vaccine
may also have been suboptimal against these circulating strains given that the period of peak coverage
had probably been exceeded when these outbreaks
occurred, some 7–11 months following vaccination
[21]. The influenza A(H3N2) component of the southern hemisphere vaccine for 2019 (a 3C.2a2re* virus)
may also be suboptimal in terms of its VE against
recently circulating viruses, given the poor inhibition
in HI assays of circulating Australian A(H3N2) viruses
by ferret sera raised to the 2019 H3N2 vaccine virus,
that has also been reported in another recent publication [30]. In contrast, the good inhibition of circulating
Australian A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses in HI assays by ferret sera raised to the 2019 H1N1pdm09 vaccine virus
suggests that these viruses will be well covered by the
2019 influenza vaccine (assuming the same viruses
continue to circulate through the winter and spring).
These outbreaks in Australia reinforce the need for
year-round surveillance of influenza even in regions
with temperate climates with strong seasonality patterns such as Europe and North and South America.
Early identification of major outbreaks can forewarn
primary practitioners, aged care institutions and atrisk groups to consider bringing forward vaccination
programmes (if feasible) or being alert to respiratory
outbreaks and ensuring stocks of antiviral medications
are on hand. It would also help alert hospitals and clinics of possible increased attendances and the possible
cause of people presenting with ILI. With high levels
of summer tourists coming to Australia each year from
the northern hemisphere winter (such as the US, Japan
and China) or from tropical regions near Australia
where influenza circulates all year (such as Singapore,
Indonesia and Malaysia), there will inevitably be further introductions of influenza in the future, as we have
noted previously [31]. A better understanding of the
reasons why the summer-autumn influenza outbreaks
in Australia in 2018/19 were so prevalent may help to
mitigate their impact on the population in the future.
*Authors’ correction
The influenza A(H3N2) component of the southern hemisphere vaccine for 2019 was corrected from ‘3C.2a1’ to
‘3C.2a2re’. This correction was made on 16 August 2019,
upon request of the authors.
The Melbourne WHO Collaborating Centre for Reference
and Research on Influenza is supported by the Australian
Government Department of Health. Thank you to all the
Australian laboratories that supplied the influenza samples/
isolates used in this study. VD and MG are supported by
contract HHSN272201400006C from the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of
Health, US Department of Health and Human Services,
United, States. We thank Rapid Surveillance, Centre for
Epidemiology and Evidence, Ministry of Health for advice on
the most appropriate NSW ED surveillance indicator and for
preparation of the data. The authors acknowledge the influenza HA sequences generated by laboratories and listed on
GISAID, for a full list of submitting laboratories and accession numbers see Supplementary Table 1.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
Authors’ contributions
IGB and SS conceived the manuscript and completed the
draft. YMD, HP, RG, MI, PM, KF, GH, MT and RB collected the
primary data and edited the manuscript. MLL, AXH, NK, SMS
and VD analysed the data and edited the manuscript.
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